MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

I remember with my first I wasn't in maternity clothes until I was like 4 1/2 months...and once I switched I remember thinking...WHY THE HELL DID I WAIT SO LONG....oh sweet relief...hahahaha..This time as soon as things get even the tiniest bit tight I'm moving over!

Ok - here's a good question for you ladies that already have kids .... where is a good place for those of us on our first to get maternity clothes that won't cost a million dollars? I've been looking online, but each outfit is like $150!! That's just insane!!

Old navy maternity is stylish and cheap! :)
This is the progesterone shot y'all..... Look at the size of this needle!!!! It's an 18 gauge - I cried when he stuck me with it so he couldn't give it to me, he found a smaller needle because I just can't handle this big needle!! It's HUGE!

Omg! I take 5 needles a day of insulin fir my diabetes but that needle is freaking scary as hell! Omg lol poor u!
Ong of my symptoms before i took a test this time was huuuuuuuge nipples lol...i looked at hubby and im like, babe, my boobs look like when i was pregnant and we giggled hahahahaa....lo and behold,i already was ;)
Does the epidural really not hurt? I have swore I won't have one because I'm so scared its horrible painful - my sister and mom said I sure will change my mind but I am so petrified if needles and it hurting.

I absolutely hate getting shots and blood drawn, but I didn't think the epidural was bad. They give you a lidocaine injection first to numb the area.
Does the epidural really not hurt? I have swore I won't have one because I'm so scared its horrible painful - my sister and mom said I sure will change my mind but I am so petrified if needles and it hurting.

My epidural i didnt even feel. Just remember to stay still and calm and breathe through the contraction when they do it... It felt odd, but it didnt hurt at all, may e a little pressure!
Ahw didn't mean to scare you!!! Like everyone else said, every labour is different!! Some people have easy labours, even with their first and others have long hard labours!
But either way you'll be fine, you'll get through it! And it is soooooo worth it!!! :thumbup: Some people say you'll forget the pain as soon as you see that baby... I think that's sort of true... you forget once you hold the baby but you do sort of remember after a while :p But in that moment your little baby is just gonna be the most important thing! And also, when you think about your labour you'll remember it hurt, but you won't remember HOW bad it was, I think so anyway... just because you've been through labour doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like a ***** when you stub your toe!! :haha:

You'll be fine!!! :kiss:
my next post im going to bombard u with belly pics etc so be prepared! ill throw in some 4d pics of ella too for good measure!
4 week bloat!
14 weeks.
17 weeks
21 weeks
25 weeks
28 weeks
32 weeks
and thats the end of those because i hated the way i looked right before birth, i was a WHALE and sooooo SWOLLEN lol...
but it was worth it... how can u not love this little face?!
ella born at 38 weeks, 7 lb 14oz! 20.5 inches :)

ella in utero at 32 weeks!

Awwwwww!!!!!! She's so precious!!! I love your bump - I cannot wait. Absolutely cannot wait. I love you maternity picture - very creative!
Thanks ill have to post some more of the maternity ones, i loved them! :)
When u get the bump, it just pops right out and u say, where the heck did that come from! Lol. As u can see between25-28 weeks forme!
Here's mine in a nutshell!!!! hahahaha


  • From July to April.jpg
    From July to April.jpg
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As for labour...let me share mine..I hope it gives you ladies the brighter side:

I went to my dr on my due date April 11th. She checked me and said "oh hunny we have a long road" because I was so closed she couldn't even attempt the stretch and sweep. Went home that night and went about my business. Next day did my usual stuff. Was more tired than usual and napped all afternoon. That night went to get ready for bed at like 10 and was feeling "weird". Slept on and off would wake up, walk around have slight cramps, started timing them and they started picking up. Woke up dh...showers and started having a bad case of the runs mostly the rest of the night. By like 4 am I was sure I was in labour (yes it took that long to figure it out hahaa). So around 6 am my hubby suggested we leave early because we're close distance wise but traffic can triple the even though the contractions were "manageable" I agreed because we didn't want to get stuck.

Between leaving the house at 6 and getting to the hospital at contractions tripled. By the time I got in the hospital I couldn't even make it to the door of the hospital without stopping in pain. Got to the front desk and the checked me. I was only 1 cm(seriously!!) but my cervix was 90% effaced (almost thinned out) so she said I'd done a lot of good labouring at home and would admit me. I walked around and did my thing for awhile around 8:30 it got to the point where I was in so much pain I couldn't that point after no sleep I tapped out and asked for the epidural ( the one we have is called a walking epidural so you aren't completely numb it just curbs the pain) so around 9:00 I got it ( after labouring. Your ready for it. I swear. It didnt hurt that much, looking back I could barely tell you anything. It was like a tiny sting and that was it). By the time it kicked in I immediately fell into a deep lovely sleep! Hahahaa. I woke at 10:30 and was like hmmmmm. Something's going on down there. They checked me and I was 4 cm ok....I chat with my sister, hubby...and suddenly like 15/20 min later. I feel like I have to poop. Like I have the craziest pressure in my butt. I call the nurse and she's like "oh dear we just checked you 15 min's your first...your here for awhile". I basically had to beg her to check me....she checked me and was like "oh...ok then". Next thing I know...stirrups show up...more nurses. They're like "we're gonna call your dr and warn her that you've started pushing and then well call her when we think its time to deliver" (her office is right beside the hospital). And while she's telling me this....she asked me to push once and as soon as I did she tells the nurse in the phone "scrap that...tell her to get here now!" Literally 5 seconds later my dr was there.....3 more pushes and my daughter was born at 11:08 am. I had one tiny epidural stopped working because I felt everything but ya know what. I think it's why I pushed her out so fast. Hahaa But ya know was the greatest choice ever because I think it let me sleep enough so I had the energy to push her out.

We did have a few complications actually because she was born so quick she didn't have time to have all the mucous squeezed out of her in the birth she had major mucous...we had a few scary moments where she would get stuck on her own mucous and have trouble breathing....

But everything was fine after that and we were home happy 28 hours later. Don't be scared of labour. The minute they place that baby on your chest you have immediate amnesia....every moment was worth it.....
Agreed about the amnesia and u forgeteverything after birth!

I have a positive induction story....well tome it was positive! Lol

I went in at 37 weeks 6 days ( jan3rd)after an amnio the weekbefore to check ellas lung maturity to see if we could deliver her ( thefirst immediate results showed that they didnt know for sure if her lungs were mature enough and wed have to wait 2 more days for the exact answer.). They came back that she was mature but because of the new year holiday wed have to wait until jan 3rd!

Go in at 2:30, hung out w hubby til my ob came in and put a catheter up there to stretch my cervix out so i would be favorable for induction the next morning! ( the catheter is the same exact one they would use for urine, but instead they put it into ur cervix and fills w water and it pushes pressure on ur cervix to widen it overnight...) i started at 1.5cm at 5pm, and by midnight i was at was getting pretty painful and i was bleeding(didnt feel that just a lot of pressure!) so they gave me some sleep meds and pain pills so i was well rested for the next day..

Around 4:30am my ob came in, broke my water ( i was like did u just break my water? Lol. All i felt was this huge warm gush on my ass lol). Hes like yupp, lets roll... They started pitocin ( synthetic form of oxytocin that women produce naturally while in labor to cause contractions).... About 10am i was 5cm, the epidural people came in and at this point the contractions were pretty painful but bearable...i just breathed through them ( i never took a class for labor, ur body just naturally knows how to react)... Everyone was saying how calm and collected i was...they gave me my epi and i was in heaven! On top of the epi they gave me somethigfor pain which was heaven too! I fell asleep, every hour they checked me and i was progressing about 1cm an hour..

Around 9 cm i started getting this very overwhelming feeling to push...the nurses kept saying u cant yet and im like i canthelp it shes coming out, my body just kept contracting and pushing.... Come to find out baby was ready to come but my cervix lip was in the way ..a nurse came in and pretty much pushed the lip away and we were ready to push around 1pm!

Pushing, pushing pushing,not painful at alllllll! Just tons of pressure....i didnt scream, yell, nothing...calm, pushing...getting tired....still going after an this point im like, im so tired i cant do this anymore, falling asleep between contractions... Asked for a c section, they laughed at me lol... Finally my ob came in, babys heart was dropping, they gave me an episiotomy after they realized she just wouldnt fit! Cut to my bum hole ( didnt hurt. Just stung a little..) Didnt hear her cry, doctor screams "cords wrapped around twice" the aby was completely blue, after they cut it we heard the first cry and we all cried together a sigh on relief ( me, hubby, my mother in law and my mother) ... And they cleaned her up and put er on my chest for skin to skin bc she was grunting...but no nicu time needed, blood sugars perfect :)... Then she looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes like "hi, your my mommy ". So amazing. Ugh ok now im crying lmao..

I was sore afterwards..she hit my tailbone and cracked it and the episiotomy was a pain but u forget about it alllll!
I am due in march as well supposed to be march 6th...i'm 5 weeks today and i recently had an ectopic in may and i'm nervous of having another one...just trying to keep the faith in this one
thank you and good luck with your pregnancy as well...its good to have these threads because you have major support from all over the world people you can learn from people you can teach...i've really had a great experience since joining this site. i find my self addicted to it a little
Majority of us are addicted! Best place during my first pregnancy! Glad to be back again!
Here's me at 37 weeks. It's the last bump photo I took. I had my DD at 39+3.

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