Making a Baby

How is everyone doing?????

FF tried giving me dotted crosshairs AGAIN this morning, until later when I wiped EWCM and then when I put that in it decided to remove them again. Lol.

So, EWCM starting today, O will be today/tomorrow/Friday sometime, as predicted originally. Lol. I'm thinking probably tomorrow my temp will still be low but Friday it will probably be going up again, making tomorrow O. With no BD last night, and our only bd being four days ago, the pressure is on to get one in tonight. I don't feel like we have much chance and I'm already giving up. Sigh.
Hey flyingduster how you doing?

I had O pains today and i also checked my period tracker so my O day is on point. Closer to getting AF for 2nd time now. Im not sure what i want anymore, i do want another baby but then i dont....idk if it just gets me down thinking maybe my body cant handle another pregnancy at all or if it was my traumatic delivery with my rainbow baby. Im not pressured at all in trying yet.
Trudging along, DH and I have been talking about trying a natural IUI cycle if nothing happens by the time we come back from DS's birthday trip home in March. We see that I can ovulate on my own (well when stress doesn't send my cycles wonky), seems like the most likely option to help us and the least costly ha!

Still stupidly tired, I hate AF with a passion, it puts me in a funk and a sleepy one at that!
Oh jalanis, I flip flop all the time too. Like, do I REALLY want another kid? I'm just getting my life back, two kids argue so much already, why on earth do I want another?? But then I think ahead to grown kids and I want more. I do. But it's hard. It'd almost be easier to just give up, wouldn't it?

Hugs Disney. I hope you have success whatever you decide to try. Xx

Afm, I'm a bit surprised but we managed bd last night! Properly! I knew I hadn't Od yet cos the EWCM has t ramped right up yet, and my temps have confirmed that, so waiting on O potentially today but I feel like tomorrow or even the next day. Last nights bd gives us a halfway decent shot for the next few days anyway, and might try again tomorrow too. We shall see. I'm overall feeling pretty "meh" about it all though.
I agree flyingduster! My little one is 2yrs old and maybe i should wait a little more ahh not sure. Ive always wanted 3 total but my birth experience with my son was traumatic that after i delivered i said never again. But then i see babies and its an aww moment goin on. Only time will tell if its meant or not.

Hows everyone doing? Seems a little quieter now.
It is quiet, without FTale poking us along!! Haha. Miss you FTale!!!!

I've got masses and masses of EWCM today, bang on schedule. I'm also a little crampy so I'm gonna say today is O, there is a chance it won't be till tomorrow, but I just don't think so. I'm gonna try for another bd tonight, but even if it doesn't happen the bd two days ago does still cover us too. Still feeling pretty so-so though, not all excited or anything like I have been. We shall see.
Hi there. I'm mostly on fb now. I'm not TTC but had to scratch the itch. So got one ivi in today and its O'Day from the feels of it but not worrying out it as we are on break. So not chasing eggy.

Flying: I hope you were in time for O!! I read your post and realized I was heavy with ewcm too. I think this is day 3 of it too. I was shocked.

Jalanis: Yeah, I have wonderedif I want to or not and after it taking so long this time, the thought of not trying is growing bigger. I hope you have a fun Vegas trip this summer.

Disney: I'm wondering if we shouddo an hsg before iui. I had it once to see if tubes were blocked. Sometimes a good flush is all you need :)
Not sure our insurance would cover a hsg, we'll figure it out after our trip in march if it comes to that. We're just trying to figure out all of our options if they're needed you know? At least dh says he's still on board with trying even with the work stress.

You other ladies should come join the fb group ;) it's easier to check fb and not get sneaky eyes see you're looking at a ttc forum over your shoulder lol
Lyo made the group, you'd have to add one of us as friends so you could be added to the group because it's a secret one (can't be searched on fb)

So our insurance will cover fertility diagnostic testing, just not in conjunction with ART procedures so if I needed a HSG as diagnosing something then they'll cover and I'd just pay copays. they cover fertility meds such as clomid but not in conjunction with anything but trying naturally. it's case by case for what they'd cover for DH's test. One of DH's coworkers with the same insurance said not to contact them at all until you go in for testing or help, one whiff of ART being mentioned and they'll deny all claims :|
Ahh got it! Whats your name or which is your fb page? So i can send a request
I said I was keen on fb toooooo. My page is (easy!) aka Amy McCauley.

Disney, that's a good idea sussing out your options, but I do hope you won't need them!!!

FTale, haha I soooooooo hope you just manage to catch the egg because of the relaxed approach!!

Afm, I swore I was ovulating yesterday; hip cramps on and off, masses and masses of EWCM in the morning then very little the rest of the day. But by evening my cervix, which had been sitting at a middle-high position, it disappeared way up high so I struggled to find it and today my temp has plummeted lower than ever, so I guess I'm ovulating today! And omg, we got a bd in last night!!! So I've gone from feeling pretty so-so about it all this month, so suddenly feeling hopeful.

Also, today is cd18, which is my old typical O day prior to the early mc. Since the early mc it has been earlier, so FF put my predicted days earlier than today but I'm feeling certain today must be the day, back to my old usual again.

I know my chart looks all up and down here, but looking at my previous charts it's actually really consistently low for me! Normally I'm up and down like this both above and below a typical coverline of about 36.3-ish but if you look at my chart the highest of my highs in this FP are actually only just at my usual coverline level, so if my coverline ends up a typical level, it'll actually be amazing having so many lovely low temps before O.
Hope you get your temp spike flying duster (I sent you a friend request on fb - I'm Gemma ;) ), my stupid cycle was like that with the up down all the time, I hope you don't have to wait too long to ovulate, perfect bd timing too!

Sometimes I get o pains across a few days, at the moment I'm waiting for af to go away. The last day drags with "Oh can I go without a pad? Nope! How about now? Maybe... wait nope! Now? Definitely not!!!" Af is so odd haha, I can't be the only one that it goes lighter in cd3 to only something when you wipe to oh crap caught out, need a pad for light flow? It's only been this way since I had DS, before him it was 5 days of heavy flow with no let up at all, after having DS I had endometritis infection from miniscule retained placenta and good gosh that scared me how much I bled. 3rd or 4th pp af settled to what I have now (unless I have a long cycle then it's the old stupidly heavy af). I'm rambling now lol

I filed for citizenship today, got caught in torrential rain and DS was loving getting rained on... my foot absolutely soaked when I tried to cross the street to get to the car was not so fun haha
Thanks for the group add Disney!! I normally up and down cos I bed share and nurse all night long and I don't temp at the exact time or after a consistent amount of sleep, so my temps are always up and down. But normally the coverline has to slot along somewhere in the middle, whereas all my temps so far are below my usual coverline temp! It'll be interesting to see if my temp spikes, or does its usual slow climb. I'm so confident I'm Oing today though, cramps galore! The low temp, the EWCM, it all screams o. Fx!

As for AF, I wear a cup, so once the heavy first 2-3 days are done, I just empty it twice a day and otherwise ignore it! When it gets to the point of me having forgotten about it all night and half the next day, and only has a tiny gloopy bit in the bottom, I leave it out and it's just light spotting that never goes further than the toilet paper. So I dunno, I don't really get caught out with a cup up there! Lol
Bbygrl, find me (my link is above) and send me a friend request and I'll add you in, you've gotta be a friend to be added. We can unfreind again once you're in of course, if you want. :)
Ah I thought I had sent you a pm bbygurl, sorry.

Baby fever hit an all time high, friend gave birth to her second baby, a little girl and we got DS's hair cut, he looks so grown up, time is going too fast, will start opks on wednesday, seems to be flying through this month so fast, my citizenship paperwork is being delivered to their PO Box tomorrow am, I'm all holy crap things are still moving along even without being successful ttc'ing yet.

Hope you ladies are all doing well, hope your temp stays up there flyingduster!! fx for a nice bfp in 2 weeks!!
I've added you to the group bby, but an admin of the group has to approve it. :)

Temp had the teeniest drop but still up nice and high so tomorrow's temp should be higher and give me crosshairs. :)

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