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Magpies Testers.... (PMA PMA PMA for those 2011 BFP's!)

Lots of CM over here, but then I have that every month PG or not :lol:

I feel pregnant :shock: We will see!!!
I have alot of CM too but I always do 2nd half of my cycle.

My PMA is starting to wane... I dont think I have got lucky.

Hello gals! Today I am 8 DPO..and I am feeling pretty good..so that's good, but maybe it's bad? LOL! My hubby arrived home last night from a one week deployment/trip, and he rubbed my belly and smiled and said "what's in there?" I told him, "nothing"..and his response was "how do you know?" My only response..."I don't". He just smiled. :winkwink:
I wasn't sure he was ready for #3, but now I wonder if he'll be disappointed if this isn't our month..
BUT he knew I was pregnant before I did with our first!
FXed for us all!

I decided this a.m. that I will test on Thursday...at 12 DPO...
August/September are the most fertile months of the year, so you never know!
Hi Girls,

Well I have had a lot of AF like cramping today. Not much else though. I'm still worried the witch will get me.

Ive just been really naughty today and baked 2 cakes. Devoured most of it already! Took my mind off things for a while. Just thought I'd share.

How is everyone else today?
I'm due AF around the 11th! Far too impatient.
Anyone had the metallic metal mouth symptom? Is this a sure sign of pregnancy?

Yes I had it the past two days...although this morning it's not that noticeable...

Mine's completely stopped now, only lasted a few hours a couple of days ago. How odd! Yesterday was a full day of heartburn and today I just feel tired and lethargic. Did two tests (can't help myself) Both BFN. Gutted. OH reassured me that it could still happen this month as it is early to test...
Hi Girls,

Well I have had a lot of AF like cramping today. Not much else though. I'm still worried the witch will get me.

Ive just been really naughty today and baked 2 cakes. Devoured most of it already! Took my mind off things for a while. Just thought I'd share.

How is everyone else today?

mmmm...cake sounds yummy. I am doing ok today. I haven't noticed a lot of new symptoms, so I am feeling a little less confident. It's still really early for me though (5 DPOish).

Anyone symptom spotting anything new?

I'm off to plant some shrubs in the back yard this afternoon and then off to ride my horse! I hope all of you ladies have a wonderful day/evening (depending on which side of the pond you are on :flower:).
I'm due AF around the 11th! Far too impatient.
Anyone had the metallic metal mouth symptom? Is this a sure sign of pregnancy?

Yes I had it the past two days...although this morning it's not that noticeable...

Mine's completely stopped now, only lasted a few hours a couple of days ago. How odd! Yesterday was a full day of heartburn and today I just feel tired and lethargic. Did two tests (can't help myself) Both BFN. Gutted. OH reassured me that it could still happen this month as it is early to test...

YES! It's still early! Looks like it could take us up to 6 days to get a positive test! Hang in there..I'm just gonna enjoy these next few days...and wait...and wait...and wait..:wacko:
Breasts no longer feel tender, backache still there but I'm starting to wonder if that was from the class I took on th/F all day sitting. My temp dropped back down to 97.5 so I'm not sure now. My DH said it was super cold in the room last night (he's almost never cold) and he was even cold so that may be a factor. Burning sensation is still there though so I don't know?! Yesterday I ate some chocolate chips and couldn't finish them as they were too sweet? So I am confused. Anyone want to take a peek at my chart and see what you think? I'm borderline hypothyroid so my temps tend to be low. https://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php

I know my chances are low since we BD 5 days before 0 and I'm 39. We aren't actively trying but this month I o'd early (I run between 28-35 but almost always am at 35 days)
Hi Girls,

Well I have had a lot of AF like cramping today. Not much else though. I'm still worried the witch will get me.

Ive just been really naughty today and baked 2 cakes. Devoured most of it already! Took my mind off things for a while. Just thought I'd share.

How is everyone else today?

mmmm...cake sounds yummy. I am doing ok today. I haven't noticed a lot of new symptoms, so I am feeling a little less confident. It's still really early for me though (5 DPOish).

Anyone symptom spotting anything new?

I'm off to plant some shrubs in the back yard this afternoon and then off to ride my horse! I hope all of you ladies have a wonderful day/evening (depending on which side of the pond you are on :flower:).

have a wonderful ride! I'm jealous! I would give anything to have a horse...*sigh* someday..
My main symptoms is that I am exhausted, my OH had to put me to bed last night at 9.30pm as I fell asleep on the sofa & I just had a bath and fell asleep for 2/3 hours afterwards still in my towel! :haha:

im still crampy today, im 3dpo....was very sick this morning :( but that might be due to alcohol from last night!!!
My main symptoms is that I am exhausted, my OH had to put me to bed last night at 9.30pm as I fell asleep on the sofa & I just had a bath and fell asleep for 2/3 hours afterwards still in my towel! :haha:


sounds promising! FXed for ya! I remember my first pregnancy...I was EXHAUSTED! After being a parent, you're always tired..so I didn't really complain much about being tired with my second pregnancy! And this one, if I am preggers, doesn't really matter..I'm ALWAYS tired now!
I could quite happily go back to sleep right now but I have stuff to do! :haha:

started to feel crampy/bloated/gassy (tmi). I'm thinking it's too early for me to be feeling like this due to AF, so I am staying positive!
started to feel crampy/bloated/gassy (tmi). I'm thinking it's too early for me to be feeling like this due to AF, so I am staying positive!

that's what i was thinking.....because i'm not due af for another week and a half! it's unusual for me to feel so tired and crampy like this and i'm not sleeping too well either - and im having some very very weird dreams too these last few nights!!!
probably just symptom spotting though!
I can't believe this sentence is going to have a :yipee: on the end but......

I can't stop weeing!! :yipee:
:hi: ladies i will be testing friday whoopppp 9dpo today just gassy bloated xxxxxx

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