sorry to hear of the bfn Poppy

still really early yet. it's coming, don't worry. cortneymarie, you are still really early too. i am sure there will be 2 more bfp's in the next few days.
i am really starting to think you might have to change the name of the thread back to 5 bfp's.

i first got a bfp on wednesday. the frer showed a pink line within in the time. the ic showed a faint hint of a line. thursday i did the other frer i had and it showed pink within a minute. saturday i did another ic and the line was barely darker than the one on wednesday.

i did another ic this morning. it might even be lighter than the one from saturday. i am so upset. i am hoping so badly that it is just the crappy ic's. these are the same brand i had last time and they got darker fast. maybe these are less sensitive. i have some digi's but i don't know if i should do one with smu.
i have a dr's appt on friday. hopefully everything will be ok.