Flyingduster, don't worry too much about the temp drop, looking on FF at pregnancy charts, a LOT have various dips early on in pregnancy and don't result in miscarriage, keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!
AFM, spotting brown has finally gone, roll on next week for operation: BD like bunnies haha, not sure why but my cycles that are lighter, I spot brown for so much longer, I don't put it on my chart because it's only when I would wipe. it's like err come on AF get out of here already!!
Jalanis, my temp will drop .5 of a degree when just the covers are pulled off me, but if I get up and walk around my temp rises by about the same, especially if I have to go get DS when he's crying in his own bedroom.
DS after a week of napping, BEAUTIFULLY!! now no longer wants to nap again :O he is not liking the clocks changing and thinks 6.15am is totally acceptable time to wake up

I guess this cycle I will be temping at 6.15am ha! I am fully ready for a nap though!
Oh and my wondfo's came today, well they were delivered to my in-laws (our banking is still set to their address so amazon and paypal etc go off billing address if like a dumbo I forget to change it). personally I'm feeling really uncomfortable them knowing we're ttc, let alone my tests being sent there by mistake... I wish DH hadn't said anything to them :/