Aphy: Did you take test same time of day on cd16? Either way only about a days difference with the testing. Temps are my worse enemy this cycle, so I'm not much help there. I've been waking up at crazy hours in the cold trying to temp..lol...
Hey, if its the only test you have then so be it. Some times you just have to know. And being a day late or just before AF is time enough to pick up on a digital at this point unless you implanted late.

Hoping that digital is a bfp!!
Disney: WOWzers!! You are full loaded..lol. I wanted to get Wondfos this cycle but went with the other silly brand which by now they should have made it back to the sender. I've heard pretty good things about them. I think cd 10 is a good start for testing on O. I started earlier since I was on Soy but couldn't tell what was going on because my LH strips were so bad. Once I got a name brand from store it literally said I was about to O...ugh, so barely caught it. Here's to catching that egg before it gets crowded at home with your fam coming in!!
Jalanis: Sounds like you are gearing up for O or maybe Oing???? Your tests should be looking close to positive no?

thinking of you.
Lyo: Any sign of impending O? Hope you are getting some good sleep. It will help for sure.
Speaking of sleep, I've been up since 2am like a crazy person. I wasn't even freezing like I am now at my computer. I wish I was sleepy but I'm not. I have my first day of work too in 5 hours..lol.. How I wish I was still downing coffee like a mad person. My temps are low but for sure a slight raise like my normal low progesterone issue. Hopefully the progesterone I start taking this evening gives it a boost. Other than that, I'm hoping for a short first day a work so I can catch up on cleaning the kitchen. Looks like after Thanksgiving dishes in there already.