Cath - I also haven't AF since MC and felt O pain but no positive opk's yet but they are all new to me do I don't know if I am doing them wrong xxx
Baileybubs and Cathgibbs, so sorry for not realizing you were in the TWW! I remembered that both of you had been unsure about O, but I wasn't sure if you were officially counting down the days to test!I also haven't had my first official AF since my m/c on 29th April, so maybe we will all benefit from the luckiness of this thread and the post-m/c fertility spike!
That makes 4 of us in the horrid TWW!
And in fact, I realized that I am going to be testing on Thursday for the first time (10DPO for me) and that will be exactly 5weeks since the 1st day of m/c bleeding. Hoping it is good news!
Mine was quite long Cath, my bleeding only stopped last week! I was 12 weeks and baby measured 11 weeks and had no heartbeat or movement on March 23rd so I went to have medically induced miscarriage on March 25th. Unfortunately it didn't work but at a scan last week it showed my ovary was trying to ovulate and I'm thinking that now the bleeding has stopped it has been able to, so I'm guessing really that I might be in 2ww, as I was planning on waiting for first AF but ooooops lol, we dtd!
Just did an opk and it's negative so I don't know!
Think I'm just going to forget the opk's for this month and forget it for two weeks and just do a hpt then!
I miscarried at 5w5d and bled heavily for a full week with pretty nasty cramps and pain to go with it.
I had never used OPKs before, but decided to get them for this cycle since I knew it could be very strange post m/c and I am so glad I did because I didn't O until CD26 (if you count 1st day of bleeding as CD1) and would have been so confused without the OPK to guide me.
Especially because the ladies on here all had such a wide range of O dates post m/c--I think I made a list of them and they were ranged from CD13-CD34 or something!