Lucky thread

Oh no that sucks ttc! I hope it's not AF but if it is then countdown to IUI!
well spotting has subsided today and so has cramping so maybe i'm not out yet!!! Temp went up a little too. Testing in the morning!
Aw Espero I'm so sorry Hun big hugs xxxx

Ttc ur not out yet Hun fingers and toes crossed for u. Xx

Cupcake aw won't be long till he's rolling all over the floor to get to things. Xx

Bailey thts a pain df is annoying u again men re a nightmare. Xx

Mrs d how u doin?x

Well today we were back at sensory and Leo loved it he was crawling everywhere. So cute and everyone was clapping there hands and he joined in I was so proud.

Tomoro is scan day I'm nervous tbh x
Aw Espero I'm so sorry Hun big hugs xxxx

Ttc ur not out yet Hun fingers and toes crossed for u. Xx

Cupcake aw won't be long till he's rolling all over the floor to get to things. Xx

Bailey thts a pain df is annoying u again men re a nightmare. Xx

Mrs d how u doin?x

Well today we were back at sensory and Leo loved it he was crawling everywhere. So cute and everyone was clapping there hands and he joined in I was so proud.

Tomoro is scan day I'm nervous tbh x

Good luck tomorrow hun! :hugs:
Cheryl, good luck at your scan!!

TTC, did you test yet? I've got everything crossed for you.
Ttc I'm hoping that your lack of update is just coz of a time difference!

Cheryl how did it go?
Bailey you've been very quiet recently, are you ok? xx

Ttc use a frer not a crappy ic xx
Hi my scan went well due 16th July I'm 14 wks finding out gender on the 3rd feb :)

How are u ladies doing?xx
Yay for a great scan and I can't wait o find out if you are pink or blue :)
Hey ladies,

Yay for the scan Cheryl! I'm well jeal that you are having a private gender scan! We've decided to go for a 27 week scan so couldn't really afford a gender one too. So excited to find out what team you are!

Mrs d how are you Hun? We've had a sickness bug here so I've been a bit quiet. Plus I am so tired at the mo! Thought you were supposed to feel less tired at this stage but it's probably from the sickness and the fact that df is a douche and just did nothing to help!
Ttc I'm sorry to see your chart is back at cd1 :(

Bailey I'm glad it's nothing serious, I was worried that you have been so quiet. I hope the bug has gone now, in fact I hope df has it now haha ;)

I was lucky my fatigue did disappear in the second tri but it's definitely on its way back now :( it's all systems go with our house the the moment so the time is flying :)
Ooh and you are a cauliflower! I was never a cauliflower lol! Sorry the fatigue is already returning!

I'm a bit worried about antenatal depression at the moment. I found myself in tears twice this morning, once coz df didn't get up early enough and once coz Emilia was screaming at me. I feel like crying right now and it seems to be happening a lot at the moment. I've been telling myself it's hormones and being tired but it's so often I just don't know now. I told df this morning I just need a break, I'm so tired. I feel like I'm not enjoying Emilia or being pregnant because I just want to sleep! Df just doesn't seem to get it though.
And ttc I'm sorry Hun if AF showed, hoping it was just changed coz of that spotting and then it stopped. But if the witch did show then countdown to IUI Hun, you WILL get that rainbow baby Hun, don't lose hope :hugs: :flower:
Aw you poor thing, can you mention it to your mw at your next appointment? I can't imagine being pregnant and already having a baby, you must be shattered, especially as you are back at work now too xx
Thanks mrs d. I see the consultant next week but I don't think he'd be much help with that so might book in with the MW next Thursday. I should have done it for today thinking of it. It's silly coz I feel like if I could just get some sleep I might feel better, but that's easier said than done. It's looking like df actually has next week off on holiday though (parents and in laws are on holiday at the same time so no babysitters!) so that may be a big help!
Can you go out with some friends or go for a swim or something just to have some you time away from Emilia and leave her with df just so you get a little break?
I did that on Tuesday mrs d, went swimming and left df with Emilia. Plus I've picked up a couple of extra shifts at work this week too, but I still feel as bad, if not worse today! Maybe the swimming and extra work have just made me even more tired lol! But exercise is supposed to improve your mood lol!
Df is being very good with me today. I kind of broke down crying this morning coz I told him I feel so tired and can't cope with her cranky days when I'm this tired (didn't stop him going to play Xbox on his break today though!) but he's said if he's off next week (which is looking promising) I should go out loads and he'll get up with her most days. I don't know if her crankiness is causing my crankiness or the other way around at the mo! I woke up in a bad mood and so has she! I've been trying to cheer up all day so my mood won't rub off on her but I don't think it's worked. Thing is she's waking at 6am which means she's getting just about 12 hours sleep a night (for which I am very thankful) but then she still seems so tire and cranky all day!

Sorry I'm bogging the thread down with all my negative thoughts and moans!

What's everyone else up to anyway? How's work going mrs d? When will you be starting doing the nursery?
That's good, I hope some more you time helps (and work doesn't count) but it still can't harm to have a chat with the mw about how you feel, she might be able to give you some more advice :hugs:

Work is rubbish I'm counting down the weeks until ml haha I'm not sure she'll have a nursery for some time with the amount of work in the pipeline :/ something needs to be done to just about every room
Yeah I'm gonna mention and hopefully now df seems to realise that I'm not just being "a bit hormonal" as he put it the other day, and realises that I really need his help at the mo then thing should get better.

Aw how's all the work coming along? Still not got much done? At least you know that you don't really need the nursery yet anyway, we didnt put Emilia in her own room til she was over 5 months and we never really used it for changing or anything before that.
Are you still just trying to last as long as you can at work? Do you get mat pay?

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