Lucky thread

Ouch :( do other carbs do the same?

I've just given the bathroom a coat of paint, it seemed much harder work than 2 weeks ago when I painted the utility room. I can feel my stomach muscles and my arm is going to fall off from the roller :/
I feel about to pop, how am I going to continue to grow for another 12 weeks? Eeeek! :/
I was kitchenless when Z was born. moved in 4 weeks after she was born. Sure does get messy before better. :hugs:
I'm going to have to live through it though leinz it's going to be a nightmare :(
I'm rubbish at keeping up to date at the mo! Oh mrs d I already feel like I'm gonna pop lol!

How is everyone?
Do you find you are much bigger and more bloated at night? I feel ok during the day but by the time I go to bed my belly skin is so tight

I'm good thanks, I had to wash my hair for the first time today since it was highlighted on Monday and its definitely green tinted now boooo bloodly borehole. I've googled and apparently you put ketchup or lemon juice on it, leave for a while then wash with shampoo with non borehole water. As if I don't have enough to do at the mo :/

Are you feeling any better yet bailey?
Aw that sucks mrs d!! Bloody borehole! I hope lemon juice or something can help. How long til that's all sorted now?

Yeah I find I feel really bad and bloated by the end of the day. Sometimes after I eat I feel sick. I need to remember to eat less but more often. Today I've just felt so hungry and eaten all day and not felt bloated though, which is weird. But I haven't actually had a full meal, it's a been snacks. And I was super naughty and had a sandwich!! Emilia's looked so good at lunchtime that I made myself one and we only have evil white bread in!!
Mains water got connected today but our existing low pressure borehole pipes won't take the pressure so we can't use the mains until the house has been replumbed and we can't do that until the new boiler and hot water cylinder arrives at the end of the month :(

Ooooh no not white bread, I hope you don't now suffer :( I'm hungry all the time too, I think I'm going to have more than just baby flubber to lose :(
Sounds like it's one thing after another with your new house Hun, you must be so stressed out, I know I would be! Is it your ideal house though (or will it be?)? We are still desperately trying to save any money we can so we can take advantage of this Help to Buy scheme. It's still so hard though with the price of everything else rising!! Suppose we have to just keep saving and hope we get there one day lol! We are in a nice house for now though, even if it's not ours. I guess we at least don't need to worry about things like a leak in the kitchen like we had the other day so gotta look at the positives!

Have you thought more about when you might start mat leave?

I hope the white bread doesn't have too much effect tomorrow, I'll know it's definately white bread that my body hates though if I do get a bad reaction. I love bread though!! I think it's the processed white breads I find worse. Should just stick to crackers and ryvita, but I love peanut butter and Nutella at the mo and you can't really eat them on anything except bread!
Have you started feeling full after just a small amount of food yet? I hated that coz towards third tri I started feeling soooo hungry, get a massive meal and then could barely eat any! How's your heartburn now?
We knew it needed all this work before we bought it so can't really complain, it's not our perfect house, but we can't afford our dream house so it's a compromise, it should be lovely when it's all done though.......eventually :)

I know it's tough, thankfully we bought our previous house before the credit crunch hit when borrowing was much easier, and thankfully we bought well and sold for a good profit. Getting on the ladder is so tough now, borrowing is so tight :(
The home buyer schemes that I've been involved with at work have been really good and have helped so many people, I hope you can benefit from it :) renting though does have it's advantages

Not sure about mat leave, I think at 34 weeks but I'll need to decide for sure at my next antenatal appointment at the end of the month, what about you, when do you have to tell work?

Yuck I don't like peanut butter or Nutella (unless it's in cakes) but I do love bread mmm

I just seem to continuously eat at the moment, or should I say graze, god help me when I'm on mat leave and bored at home

The heartburn is much better now thanks, I can still feel it but it doesn't bother me enough to take gaviscon. Hopefully it will stay that way. Has your started yet?

Oooh brain doctors on 5 :)
Fingers crossed we'll be in our own house by the time both kids go to school, that's the plan anyway!

Hopefully it will all be worth it then when you get the house all sorted though.

Yeah I think I'm bad for grazing too coz I either don't have chance to cook or can't be bothered so just grab something small and quick.

I've started waking in the middle of the night with heartburn, joy! But it's not terrible yet, I can imagine it won't be long til the gaviscon is out!

Oh god, Bailey has just thrown up in the lounge!! Thankfully df is here to clean it up coz I don't think I could do it right now!
Oh no poor bailey :(

Do you suffer from restless legs and muscle cramps in your legs? I get both really badly at night, I don't know what I can do to help it, dr google hasn't been much help with ideas
No I get numbness and tingling that leads to aching more than anything in my legs at night. I'm debating bringing the air mattress out again haha! My hips just kill me, people have said it's SPD but I thought that was more the pelvis than the hips.

I don't know what you can do for restless leg, does exercise help at all?

Think Bailey may have eaten too much food today that's all. I couldn't remember if I fed him this morning so I fed him again (oops!) but usually he doesn't eat more than he needs, in fact he often has some left next day.
Yay the air bed whoo hoo, I've missed those sagas :) I know my hips kill in bed too, I think it's the lying on my side when I'm not used to it. Nothing seems to help my restless legs, there is a thread on here and lots if preggos seem to be having the same issue

Aw poor bailey :( emilia was do cute giving him hugs :)
Just a shame she doesn't hug me like that lol!

Is it bad that although I've had a lie in as well as breakfast in bed, and all I've done is run df to work and put a some washing on and hoovered, I'm sat down whilst Emilia naps rather than taking advantage of the time to clean lol!!
No not at all, you need some you time, I bet df doesn't start cleaning the second he comes home from work, you look after emilia and go out to work so sod the cleaning :) xx
That's what I'm telling myself lol. Plus I'm at work 3-10 today anyway so don't wanna overdo it lol.

Have you got any nice plans for the weekend?
I had restless legs mrs d they drive me bonkers!!!! That is one part of pregnancy that I hated!!!!!
Hooray the sun is out :)

Another DIY weekend for me me thinks :)

I hope you all have a good one :)

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