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Magpies Testers.... (PMA PMA PMA for those 2011 BFP's!)

Welcome Claire! Not long till your wedding, bet you cant wait!

What symptoms have you girls had today? I am 6DPO and last night I was mega exhausted and this morning my nipples look odd (kind of marble-like color) but my bbs dont hurt as much as they did a few days ago. Is that a bad sign? Should they be getting more instead of less painful? OMG I just realised how obsessive I will be about things if I am preg. I need help. My head is spinning :wacko:
I'm due AF around the 11th! Far too impatient.
Anyone had the metallic metal mouth symptom? Is this a sure sign of pregnancy?

Yes I had it the past two days...although this morning it's not that noticeable...
Think I'm out this month, ladies. 6dpo and temp drop from 36.77 to 36.58. Oh well! Next time! Fingers crossed for the rest of you though. How are you all doing today?

Think I'm out this month, ladies. 6dpo and temp drop from 36.77 to 36.58. Oh well! Next time! Fingers crossed for the rest of you though. How are you all doing today?


Carreg, you're not OUT until AF arrives!! Remember that! :winkwink: Stop taking your temp and just enjoy each day! You will rack your brain if you keep it up! Stay positive and strong!!
Think I'm out this month, ladies. 6dpo and temp drop from 36.77 to 36.58. Oh well! Next time! Fingers crossed for the rest of you though. How are you all doing today?


I may be out too. My bbs dont hurt today and my cramps have eased off. Let's not despair yet though. Not until the witch gets us for sure!!
Think I'm out this month, ladies. 6dpo and temp drop from 36.77 to 36.58. Oh well! Next time! Fingers crossed for the rest of you though. How are you all doing today?


I may be out too. My bbs dont hurt today and my cramps have eased off. Let's not despair yet though. Not until the witch gets us for sure!!

That's it Raisin! Stay positive! And sore BBs this early is only felt by 10% of women...that's 1 of 10!
Im in the same boat I think...symptoms gone :(

how goes taking your temp work? if you have a higher temp your preggers?
In general I can't stop eating but when I was pregnant I was soooo sick I lost so much weight. Pregnant + weightloss sounds good to me! Another pukey pregnancy please!!

Anyone got a gender preference??? :lol:

I would like to have at least one girl. Since this will be my first baby, it would be great if it was a girl, just to make sure I get at least one! Of course, I also have to worry about the age factor since I am 36.

Regardless of the sex I will be so excited to have a happy, healthy baby. OH and I are planning on being surprised by the gender until the birth.

Anyone else going to leave the gender a surprise?
My boobs are getting sorer but they always do before AF.


hey all! i got my 1st peak yesterday morning on my clearblue fertility monitor. we bd'd last night and the night before....should we try again tonight? or are the last two nights ok??
tbh i think the df is a bit wrecked from the last two nights haha, and he almost cracked with the pressure last night because i got the peak. i didn't want to tell him but he insisted on knowing when i got a peak!!

Thats like me except persona...

It before ov thats important, so so important after.

Think you have covered your bases.


God i hope your right, it's only our second month of ttc so i won't be too disappointed!!!!

ps, hope you enjoyed that brekkie of yours - i had a dirty big full irish brekkie this morning :haha::haha:
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm you cant beat irish brekkie! I love white pudding and wheaten bread!! Mmmmmmmmmm.


This is my 1st month. Trying to stay positive and hope I get lucky!

im only 2dpo but i have some awful cramps since yesterday (and because its since yesterday i can't blame the full irish on it haha), i usually get cramps around ov but just before it, god i hope its not a bad sign :(
im only 2dpo but i have some awful cramps since yesterday (and because its since yesterday i can't blame the full irish on it haha), i usually get cramps around ov but just before it, god i hope its not a bad sign :(

Hope its a good sign honey! I have been having a few mild cramps today.


I've had no signs/symptoms yet. I'm hoping that is a good sign as I'm normally feel AF crampy about now...and If my memory serves me correctly then I didn't have any pg symptoms until about 6 weeks with my daughter....
well, since I'm trying NOT to symptom spot, that's ALL I've done today! Ha!
That strange metallice taste has returned...and I did have that during one of my pregnancies..can't remember which one! And slight bloating/cramping feeling. UGH! ONE MORE WEEK!!! I keep telling myself I'm not pregnant, so if I'm not, I won't be disappointed (yah right). And if I am, I will probably FREAK OUT! I'm ok with a + or a neg. this month...all in good time!
How's everybody else doing??
I'm testing on the 15th... so not between 10th-14th, but close haha :)

Put me down for the fourteenth, probably a bit early but I tested positive at 8 DPO with my son so you never know!

I'm sure I'm going to OV tonight -- got my first barely positive OPK late last night, BD with DH early this morning and again this afternoon, and have been feeling bloated/tender/PMSy all today. Good signs!!!!

This is only my second OV since I had DS so I'm excited just to get a positive OPK! Was light/barely positive last night and dark positive this afternoon, so I'm happy I caught the very beginning and got to BD before OV. Last month I only caught the very end and we didn't end up PG, obviously. But I'm crossing my fingers for this month! Please, please, please give me my BFP this month!!!
hi girls....so i am having tons of ewcm (sorry tmi)...i thought i ov'd...but it says on net that ewcm happens just before ovulation...so i am totally confused n i think my dates r pretty messed up....boobs started hurting already...usually its really worse just before my period....siighh...this 2ww will take forever...it will kill me along the way with all the tensions....:cry:
Hiii mita, I get EWCM after ovulation sometimes so I wouldnt worry.


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