Sorry for people being mean to you Jessie and Donna
Loving the decals posted, sigh we still haven't gotten around to putting up the monsters university ones we were gifted for Aiden, nor the letters I painted for his name to go above his pack and play. I feel so behind especially as my parents were staying in his room for the past 3 weeks (not that I would have made them stay anywhere else, we had a fab 3 weeks!), just until he's in there full time I'm having a hard time picturing how to lay them out across the walls, he'll be almost 2 months by the time guests have left and he's in there to sleep. Hubby moved everything around in there too, so where I would put his pack and play, there's now a huge dresser... Plus I really don't want to stay living in this apt much longer, especially not in winter! Californians with no proper heating in apts and zero insulation in the walls doesn't sound good to have an infant living in come next winter (thankfully march and april aren't too cold in our apt with our little portable radiator), I just wish we could afford something nicer now.
And now it's back to being quiet in our apt, we dropped my parents off at the airport this afternoon, we loved having them here for Christmas and New Years. I'm looking forward to the next 10 weeks flying by till Aiden is due and then 11 days after my due date, my parents arrive back again for 3 weeks to spend with us and their first grandchild
I finally bought some more maternity clothes with christmas giftcards, I can no longer fit in the majority of my tops that I had kept from before I lost weight. They aren't tight either which is the sad part, just too short and barely cover bump! they just look silly with my maternity jeans panel peeking out and don't come back in under bump so I just look like I put all the weight back on again.