Lucky thread

O happens 2-4 weeks after MC. Unfortunatley, that was a question I was often asked. But, I haven't told anyone we are trying, either. And really its not a decison for them. Just for you and DH. On positive note I have a friend that MC, O'd 2 weeks later, and is 10 weeks pg with strong HB.

It's hard not thinking about how pregnant I should be. I also experienced a MMC. I went in at 8w2d and saw a baby, small sac and no HB. Was measuring 6w4d. Dr. said my dates were off. But, I knew they weren't. I had been ttc for 5 months. I then had blood drawn every 2 days with low HCG, but they continued to rise. Right up until March 6, when I MC naturally.

I didn't want to try again until March 8. DD just had major surgery and I asked DH when he was ready to try again. He said "When you are." I thought about what a fighter DD was and knew I had no choice but to get up and fight for what I want. So, we decided as soon as my body is ready, we are. We can't replace the baby we've lost. But, we still want our baby. So, I totally understand.

No one should ever have to go through MC. It is hard having all those dreams and such joy one day. Then for it to be taken away the next.

Wow, our stories seem so similar. I also experienced a MMC. Had 1st US at 6 weeks, 4 days and couldn't hear HB but she pointed out so could see it and went to hear HB at 10 wks, 3 days and it was gone. they said the loss measured around 7 weeks or a little before, shortly after our first U/S. So i walked around for a month thinking i was still pregnant and still feeling pregnant, happy as could be, only to have it ripped away from me just like that. Worst feeling in the world. No HB Nov. 21, D&C the 23rd and didn't get to start trying again until end of February. It seems like it's been such a long road and have had :bfn: past 2 months so hoping for a Mother's Day :bfp:! Your DH sounds as amazing as mine is. Such troopers they can be! Can't wait to continue following your threads. Good luck to you.
cath: oh hunny. you came to the right place! i ovulated 22 days after but id say sex every other day is good? others may say different but my hubby isnt up for 'trying' he says it makes it like a chore lol!!

were all here to support you and share our experiences with you and others. im sure if you need any questions answering we will all be happy to help the best we can :-) just remember you arent alone and you will get your rainbow baby soon xxxx :happydance:
:hugs: and :dust:
cath: oh hunny. you came to the right place! i ovulated 22 days after but id say sex every other day is good? others may say different but my hubby isnt up for 'trying' he says it makes it like a chore lol!!

were all here to support you and share our experiences with you and others. im sure if you need any questions answering we will all be happy to help the best we can :-) just remember you arent alone and you will get your rainbow baby soon xxxx :happydance:
:hugs: and :dust:

Thank you hun, Such a horrible experiance that we have all been through, some more than others :cry:

Well before we were :sex: about 6 - 10 a month haha i need my 8 hours sleep and he knows not to wake me up!! He doesnt mind if we get pregnant now or in a couple of months time but i want it to happen RIGHT NOW so thats why iv told him we will do it every other day, sperm lives for 48 hours (i think!>) so even if i am ovulating it still has a chance to get there, when my AF eventually arrives i can start tracking it with my app on my phone but until then i just have to trust his little swimmers do a splendid job! xxx
i'm currently on CD#5 and i believe i just ended my period this morning/last night. When should i start testing for OV? i bought some bulk ones on ebay so i have plenty to use up. I'm thinkingi will start testing the 25th. thoughts? according to my phone app and my fertility calendar chart, i will ovulate on or around the 29th. my best fertile days are 24th through 29th. i'm on a 31-day cycle. I just don't want to miss the mark this time. I love having this site as an outlet for all my crazy thoughts. i think my friends and family are getting tired of hearing it and are worrying about me but i can't stop these thoughts. They are constant!
Ladies thank you!!! Will read through properly when I get home tonight and upload my little photo!!!! I went straight to work after scan. I just had first glimmer of excitement after having mixed feelings since bfp x x x love to all x x x
cath: oh hunny. you came to the right place! i ovulated 22 days after but id say sex every other day is good? others may say different but my hubby isnt up for 'trying' he says it makes it like a chore lol!!

were all here to support you and share our experiences with you and others. im sure if you need any questions answering we will all be happy to help the best we can :-) just remember you arent alone and you will get your rainbow baby soon xxxx :happydance:
:hugs: and :dust:

Thank you hun, Such a horrible experiance that we have all been through, some more than others :cry:

Well before we were :sex: about 6 - 10 a month haha i need my 8 hours sleep and he knows not to wake me up!! He doesnt mind if we get pregnant now or in a couple of months time but i want it to happen RIGHT NOW so thats why iv told him we will do it every other day, sperm lives for 48 hours (i think!>) so even if i am ovulating it still has a chance to get there, when my AF eventually arrives i can start tracking it with my app on my phone but until then i just have to trust his little swimmers do a splendid job! xxx

it took us 2 years so im praying we fall pregnant in the next few months too. are you waiting for af or trying straight away? i think the first three months we are at our most fertile. so get :sex: girl! haha.

you can buy little ovulation strips on ebay or amazing for like £4 for 30 or so they are super! they helped us first time round and wished id used them when we started trying!

i think every other day is great to catch ovulation but i canthelp but poas lol.

fingers crossed!! :-)
i'm currently on CD#5 and i believe i just ended my period this morning/last night. When should i start testing for OV? i bought some bulk ones on ebay so i have plenty to use up. I'm thinkingi will start testing the 25th. thoughts? according to my phone app and my fertility calendar chart, i will ovulate on or around the 29th. my best fertile days are 24th through 29th. i'm on a 31-day cycle. I just don't want to miss the mark this time. I love having this site as an outlet for all my crazy thoughts. i think my friends and family are getting tired of hearing it and are worrying about me but i can't stop these thoughts. They are constant!

i was talking to my mum earlier and i could feel her getting really sick of me so i told her i have this forum for when they dont want to hear anymore haha.

start testing now! you never know you may ov early! fx!!:-)
Yay! So happy for you tooth fairy!! It's so exciting!

Cath - welcome, everyone here is lovely!! And I am so sorry for your loss. I know people say it gets better with time and that can be infuriating but I can say I had my MMC diagnosed March 21st and I can see how I have progressed in my grieving since, I do feel slightly better than I did. And focusing on ttc is a great way to feel positive for me anyway!

Dani - sorry it's AF, I have also just been told I have to wait until after AF now anyway as I took the misoprostol again, so theres a few of us all going for May BFPs now! Or at least I will if I ever stop mc so AF can arrive!

Fletch - thanks for the tip on those ovulation strips on eBay! I didn't use them last time as I got pg straight away when I decided to try but think after all this I will be very focused on when I O and when me and oh can dtd!!

Hope everyone is feeling ok today xxxx
cath: oh hunny. you came to the right place! i ovulated 22 days after but id say sex every other day is good? others may say different but my hubby isnt up for 'trying' he says it makes it like a chore lol!!

were all here to support you and share our experiences with you and others. im sure if you need any questions answering we will all be happy to help the best we can :-) just remember you arent alone and you will get your rainbow baby soon xxxx :happydance:
:hugs: and :dust:

Thank you hun, Such a horrible experiance that we have all been through, some more than others :cry:

Well before we were :sex: about 6 - 10 a month haha i need my 8 hours sleep and he knows not to wake me up!! He doesnt mind if we get pregnant now or in a couple of months time but i want it to happen RIGHT NOW so thats why iv told him we will do it every other day, sperm lives for 48 hours (i think!>) so even if i am ovulating it still has a chance to get there, when my AF eventually arrives i can start tracking it with my app on my phone but until then i just have to trust his little swimmers do a splendid job! xxx

it took us 2 years so im praying we fall pregnant in the next few months too. are you waiting for af or trying straight away? i think the first three months we are at our most fertile. so get :sex: girl! haha.

you can buy little ovulation strips on ebay or amazing for like £4 for 30 or so they are super! they helped us first time round and wished id used them when we started trying!

i think every other day is great to catch ovulation but i canthelp but poas lol.

fingers crossed!! :-)

Oohhhh i may have to look at them? have the got the same but in pregnancy ones? just basically a strip. i think the OV ones are green the pregnancy ones are blue?? i didnt get on with the pregnancy ones, i used loads of them 1 day before i used the CB digi one and used that and it said i was 2-3 and the 'super sensitive ones' couldnt even pick up i was pregnant but if you get on with the OV ones i might try? i have spent about £50 on tests in 3 weeks that i swore to OH i wont go out and buy loads of tests again, i got a feeling if/when i concieve again this time it will stick!!

when did you MC hun? xxx
cath: oh hunny. you came to the right place! i ovulated 22 days after but id say sex every other day is good? others may say different but my hubby isnt up for 'trying' he says it makes it like a chore lol!!

were all here to support you and share our experiences with you and others. im sure if you need any questions answering we will all be happy to help the best we can :-) just remember you arent alone and you will get your rainbow baby soon xxxx :happydance:
:hugs: and :dust:

Thank you hun, Such a horrible experiance that we have all been through, some more than others :cry:

Well before we were :sex: about 6 - 10 a month haha i need my 8 hours sleep and he knows not to wake me up!! He doesnt mind if we get pregnant now or in a couple of months time but i want it to happen RIGHT NOW so thats why iv told him we will do it every other day, sperm lives for 48 hours (i think!>) so even if i am ovulating it still has a chance to get there, when my AF eventually arrives i can start tracking it with my app on my phone but until then i just have to trust his little swimmers do a splendid job! xxx

it took us 2 years so im praying we fall pregnant in the next few months too. are you waiting for af or trying straight away? i think the first three months we are at our most fertile. so get :sex: girl! haha.

you can buy little ovulation strips on ebay or amazing for like £4 for 30 or so they are super! they helped us first time round and wished id used them when we started trying!

i think every other day is great to catch ovulation but i canthelp but poas lol.

fingers crossed!! :-)

Oohhhh i may have to look at them? have the got the same but in pregnancy ones? just basically a strip. i think the OV ones are green the pregnancy ones are blue?? i didnt get on with the pregnancy ones, i used loads of them 1 day before i used the CB digi one and used that and it said i was 2-3 and the 'super sensitive ones' couldnt even pick up i was pregnant but if you get on with the OV ones i might try? i have spent about £50 on tests in 3 weeks that i swore to OH i wont go out and buy loads of tests again, i got a feeling if/when i concieve again this time it will stick!!

when did you MC hun? xxx

£50?! my dh would murder me if i spent that much. yeah here is a link i use

i also order my cb digi off ebay too. here

so much cheaper :-) i mcd on march 15th. i was 6+4 weeks xxx
Yep,he did he go a bit nuts ha I was ordering them off eBay aswell so you can imagine how many I bought,I got 4 being delivered this week but ill be keeping them for a few weeks before I try,the thought of going through the whole tryin stage and keeping it quite is killing me I'd love to get pregnant and just not realise until I'm 12 weeks gone lol I mc at 6 weeks,just hope my hcg levels go down by Tuesday I'm hoping they will be gone by Thursday,they came down by 74 Sunday to Tuesday abd I only have 40 left! Xxx
I didnt go for my hcg appointments. The scan was all clear so I just used cheap hcg sticks to test myself and a week after I finished bleeding they turned negative. Have you finished bleeding? Xx
I had a miscarriage on March 4th at 5 and a half weeks. Devistating to say the least. As many of you said, I cried every day until the bleeding stopped. I wanted to start trying right away but had no clue when I would be ovulating. We BD'd every night when I thought I was ovulating but didn't have that much confidence that I was right. If I fell back into my regular cycle after the MC AF should have arrived on the 30th of March. By April 6th still no AF. At the urging of a friend I took a digital HPT and to my absolute shock, BFP, 2-3 weeks from conception. I am beyond thrilled and shocked by still scared of course. Going for my first scan on Friday. We are guessing I'm about 6 and a half weeks so I am praying for a little heartbeat. I wish you all the best of luck, baby dust and sticky beans!
Dani rose so sorry about af!
Hope may brings u luck.

I still havnt had positive opk but cm is going between watery clear and ewcm. I feel wet all the time (sorry for tmi). I'm sure I'm going to o by Friday.

Having lots of fun bd :-p

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