MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Blessed baby wow gorgeous pics, well done!! xxx

Melissa thinking of you and your little one, hope it is just one of those things that we never know why! And not lupus, my sis has it too!! Horrible disease xxx

D Donna Hope your back feels better soon.

Currently waiting in doctors with dd3 her eczema has flaired up and she's made her face bleed by scratching all night long, so I'm in total zombie mode but hopefully they'll give her something to calm it.

5 wks a few days to go now, got mw on Thursday.

But its my dd3 2nd birthday tomorrow its true that they grow up too fast xx
Time seems to be dragging for me!! Feel like I've been 33 weeks for the past 3 weeks or so! :haha:
Today is day 3 of hubby back at work - he signed up with an agency on wednesday, got an induction on thursday, got a call thursday night to ask if he could start friday morning and he's been working friday, yesterday and today! After having been unemployed for over a year (his last day of actually working - cause he had to use up all his leave days before leaving the army - was in June 2012! Didn't officially come out the army until october 2012 though) So it's kinda weird for me having to get up with Lucas every morning and spending most of the day on my own with him! Hubby is working on the bins for the council at the moment, which is from 6.30 till 2.30 so it's nice he gets home quite early!
Our only problem is that they don't tell him in advance how long he'll be working for, so he just gets told every day whether they want him back the next day or not.... which means we can't really sign off JSA and we can't sort our tax credits or housing benefit out either, cause you need to know how much you'll earn per month (on average). Anyone got any experience with this?? Hubby is gonna go see his advisor after work today to see what they can do.....
Anyway, it's awesome that hubby gets to go to work again, cause he hated sitting at home (and hated being 'on benefits' even more! cause of the stereo type that's attached to it!) Just hope he can get a permanent contract out of it, or even if it's a guaranteed contract for a couple of weeks then we know what's gonna happen, rather than waiting every day to see whether they want him back the next day. :dohh: Ok, that's enough moaning :p haha
Currently waiting in doctors with dd3 her eczema has flaired up and she's made her face bleed by scratching all night long, so I'm in total zombie mode but hopefully they'll give her something to calm it.

5 wks a few days to go now, got mw on Thursday.

But its my dd3 2nd birthday tomorrow its true that they grow up too fast xx

Ahw, poor girl! Hope she can get some relief!! I don't have eczema but I can imagine it's very itchy!!
thanks Donna x2

Oh Gemma that sucks my boy also has eczema luckily he is big enough now to have control over it although sometimes mommy has to give extra attention to it
Currently waiting in doctors with dd3 her eczema has flaired up and she's made her face bleed by scratching all night long, so I'm in total zombie mode but hopefully they'll give her something to calm it.

5 wks a few days to go now, got mw on Thursday.

But its my dd3 2nd birthday tomorrow its true that they grow up too fast xx

Ahw, poor girl! Hope she can get some relief!! I don't have eczema but I can imagine it's very itchy!!

Home now, of course missed parcel delivery when I was out,
We got 4 different medications for her, so started 2 of them straight off. She's still being a monkey so glad she's not "poorly" IYKWIM but it looks so sore and I hope she sleeps better tonight ([-o<

My DH was made redundant a couple of years ago, he started off with agencies and is now self-employed running his own business, its hard work but he is much happier being his own boss.
thanks Donna x2

Oh Gemma that sucks my boy also has eczema luckily he is big enough now to have control over it although sometimes mommy has to give extra attention to it

She's the only one with it (1/5 kids) so its not something I have dealt with before. She's chilling on the sofa now, if she does go to sleep I may well join her :sleep:
Yea low amniotic fluids are more dangerous than high fluids, so hopefully u guys figure out whats going on. They sending u for extra scans? Etc?
blessed- thank you for the prayers!

donna- im hoping not too, but I think they are gonna run some tests to see if I do have lupus :(

nikki- my apt is Thursday so im assuming they will let me know then. with my last 2 who had low fluid levels they did weekly nonstress tests and bio-physical profile u/s scans. with one of them they had to induce at 37 weeks since his fluid dropped so low. the other ones started to drop a lot, but I went into labor on my own before they could induce
Oh geez! I hope that baby hangs out for a while longer!!
Morning girls hope ur all ok x

Cj slept all night again! So pleased :)

Were sat having a hot chocolate and a biscuit. Just the one lol. He likes one with his hot chocolate

35 weeks 2moz! :D exciting x
Ordered the last of chads things 2 . Got his bottles,crib bedding,nappies & wipes & maternity pads 4 me, x
Blessedbaby: I really hope it isn't Lupus. OH's mum died from that when he was 15 and he took it really hard. He still blames the hospital to this day and refuses for the baby to be born there. To be fair he has a point as it was the same hospital I nearly died giving birth to DS. I'll be thinking of you.
Gosh that's some really serious stuff xx ((hugs)) to everyone needing them.

I'm feeling heavy and definitely getting a waddle from the pressure I'm feeling now.
Midwife tomorrow, hopefully all is well and good, there's nothing I can think of I need to ask.
I keep thinking about writing a birth plan but until I have the scan on the 2nd of feb it doesnt seem worth it.
U know its going to be a rough day when u wake up achin in your upper and lower back, hips, and ribs! Bring it on! Agh.
U know its going to be a rough day when u wake up achin in your upper and lower back, hips, and ribs! Bring it on! Agh.

So sorry you are feeling this way hun. I feel like crap but at least I don't need to work and I don't have a one year old too. My three year old goes to nursery for two and a half hours in the afternoons and at least I get a tiny break then generally, although not today as had my midwife appointment.

Hugs hun xxx:hugs::hugs:

Midwife appointment went fine, baby still measuring just over a week behind and midwife says with my history, my ovulation date etc, she would not expect me to go anytime before 41 weeks . I know so many of you are worrying about going early, so I do apologize! I feel so selfish thinking of me when obviously baby is more important but I am so sore :cry: and I at least hoped the increase in pain was due to baby engaging but nope:nope: still sitting free, so bloody hell, who knows how painful it will be once his/her head starts to engage :growlmad: xxx
You might be able to try a sweep before 41 weeks if you're really sore?? If your midwife is in a good mood :winkwink:
Don't worry Donna I'm gonna be right there with you! :winkwink:
I have had some thoughts/feelings as if this baby is gonna be early, but I know what my family is like when it comes to giving birth (always late!) so it's probably just wishful thinking! At one point I even adopted 42 weeks as my duedate :haha:
Oh god do not think tht donna! Morgan isnt engaged yet either and im in loads of pain too!
Chads still free as well and I'm in pain n feel like he's gna fall out :/ cj didn't fully engage til labour so I doubt chad will. And I also no ill go over even tho I have a slight feeling he will come early Its wishfull thinking . They put me forward 5 days at my scan when I cudnt ov been pregnant 5 days b4 cuz I hadn't even had my postive ovulation test then x
donna :hugs: I only went over once and was miserable. didn't have spd either. this LO is engaged, but with only a tiny bit of fluid where else would she be :(

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