My son used to have the tantrums like that when i let him get over tired. He was such a bad sleeper that if i put him to bed so much as 2min after he started to show signs of being tired it was already too late! Oi, i so do not miss that lol
My son used to have the tantrums like that when i let him get over tired. He was such a bad sleeper that if i put him to bed so much as 2min after he started to show signs of being tired it was already too late! Oi, i so do not miss that lol
10dpo so still early. My 10mui test are arriving tomorrow
Ladies with O pains, I never noticed them until after I had DS, but I did always notice constipation a few days before then I'd get the runs the day of O, still pretty true, the Estrogen surge gives the runs hahaha, it's my little tell tale marker until I see a temp rise, was certainly true for when I conceived DS and every fertile month since his birth. it's so easily confused with pre-af symptoms if you're unsure of your cycles... For instance, when MIL was deathly sick back at easter, AF went walk about and O pains had me thinking AF was due, nope didn't show till 2 weeks later, 2 weeks late that cycle from all of the stress.... almost 2 months late on the next cycle!!! But I had O pains the whole time she was in surgery and panicked that I didn't have any pads or anything with me, nope it was just really strong O pains.
I seriously NEED to get pregnant before she decides to do all of the reversal surgery next year (stoma and reconnect her intestines to everything down there, she is so over having colostomy bags and wants to go swimming next summer). We almost lost her to infections and then she said she was done, wanted to end it all, we were all very stressed.
On to OPK's today! that is if DS will take a darned nap today, it's getting to be too much of a fight, I may end up letting him stay up today and not nap, this whole not wanting to nap is doing me in, you can see he's clearly tired by 2pm when he doesn't go upstairs to sleep, but the screaming... I don't want the cops at my door thinking I'm torturing him haha. Otherwise he tries to come into the bathroom with me when I test, or he stands there knocking incessantly on the door LOL
grrrr... solidarity on the no nap front! 2 days ago I went to pick her up from a sort of kindergarten we have here (3 days a week for 3 hours) and the teacher told me she was asking to go to sleep the last half hour. Guess what? She changed her mind once she ate lunch! Didn't sleep yesterday either and we had a couple other days that she skipped her nap. I am not ready for this to happen! I LOVE it when she napsFingers crossed it's just a phase for both of our little ones!
grrrr... solidarity on the no nap front! 2 days ago I went to pick her up from a sort of kindergarten we have here (3 days a week for 3 hours) and the teacher told me she was asking to go to sleep the last half hour. Guess what? She changed her mind once she ate lunch! Didn't sleep yesterday either and we had a couple other days that she skipped her nap. I am not ready for this to happen! I LOVE it when she napsFingers crossed it's just a phase for both of our little ones!
So not ready for him to give up naps, naptime was our sneaky bd time on the weekends, kid is going to hinder getting a sibling! I slept so much in the first tri with DS that I am hoping this is just a phase, those naps were glorious! he let me have 2 minutes to pee and test in exchange for a cookie that had to be eaten sitting on his little ikea chair, tomorrow will be coloring books, that buys me a few minutes until I'm made to color it in for him lol. Got to save the good and longer distractions lol. He went to sleep fine he was really cuddling up a half hour early for bed but even when saying he was tired he didn't want to go to bed early... twoberty angst haha
Lyo, hope that your littlest feels better soon, DS had hfmd when he was 4 months old, drinking was the hardest part being so tiny he couldn't have much other than milk.
Frozen pedialyte as icepops can help, we've replaced water when making jello with pedialyte before to make ice pops (jello makes for a good non-dripping icepop) he finished up what frozen breast milk I had when he was tiny for mini icepops.
Those little mouth ulcers are horrible, it's very contagious tooI got it from him (mildly) and the blisters on your hands and feet are awful, felt like firey pinpricks to walk and touch things. I still had unused cans of dermoplast in the bathroom, that helped soothe my hands and feet, I used covered ice packs on his hands and feet to give some relief. All from patient that was in the drs office had it where DS caught it at his 4 month well check. My hands itch just thinking about it. I hope it's a mild case for your little one!
Off to catch some sleep, praying DS sleeps in till 8!
bbgurl: I know its stressfulat 10dpo I normally start going bonkers for my bfp already (that day is coming). Hold tight you are still very early. FX those more sensitive tests to show a sweet bfp soon.
Lyo: EEEKKK...that is my most feared illness. My daughter had it twice after my babysitter at the time started taking her to mall play areas/playground. I kept her way too sheltered but it is so sad to watch them with hfm. I pray they all feel better really really really soon. And you be careful cause it so contagious.
I too have been up since 250am. I have no idea why I woke up. I thought might as well temp. 97.60 no change from yesterday. I did wake up on my back with the chomps opened. And I wasn't ready to get up so I just kept on my pillow. Then like clockwork, my daughter comes to my room complaining of a bad dream at around So I was meant to get up early and didn't know it. I tucked her back in and temped one more time to see it was at 98.04...hmmmm It hasn't gotten that high during the day time so maybe I did O.
FX your babies get better real fast and that egg is getting fertilized!
Disney: You are going to be one sleepy mama with your next lil one. I think Aiden might be one to give up naps earlier than most kids. I just remember the being super tired the first 3 months. Its like all they want to do is continuously eat and sleep but not necessarily when you want to
Coco: 3 hrs? Man that is not long at all for school. I do think its funny she was ready for a nap until she got that energizing food. I know when in daycare food usually puts them to sleep. I don't give my daughter sugary items often but when I do it calms her down instead of getting her hyper. My backwards lil
Oily: Don't miss the tantrums at all. And even at 6 years old I'll tell her to go take a break/nap if I see her looking all zombie like. I'll get the 'curse you look' or 'sad lip' but I'm like 'You'll get over it'
Taylor: There you are!! I was getting worried. I hope its a good busy you're in. Progesterone is great for lengthening the cycle and I'm calling in today to see if I can get a test scheduled and prometrium ordered for this cycle just in case. I was on it before but I still got my cycle while on it but at least I got the full luteal phase. You are doing AMAZING!!! I'm like, you have to have made a sticky bean. I'm on the edge of my seat for you.
AFM: Thought I would post a view of my chart. I like to poke around with it so I do not leave a link in siggy. Some times I forget to unpoke wouldn't want to confuse anyone.
oh dear. other 2 have it too. hope I don't get it. I assume it would affect getting pregnant this month 😢
10dpo so still early. My 10mui test are arriving tomorrow
Ahh cant wait to see! Remember dont get dissapointed til AF shows. I got a late bfp and i was more than sure i was out already.