MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

love the name Jesse and just wanted to say our room smells like baby with all the toiletries and clothes ... I really cant wait
Im so excited for all u first time mommies! I truly am! Its all so amazing and beautiful ( well not everything but u know what imean!)... Ur whole life is going to change, in a good way :)

I have a non stress test today and meeting with doctor. Does anyone else drink loads but not pee anything? And im not just talking here n there but all the time? I just dont pee but trickles. It worries me esp w the swelling i have but my blood pressure is always great!
I've had peeing issues periodically (a few days in a row) but I think it's just the way baby's laying at the time, blocking the flow.
The pee thing is annoying, I drink normally (I think) but the need to pee is frequent but when I go there isnt much coming out. No wonder we're getting through toilet roll quicker these days lol
Good luck for the appointments ladies.
I'm free until next monday when I go for my placenta site scan and then MW on Thursday (and that better be more positive than last time, in fact a different MW would be even better)

I'm excited and worried about baby jessica's arrival. I cant wait to add her to our family but I do worry about coping, dd3 is a little devil at time and if they others are all having bad days its pretty much a nightmare.
I say that but I love the times we are all together, having a larger family than most (so it seems) is good for me, being on the go, having things to do.
The weirdest thing is I just dont feel that Jessica could be our last..... though quote me that in about 3 months!!
I'm one of 6 Happyhome! :) I like having a big family, but I wouldn't be able to do it myself! 1 can be hard work at times, though it's getting easier now he's getting older as it's easier to ignore tantrums etc. 2 will be fun! Glad they have a 3 year age gap though!
Would possibly like a 3rd, maybe a 4th (shhh don't tell hubby!! :winkwink:)
Hubby always said 2, but he has mentioned a 3rd before, so far we've just decided to see how it goes with 2 first and then decide! I've always said I wanted 3 at least! And I like being pregnant so that's not a problem! :)

Don't know how you deal with so many kids though, always wonder how my parents did it with 6.... and my grandma, she had 6 too! And my great grandma had 14!!!! :saywhat:
I'm from a family of 6 to. I'm the eldest of 3 girls and 3 boys . !
My mom was one of 5 ..

I don't want a huge family tho. I'm done at 2 .. Altho I can't 100 percent say I'd never have another . My oh said he wud like one more in a few years. So who knows . I fort I only wanted 1 until cj was born..

So what's to say I won't want another lol.
But I am happy with my 2 and I don't want anymore as of yet lol would love a girl tho x but my aunts got 5 boys, just goes to show u don't always get what u want ha x
I'm like you donna, I think I'm done at 2! It'd be great to have a boy and a girl. I just don't know when we'll be financially able to have another child. The military is covering our prenatal expenses for our first.

I sure need a break after this one, though! I just don't see how we can keep the age gap from getting too big. It might be a while before our next.
I initially wanted like 6 or 7 kids but this is #3 and I don't think my body can handle another pregnancy. I'd be too miserable the entire time and it's not fair to myself or my current kids to go through 9-10 months of misery every couple years so they can have more siblings lol.

I think 3 will be a good amount (all 3 girls nonetheless) and then OH & I can reevaluate several years down the road. Particularly when we're in a better financial situation.
I'd definitely want to have another 3 year age gap IF we do have another.... cause they get easier to deal with when they're older. Can't imagine having 2 under 2. I always wanted a 2 year age gap but seeing a friend go through terrible twos with her daughter and a baby at the same time seemed quite hard so kinda glad about our 3 year age gap!
I'm terrifed ! Lol.

Cj can be a handful and throws some right tantrums now but then its gna be lovely watching them grow and play 2gta. I'm so excited now ! Jus want him here! Even a little less scared about labour avin seen my consultant .. Stils scared bt not petrified ! I've done it once right ! Lol x
Baby passed the nst today w no problems! Woohoo

But im spilling protein and swelling and not peeing a large amount so im doing a 24 hour urine til tomorrow. Should have results by my thursday appointment... My blood pressure is good though so thats a plus!
Well, I have spend the night in hospital and am on bed rest after losing my mucus plug and having severe back pain over the weekend. Baby has been monitored on ECG and is all good. Had a steriod injection yesterday and another in an half hour to try help develop his lungs as they think he will come early.

Had an internal yesterday also, and am 1cm dialated and my cervix is thinning. They are hoping bed rest will keep him in another week.

I had a visit from Pediatrician yesterday who said babies born at 34-35 weeks do really well, just is likely that he would have to stay in hospital for a while. Which obviously don't want! PLease stay in for a bit longer bub!!

Hope everyone is well xxx
I'd definitely want to have another 3 year age gap IF we do have another.... cause they get easier to deal with when they're older. Can't imagine having 2 under 2. I always wanted a 2 year age gap but seeing a friend go through terrible twos with her daughter and a baby at the same time seemed quite hard so kinda glad about our 3 year age gap!

My daughter will turn 2 a month and a half after this baby is born and I'm dreading it for the first year but I'm going to be happy having them close in age once they're a little older lol.

Well, I have spend the night in hospital and am on bed rest after losing my mucus plug and having severe back pain over the weekend. Baby has been monitored on ECG and is all good. Had a steriod injection yesterday and another in an half hour to try help develop his lungs as they think he will come early.

Had an internal yesterday also, and am 1cm dialated and my cervix is thinning. They are hoping bed rest will keep him in another week.

I had a visit from Pediatrician yesterday who said babies born at 34-35 weeks do really well, just is likely that he would have to stay in hospital for a while. Which obviously don't want! PLease stay in for a bit longer bub!!

Hope everyone is well xxx

Good luck! My friend was admitted to the hospital for preeclampsia at 33+4 and induced at 33+6, had her baby 34+2 and he only had to stay in the hospital a little less than a week. So if your babe decides to come early, you should have a pretty good outcome :) Good luck.
Awe sorry to hear thats all happening but yes bubs will do just fine right now! Keping u all in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us updated ruby!
I'd like to have two and be done. It could actually be because I grew up as a middle child and didn't enjoy it too much. My older sister seemed to get attention from having to go through things 'first' having insane tantrums throughout life and my Mom definitely spent time enjoying every moment of my little sister's life because she was the 'baby'. I always just kind of felt like I was... there. I feel strongly enough about it that I'd tie my tubes after two. My youngest sister was a suprise and even though I love her I always felt like life would have been better if my Mom was just handling two.

**My Mom's functioning alcoholic and was throughout our childhood so I used to even be a kid and think to myself 'Mom, why would you go for three?' Everyone bows down to her even today and my sisters both went through their own addictions (heroin and alcohol) and came out better and I was just kind of that child that followed the rules and had major anxiety and self esteem issues**

My Mom also couldn't handle the stress of more than one child at home so she always had us four years apart. Too large of a gap in my mind. My sisters were my 'friends' growing up (kind of) but we were never in the same stage of life at all. :shrug:

Everyone I know that is a sibling group of two is so close and so happy. My OH has one other brother and they love each other to pieces, all my friends that have one sibling love each other to pieces and are so close. If everything goes well with Wesley I'd love to go back long enough to qualify for mat leave again and then have another baby and be done.

We'll see :winkwink:
hi ladies

I need some SLEEP :sleep: ... OMW I have been up since 3am and only fell back to sleep at 4.30am to wake up at 5.30am again for work ... :nope::growlmad:

I have some very sore movements since yesterday ... but I dont think I have low fluid or am leaking fluid ... I just know I can feel the movements more now and this baby is very active and hurting mommy ... please tell me this is normal? :wacko::shrug:

thinking of u Ruby :hugs:

Im hoping my DH agrees that we are done ... he has a boy and so do I ... and now we having a baby together ... so I think 3 kids are enough ... he however said we will speak about it but it sounds to me like he wants more ... they are 7 kids
Hi everyone!

I haven't checked-in in a little while so I thought I'd drop on in and see how everyone is doing.

I have developed SPD too quite badly. The cartlidge in my pelvis has torn with the separation of my pelvic bones and is causing me a lot of pain. I am going to physio three times weekly at the hospital and they have scheduled me for an induction on 25 February. I am to be admitted the night before for gels on 24 February.

Baby's head is engaged 3/5 and is doing really well. Can't wait to finally meet her!

Hope the final few weeks of pregnancy goes well for everyone.

xx Jonesbaby
Hey ladies

Thinking of you Ruby hope bub stays in for bit longer but Im sure it'll be fine if not.

Good news Nikki!

I got through my busy weekend... dd all ready to head back to school next week, so looking forward to that! Hopefully ill be able to go back to sleep while she is at school if I have sleepless nights.

I finally finished the drawers for the nursery so thought i would post some photos im so glad with how they have turned out. image.jpg

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