MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Dh's sister-in-law had a baby shower for their twin boys in Dec, I wasn't invited but we were already not on speaking terms by then. But she invited DH's sister which makes no sense as it's the way SIL has been treating DH's sister is why we aren't talking.

It's a silly long story but Dh's brother and wife can't seem to stand anyone else in the family being happy, or they hate not being the center of attention. They kicked off against DH's sister in 2012 and wrote a long letter to my FIL about her side of the family and spouting lies (all whilst she was steaming drunk... and pregnant!). The first time I met DH's SIL, she actually tried to put thoughts into my head that DH was this and that and not the sort of person you'd want to marry (I'm so glad I'd known DH for about 18 months before I met the demoness!) She even went and gave me prenatals when they had us over for dinner and said "Here, take these because we do not want deformed kids in our family!" and then went on to spout supposed stories about DH and his ex girlfriends in the past. It's one thing to caringly give a soon to be SIL prenatals and say because we want you to have healthy babies, but the way she said it implied any future child of ours would have problems. SO I am glad we aren't talking because undoubtedly I would be criticized for everything I do whilst we grow this little one.

Urgh they both make my skin crawl now, so devious and my MIL had to take the scan pics we gave them off their fridge whilst they were over for dinner just as to not to have to hear how they view us as future parents. It's sad really they have torn themselves out of family gatherings, etc. It upsets my MIL and FIL but at least they can agree that none of us did anything to warrant being ousted from their lives.

DH's sister is the polar opposite, so loving and she'd do anything for anyone. She's demanded that she gets to throw us a baby shower and coo's over every scan pic, DH and I love her to bits!

MY SIL is a little like that... when we told her that I was pregnant with my son she suddenly took my husband aside and told him that their mum had been saying things about me! Like how I sat at home all the time, spending all his money (cause he was the one that worked!) and how I was lazy and never did anything. And we believed her at first (hubby's family is a bit of a long complicated mess, bad history, bad childhood) and then on our way home (after deciding we wouldn't go see his parents and tell them I was pregnant) we were talking about it and just said to each other: that's not like your mum at all to say things like that! If my MIL doesn't like someone she'll let you know! She won't pretend to like you and then say things behind your back! So we asked her and FIL about it and they both said it was bs. So we're not really speaking to hubby's sister anymore. She has always been a bit of an outsider in his family cause no one trusts her! And at the time she was on speaking terms with her mum and just messed it up with her lies! She's had another baby by now and I don't even know if her mum knows about it, cause we don't really talk about her. My MIL is very much a: don't talk about things kinda person, when it comes to things like this (same as to hubby's childhood, it's just not talked about!)
Having a really hard day today! We wentto gettysburg last night w my class i teach to do a ghost hunt, we live 3 hrs away ... It started at 10 pm and was supposed to end at 11:30, but continued on until 1am...we had a blast but we didnt end up home til 4:30 am! Im exhausted, i slept 5 hrs but felt like 0! On top of it my entire body just hurts, my uterus, my back, my legs prob cuz we did about 3 hrs f walking... I feel like i just need to sleep all day...on top of it ive been sick all day w ms!:(. Sorty just feeling sorry for myself! Lol

Sorry you had a hard day!! Must be really hard not being able to sleep for more than 5 hrs! I wouldn't be able to survive! I went to sleep at about 11pm last night and woke up at 9am this morning and I'm still tired! - I do get tired quite easily anyway, even when I'm not pregnant. But I'm very lucky that my hubby is at home at the moment (not working) and I get to have lay-ins most mornings, cause my husband doesn't need a lot of sleep and isn't bothered with getting up early with our son!
Hope you feel better soon!! :hugs:
Nikki I'm so sorry girl! That sucks. I was just saying I was out late for dinner last night with my girlfriends and didn't get home until 11...I was seriously paying for it and everything ached...and that was only 11! I can't imagine. Rest up girl! Listen to your body
Dh's sister-in-law had a baby shower for their twin boys in Dec, I wasn't invited but we were already not on speaking terms by then. But she invited DH's sister which makes no sense as it's the way SIL has been treating DH's sister is why we aren't talking.

It's a silly long story but Dh's brother and wife can't seem to stand anyone else in the family being happy, or they hate not being the center of attention. They kicked off against DH's sister in 2012 and wrote a long letter to my FIL about her side of the family and spouting lies (all whilst she was steaming drunk... and pregnant!). The first time I met DH's SIL, she actually tried to put thoughts into my head that DH was this and that and not the sort of person you'd want to marry (I'm so glad I'd known DH for about 18 months before I met the demoness!) She even went and gave me prenatals when they had us over for dinner and said "Here, take these because we do not want deformed kids in our family!" and then went on to spout supposed stories about DH and his ex girlfriends in the past. It's one thing to caringly give a soon to be SIL prenatals and say because we want you to have healthy babies, but the way she said it implied any future child of ours would have problems. SO I am glad we aren't talking because undoubtedly I would be criticized for everything I do whilst we grow this little one.

Urgh they both make my skin crawl now, so devious and my MIL had to take the scan pics we gave them off their fridge whilst they were over for dinner just as to not to have to hear how they view us as future parents. It's sad really they have torn themselves out of family gatherings, etc. It upsets my MIL and FIL but at least they can agree that none of us did anything to warrant being ousted from their lives.

DH's sister is the polar opposite, so loving and she'd do anything for anyone. She's demanded that she gets to throw us a baby shower and coo's over every scan pic, DH and I love her to bits!

That's so horrible. I'm amazed that people act like that. I can understand a 10 year old kid, but grown adults! I feel sorry for your on-laws though. Must be hard trying to keep everyone happy, and your remarkable for putting up with it.

Having a really hard day today! We wentto gettysburg last night w my class i teach to do a ghost hunt, we live 3 hrs away ... It started at 10 pm and was supposed to end at 11:30, but continued on until 1am...we had a blast but we didnt end up home til 4:30 am! Im exhausted, i slept 5 hrs but felt like 0! On top of it my entire body just hurts, my uterus, my back, my legs prob cuz we did about 3 hrs f walking... I feel like i just need to sleep all day...on top of it ive been sick all day w ms!:(. Sorty just feeling sorry for myself! Lol

Go and chill. You need to rest. I'm glad you had fun last night though :)
:hugs: nikki! I was just saying to a friend I felt less sick, then this icky warm and humid heat comes and I feel sick all night.

Eltjuh, families can suck at times, I have some terrible ones on my own side of the family too. Thank goodness for being able to block them on fb! My view is that if they choose to think my immediate family are snobs (they pick on my Mum) then they can all go stuff themselves and have no right to know my business. Actually DH didn't know he was adding one of 'them' on fb when he accepted a friend request from my so called aunt, she snooped at our first baby scans and blocked him an hour later. so he's at least learnt his lesson and won't be adding anyone with that last name again in a hurry.

I removed my grandmother on fb and blocked her emails too. Mainly from the way she treats my Mum, my Mum is the eldest of 4, she and her sister have such level heads, common sense and are caring. Her brothers on the other hand are just :dohh: Mum did everything for my grandad whilst he was sick and took care of my grandmother when she was refusing to do anything after he passed away, paid for her electrics, food, etc. But when Mum hurt her hip and back a few years later she didn't want to know, accused my Mum of spouting lies about her and all sorts. She wasted the money my grandad left her and couldn't even afford to buy his headstone, Mum and my aunt put in money together to pay for it and my grandmother supposedly took the money from my uncles part towards it.... and spent it on a vacation.

I've come to realise that we just don't need their stress in our lives, my Mum is feeling so much better when she doesn't have contact with them. I've vowed that we will never act like any of them towards those we love, especially my Mum! Even though I was always a Daddy's girl when I was little, I have and will always love and respect my Mum, you hurt her, you hurt me :hugs:

And reading what I wrote lol I think pregnancy makes me ramble on about things haha. DH has said I'm developing baby brain too... I couldn't think of what my date of birth was at the pharmacy among other things :haha:
That's so horrible. I'm amazed that people act like that. I can understand a 10 year old kid, but grown adults! I feel sorry for your on-laws though. Must be hard trying to keep everyone happy, and your remarkable for putting up with it.

My in-laws are amazing, they try to not pick sides and they agreed who is at fault, they are just at the age where they want to enjoy their family and not be stressed out. So for the most part we don't bring issues up in front of them unless they do. Last sunday my MIL asked me if I wanted to go over for dinner but warned me they were having 'them' over and I explained that the whole situation makes me feel sad and uncomfortable, I wouldn't want to talk to them and I know that would make my MIL and FIL uncomfortable too. Bless them too, they adopted all three of their kids because they had fertility issues, DH and his sister seem so much more grateful to their parents for adopting them than their brother. I just don't understand what happened to him, he was so much nicer 5/6 years ago (she's always not been nice to us), his attitude to his siblings and parents changed, especially after they borrowed 50k from my in-laws and have only paid back 4k in the first 2 years and have since then stopped paying back anything altogether. It just breaks my heart for my in-laws :cry:
I think I've got a water infection, my wee is bright orange and wen I wipe the tissue is orange , I do feel like I've gt a little infection bt not to bad I'm not drinking a lot tho so gna drink loads 2moz and see hw it is and go drs monday if I can get in x
Im thinking its nore than just no sleep whch is why im feeling like crap.. I just took a 3 hr nap and am still so nauseous ( i cant even think about eating, maybe a soup if that) so i took more zofran so hopefully it cakms my stomach...hope i dont have a kidney infection, with my diabetes im more prone to them, yuck... Maybe ill just eat some soup, drink some gatorade , take a shower, relax and call ut a day! Thank god for hubby taking care of ella, im so weak i cant even pick her up :(. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! Thanks for all ur kind words!
Wow so crazy you all are suspecting UTIs because I have one as well...been prescribed Macrobid for it. I am very prone to UTIs and felt one coming on two days ago, did one of my home urinalysis tests today (and yeah I have them because I get UTIs so often) and it was super positive for leukocytes :( Scared to take medication but if I don't it'll be very bad...Macrobid seems safe?
Im not sure whats safe, but u can usually google what meds are safe in pregnancy or ask your doc... Sorry everyone or some of us arent feeling so hot!
Yeah my OB prescribed it so it's probably Ok, still just nervous to take it.
Has your OB performed a urine culture yet? Unless the culture comes back > 100,000 colony count/ml and has some nasty exogenous bacteria like E Coli I would not take it. My urine had leukocytes and the culture revealed Lactobacillus--a bacteria meant to protect the urinary tract from infection...I took 3 doses of Macrobid and experienced peripheral neuropathy in my right leg which was terrifying!

If you have burning or other sentinel UTI symptoms, I say take them. Otherwise, I would wait until you know for sure the amount and type of bacteria!
Morning girls. Hope ur feeling better today nikki. I'm so tired all the time . X
See from the Fbook thread that a lot of people suffering from insomnia yawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnn!! Me too- what is that all about? lol, leg cramps, needing to pee and not getting comfortable in bed are obviously not enough sleep disruption haha. And then my youngest decided he didn't want a long lie this morning, so we are up and watch peppa pig when I could so be still asleep lol zzzzzzz

Other than sleep deprived - I am feeling fab, we put it out there on fbook yesterday so by the time I went to work most people knew; or very quickly did haha -and what fabulous response I got from everyone :D So happy, and it feel more real that everyone knows.

Hope everyone else are doing well this morning, and got better sleep than me xxx
Morning girls. Hope ur feeling better today nikki. I'm so tired all the time . X

yeah where is the energy we are supposed to get in second tri Donna lol? - I am getting more fatigued with lack of sleep than anything else xxx Hope you get a rest today, does your little one nap; or does your DH take him and let you nap?

I have to say I've been quite lucky I've still been getting the amount of sleep I need, but I start college wednesday so not sure how that will effect everything. My only complaint is I still get m/s and I get about a 2 second warning before I'm sick. So I'm not sure how that's going to cope with that.
I am defo wondering where our energy is ! :(
I'm the same in bed , leg cramps, can't get comfy ! Waking4 a wee and taking ages to get bk2 sleep.

Luckily my little boy stil naps from about 12-2 but yday I went to have a nap while he was and probz managed to sleep about 30 mins . My oh does have him if I want to nap bt I rarely will I feel worse4 napping in the day most times.
Hope we start getting some energy soon! X
Morning girls. Hope ur feeling better today nikki. I'm so tired all the time . X

yeah where is the energy we are supposed to get in second tri Donna lol? - I am getting more fatigued with lack of sleep than anything else xxx Hope you get a rest today, does your little one nap; or does your DH take him and let you nap?

I don't really have ms anymore, but every so often things make me gag. Yesterday I was walking home from the shop and randomly just felt like I was going to throw up!! I've read comments from quite a lot of people online that said they gag/dry heave when they are too hungry so maybe that was why!
It's horrible though to still get some sicky feelings every now and then! I thought it was gone!!

Oh and I'm also wondering when the energy is coming back, it's supposed to come back in 2nd tri. So wonder when that's going to happen.
Eltjuh- I don't know why relatives want to make life more complicated than it already is. These are the type of people that should be kept at a nice distance. They are always the ones who are unhappy and envious of others who are well off or happy.
Sorry you have a porcupine in the family! ;(

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