Toothfairy, your blueberry is gorgeous! I am so happy you get to feel a little more relaxed and excited now (even though I am sure you will still worry, hopefully that beautiful little heartbeat brings a bit of comfort)
Cheryl, hope this new cycle brings you your rainbow BFP!
Dani, at least you have some answers now. Hopefully your holiday has you nice and relaxed so you can conceive your May baby!
AFM, I have only had little spots of EWCM Tuesday and yesterday, but nothing like the huge amounts I got my BFP cycle. I am also having dull achey side pains, whereas I am used to getting sharp hard O pains to know it is coming

No +OPK yet, I thought I was getting there yesterday but by the time I went to bed it went stark white neg again! ARRHHG. Frustrating. No idea when O will manage to get here for real, CD22 post m/c now.