Disney: REALLY????? OH MY GOSH!!! I am so excited for you, GIRL get that eggie!! I'm with your thought that it may very well be O time as a light cycle can do that. Its the same with me, light cycle and I O around CD 11 or 12 WOW..and boo to a long crazy cycle...


for your neighbors paying it forward for a good cause.
Taylor: Congrats!! Sending you stick vibes. What are the details of your bfp cycle??? I forget when you posted last as school got really busy for you. I didn't know you were using Soy to try and conceive. I did the same thing this cycle. Happy it worked for you. Good luck with your studies.
Aphy: I posted earlier on about your results being good

. As Disney posted, you have nothing to worry about as your betas are right in line with dpo/doubling.
Flyingduster: HAHAHA...yeah, I guess you do want to be prepared for the sometimes elusive O day.
Lyo: Hey there. I hope you are doing well. Did O ever rear its most wanted face??? Thinking of you.
Jalanis: How are you doing?
I want so bad to be anxious about some thing during this tww but I got nothing. Anything that I am experiencing can be attributed to the P cream I'm taking

Today I had to apply it to my feet as to rotate the site of application. I'm terrified my thick crunchy feet soles are too rough to absorb the cream. I don't want my level to go down because of this and get an early period.

I'm not stressing though which I am attributing to the cream having a calming effect. Thursday is when I actually plan to test. I have some Wondfos to use for a change. FX they don't give me any false hope..lol
Otherwise its been a decent tww and good start to one of my favorite months!!!