Great news
I came home to an appointment at the hospital waiting, it was for today. Post mc/Pre pg stuff. The lady was SO nice and answered a lot of questions and gave me a lot of info. She did every blood test known for re current m/c but honestly thinks I was unlucky and will go onto have another without major problems.
I also got my results back from the bloods done previously and they were negative so it is reasurring to know the mc was probably just one of these things and not because I didn't take aspirin etc... phew!
So now I sit and wait for the results and see her again in a month to discuss.
She said next pg I will get early scans, be monitored, take low dose aspirin as a precaution and possibly injects depending on the bloods but she thinks unlikely I will need any.
So I am optimistic and relaxed about "why" than I've ever been.
That's my news. Can't wait to catch up on everone else's x