bbgurl: Hope your daughter is feeling better. Some hospitals....geesh. You think they think they are only there if you are visibly bleeding or have some thing chopped off. Fevers are serious business. Is she eating?
Lyo: Mmmm...sleep, I just wan to sleep all day. I really hope you can catch up on it soon. I've turned into a total sloth. I'll be doing dishes for two days straight at this rate.
Taylor: I'm hoping this is a good sign for you. Keep us posted
I'm just sitting here trying to stay awake and craving both salty and sweet things. I could deep fry a snickers bar and eat it right now. Total pms cravings.

Way too too eary for that I would think.
I feel totally normal aside from having a light cold

Only today am I have a tiny bit of cramping around both ovaries but that could be from my IBS too.
The only thing I've really had to do is watch my bbt and it is crawling like a snail. Its not very high so maybe that means I'm not producing much progesterone?
How is everyone else doing? I know we are all over the globe with our cycles. I hope all is going well.