MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

I second the notion for having beans to 'clear' things out, I had some at a bbq hubby did for his parents and oh my gosh the next morning I woke up with those gotta go cramps and feel so much better now.

I have my next OB appointment for the 28th (should be about 11w 4 d), sad that it's a boring one and is mostly about insurance coverage :sleep: Hoping our OB will give me a quick scan or at least listen for baby's HB!

I booked my NT scan for the 4th of Sept, mainly because our insurance covers it and really just to see baby again. I think even if we have markers for downs I won't do the CCS part of the test, any result won't change our minds on wanting baby anyway. Hubby is adopted so his medical history is unknown for the most part so our OB said the insurance will definitely cover it on that grounds alone :thumbup:
OMG I am on absolute :cloud9: right now!

I made a decision that I was going to have a nice hot bath then have 10 more minutes with my doppler and if I didn't find anything I was going to put the thing away til next week cos I have been like a woman gone mad for the last day!

I found it! I can't believe it and after only a couple of minutes really low down on my left hand side - it was only for about 5 seconds but it was crystal clear and definately baby. I'm still putting it away til at least next week - I got the peace of mind that I wanted and now ill wait til baby is a bit bigger and less of a pain in the butt to find ;)

:happydance: :happydance:
Wow, can't believe so many of you are showing already, or so bloated that you look pregnant... Even when I was 41+6 (the day I had my son) I never wore ANY maternity clothes.... I bought 1 maternity top, only because I wanted at least 1 thing cause it's something you look forward to buying when you're pregnant and I never got to, because all my old clothes fit me!
Wonder if it's gonna be different this time. I'm 10+1 today and still look exactly the same as before I got pregnant. Haven't even taken any pictures yet....
Goodnight girls, I feel ok til about 3/4pm .. Must be wen my sickness tablet wears of . I'm really bloated and I look pregnant my belly was flabby newai tho after my son so I looked pregnant newai lol x
I was huge with my son :) I loved my bump is was like a ball stuck up my top I put no weight on anywhere else except my beLly .
Ill share some pics. :) I showed really quick with him aswell .
Top pic 29 weeks, 2nd 37 and 3rd is me the day I was inducded, he was born the next day.
The bottom one is me at 10+4 , its jus bloat and flab from my son x


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Donna thats a prety impressive bump int he last one, can deffo tell he dropped, and going by the old theory of if you carry a boy its all out front. In someways I wish I could carry a boy, and that theory works, as I am already plus size, so would love a bump like that. Hoping coz this is my second I will show sooner and get a better bump.
Morning ladies.... gee everyone is blocked up!

I've not long been up. Feeling slightly sick. Not sure what we are up to today, but out of the blue my brother rung me last night, asking if he can take Amara swimming and to McDonalds. I was like WHAT! He never asked to have her, and since she has been born, hes only ever took her out once. So I am going to enjoy the peace and quite for a couple of hours.

Talking of scans, and what the babies look like. When I had a scan with Amara at 8+3, she looked like she was wearing a hat, even my nan noticed it!

OOoo yeah, and I am 7 weeks today! :happydance:

No blockage here :D With Twins and high HCG, you get diarrhea instead. Fun times :D

Also, those of you not showing as much, I'm SOOOOOOOOO jealous :D I have a 12-16 week bump.

Hang in there since that hb is okay. It's the COMBINATION of measuring behind, spotting, and cramps that's a big red flag. I bet you catch back up next appt. If she used a very basic machine and this appt. wasn't at your sonographer or the ER where they have high tech ones, that could be it. For peace of mind, you could also go to the ER for a second opinion.

How sure are you about your dates? I charted so I was it possible you got some early evap lines?

I'm not 100% but I'm fairly certain. I mean, before bcp I ALWAYS had a 32 day cycle. Like clockwork. Going by that, conception would've been June 29 which makes me 8 weeks tomorrow. (Still a ways off from what the scan said.) My scan was done at Advanced Radiology by a sonographer so I think it ought to be accurate.

Minni, your conception date could have been earlier than the the 8th (it most likely was if you got your BFP on the 12th). The zygote could have taken a while to implant and the baby can't start growing until it implants. That's why it's hard to know date of conception even with the baby's measurements. Two babies in two different women could be conceived on the same day but one zygote implants faster, so the due dates (and measurements) could be different even though they were conceived on the same day. Were you charting? Did you have an estimated day of when you thought you conceived?

If that's the case, would I still have gotten a positive even if the baby wasn't growing yet? I wasn't charting but I'm fairly certain I conceived June 29th as my cycles were like clockwork.

I temped, charted, and did OPK's because I know I would have gone crazy if this happened to me....because with my MC I measured a week behind and had not charted. But, I also bled and cramped <3

So you're guessing that conception happened on June 29, but here's the thing:

My charts:

TTC Cycle 1: 28 day cycle with bfn. Ovulated Day 15
TTC Cycle 2: 28 day cycle with bfn. Ovulated Day 16.
TTC Cycle 3: :bfp: July 12. Ovulated June 28 on Day 13. Last period: June 16

See the wide range DESPITE me having a bang on 28 day cycle?

Periods are also different after BCP.

In other words, I mean to me you could ovulate late...

With a 32 day cycle-----you can o as late as say day 20 and still have a 12 day luteal phase. So your conception date changes from where you think it was at what like day 16/June 29 or whatever, to 4 days later on day 20. And then how long does it take to implant--it can be 6-12 days beyond that. Hope that comforts you <3 I think it's good that you can't really be sure...I charted so I would have lost my mind if they didn't measure bang on. But, in your case, you don't have to worry since you didn't...hang in there....I think everything is fine especially since the HB was there.

PS-My LMP was June 16. I also got a positive on July 12 and my chart shows I ovulated on June 28, although I think it was more like June 29. And I'm 8w0. How are you already 8w4 if you conceived June 29?
I woke up super bloated ---I think I look like I'm 5 months instead of 2 months-two weeks along! But I actually lost another kilo this past week.

Strange craving that I never had before : French Fries
I've never been a big fan of fries!
***Forcing myself to take more walks. My nausea has lessened and I seem to be eating/snacking more.

May you ladies who are suffering with Nausea start to feel better soon!
Had my first scan on Wednesday and based on measurements they say I was only 6w2d which puts my due date at March 31, 2014. But also, puts conception at July 8th and we got a positive on July 12th... is that even possible? I thought you couldn't get a positive until after implantation which doesn't occur for days after conception, right?! I'm so confused.

I had a scan when I was 8w and measurements put me at 6w6d and my old OB wanted to change my due date. My new OB won't change it until my next scan around 12 weeks because this early on the measurements can be off since the baby is so, so small. It's so easy for them to get the measurements a little wrong when the baby is this tiny and just like kids, they go through growth spurts in there... just at different times than all the other babies in-utero. I wouldn't worry unless you get to 12 weeks and there's a huge difference honestly. Like I said, my OB won't change my date based on smaller measurements until we get to that point because they can be so off this early on.

That's good to know. Maybe they won't officially change my due date yet either.


Hang in there since that hb is okay. It's the COMBINATION of measuring behind, spotting, and cramps that's a big red flag. I bet you catch back up next appt. If she used a very basic machine and this appt. wasn't at your sonographer or the ER where they have high tech ones, that could be it. For peace of mind, you could also go to the ER for a second opinion.

How sure are you about your dates? I charted so I was it possible you got some early evap lines?

I'm not 100% but I'm fairly certain. I mean, before bcp I ALWAYS had a 32 day cycle. Like clockwork. Going by that, conception would've been June 29 which makes me 8 weeks tomorrow. (Still a ways off from what the scan said.) My scan was done at Advanced Radiology by a sonographer so I think it ought to be accurate.

Minni, your conception date could have been earlier than the the 8th (it most likely was if you got your BFP on the 12th). The zygote could have taken a while to implant and the baby can't start growing until it implants. That's why it's hard to know date of conception even with the baby's measurements. Two babies in two different women could be conceived on the same day but one zygote implants faster, so the due dates (and measurements) could be different even though they were conceived on the same day. Were you charting? Did you have an estimated day of when you thought you conceived?

If that's the case, would I still have gotten a positive even if the baby wasn't growing yet? I wasn't charting but I'm fairly certain I conceived June 29th as my cycles were like clockwork.

I temped, charted, and did OPK's because I know I would have gone crazy if this happened to me....because with my MC I measured a week behind and had not charted. But, I also bled and cramped <3

So you're guessing that conception happened on June 29, but here's the thing:

My charts:

TTC Cycle 1: 28 day cycle with bfn. Ovulated Day 15
TTC Cycle 2: 28 day cycle with bfn. Ovulated Day 16.
TTC Cycle 3: :bfp: July 12. Ovulated June 28 on Day 13. Last period: June 16

See the wide range DESPITE me having a bang on 28 day cycle?

Periods are also different after BCP.

In other words, I mean to me you could ovulate late...

With a 32 day cycle-----you can o as late as say day 20 and still have a 12 day luteal phase. So your conception date changes from where you think it was at what like day 16/June 29 or whatever, to 4 days later on day 20. And then how long does it take to implant--it can be 6-12 days beyond that. Hope that comforts you <3 I think it's good that you can't really be sure...I charted so I would have lost my mind if they didn't measure bang on. But, in your case, you don't have to worry since you didn't...hang in there....I think everything is fine especially since the HB was there.

PS-My LMP was June 16. I also got a positive on July 12 and my chart shows I ovulated on June 28, although I think it was more like June 29. And I'm 8w0. How are you already 8w4 if you conceived June 29?

I did the ticker based on lmp and a 28day cycle and I just never changed it. I put myself at being 8 weeks today based on June 29th ovulation.
You make a goos point in the fact that I don't know for sure so I shouldn't worry. I was just skeptical of the fact that the sonographer is putting conception 4 days before I got a positive which just does not seem possible at all.
So I work at Target and was helping a guest in the baby section. There was a pack-n-play on clearance and she was asking me about it and mentioned they won't need it until March. I wanted to blurt out "OMG I'M DUE IN MARCH TOO" but I've only told a few co-workers and didn't want to risk anyone overhearing.

And then I wanted to ask here why she's making a huge purchase so early but obviously, it's not my place so I just helped her put the item into her cart haha.

I just thought it was a neat coincidence. It freaked me out that she was buying a huge baby item for someone due near the same time as me and I haven't even told my parents yet (who I'm currently living with, so it's a little hard to keep it quiet.)
I keep hearing how everyone in their first tri has/is losing weight. I'm up 2.5 lbs and I'm not even overeating, super frustrating :(
I'm not wanting to tell my family until I'm out of the first tri that I'm pregnant and my daughter has a birthday party at the end of the month, I'm afraid I will be full blown showing then at the rate I'm going, tee hee...
Psh, I'd lost 3lbs at 6 weeks, put it and another 2lbs back on now I take the zofran over what 3 weeks :blush:

I spent the day making sausage rolls with my MIL, somehow I ended up doing all the work (not that rolling pastry and filling it with chicken sausage and rolling it up is hard work, but it's repetitive). I'm shattered now after going with her, DH's niece, and great nephew to see Shrek the musical! It was really good but I found myself almost falling asleep a few times, my eyes were tired by the end of the musical.

I did have a huge gigglefit in the kitchen when I got home, I attempted to make some little jam tartlets and put too much jam in the middle, they bubbled over and made one huge caramelised mess :dohh:. Thank goodness I used a silicone tray so it all peeled out once it had cooled! Oh well DH will eat them :winkwink:
Morning all, how is everyone feeling?

I feel horrible this morning, fell asleep on the couch last night as I have every night for the last few weeks but when my partner woke me up to go to bed I had no motivation whatsoever and told him to go without me and I'd sleep where I was :doh:

& I'm still feeling so sickly :(
Morning girls, I woke up come down stairs and was sick as soon as I went in the kitchen :( I've just took my sickness tablet that usually helps til about 3pm then wears of ! Can't believe I'm 11 weeks tomoz.
Shabutie I'm plus size now as well. So I'm hoping I get a bump like that again I don't want to just look fat x
I gained quite a bit in the first few weeks, but I just had a shower and weighed myself and I'm only 2lbs more than I was before I found out I was pregnant.
So I must've lost some weight again. Then again, I'm not eating as much anymore, mainly because I don't HAVE to eat to stop me from feeling sick anymore.

LucyLake, I read an interesting thing in my pregnancy-bible (that's what I call it :winkwink:) today.. it had a little thing about twin pregnancies and it said: non-identical twins ALWAYS have 2 separate sacs. Made me think of you straight away! Must mean you're having identical twins! That means it's gonna be 2 of the same sex! :twingirls: or :twinboys:
I also have the diarrhea btw!! :dohh: It's just great isn't it??? Do you get really bad cramps with it?? I do! I think it's mainly if/when I eat a lot of fatty foods....

So looking forward to our scan now!! Especially cause we heard the hb on friday, cause I know that there's gonna be something to be seen and baby is (probably) ok!!! :happydance: 12 sleeps!!!
10 weeks today :) had my worst round ever of morning sickness last night...Threw up for ten minutes straight after trying to eat some fries and a burger :( only managed a few bites to begin with but it came right back up. I feel sick constantly. It seems to be getting worse rather than better. I'm also really backed up... I got some prune juice to try later today. Whenever I am down about how bad I feel I take a listen to baby and it makes me feel better...I know the end result of this will be the best thing in the world <3
I can't wait 4 my scan either , I'm stil scared as I haven't heard heartbeat or anything bt I didn't with my son and he's just fine , :) I don't have a doppler I was going to rent one bt by time it comes ill have my scan. Mines 9 days :) x
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

I'm 11 weeks today! :dance:

Feeling a bit better so I'm hoping morning sickness is starting to subside.

Hope everyone is well xxx

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