MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Hope ur ok ruby ,

This thread is 7 months old today. Wow !
So ill be inducded march the 9th if babys not here by then! Really hope he is tho but I doubt it lol. !
I'm tired . My son just won't go bk2 sleep once he wakes come 5/ half 5 he's never been like this b4 ! So dno y now! I'm sure he can sense baby and is acting up!
I really hope it stops soon. Cuz I'll be a zombie when chads born x so excited now tho. Chads not even engaged slightly , he's stil free altho my consultant wrote in my notes 4/5ths. Bt said he was free. So did midwife. Cj was only 3/5ths wen I was in labour tho. X
Well, I have spend the night in hospital and am on bed rest after losing my mucus plug and having severe back pain over the weekend. Baby has been monitored on ECG and is all good. Had a steriod injection yesterday and another in an half hour to try help develop his lungs as they think he will come early.

Had an internal yesterday also, and am 1cm dialated and my cervix is thinning. They are hoping bed rest will keep him in another week.

I had a visit from Pediatrician yesterday who said babies born at 34-35 weeks do really well, just is likely that he would have to stay in hospital for a while. Which obviously don't want! PLease stay in for a bit longer bub!!

Hope everyone is well xxx

Ahw sorry to hear you're in hospital!! Hope baby will stay in there a little longer! Looks like you might be the first of the group to have your March monkey!!
I guess at least it's a good thing you made it to 34/35 weeks so you know baby will probably be fine and hopefully doesn't need to stay in hospital for too long!! :hugs:
Keep us updated if you can!! :flower:

Didn't have a great night last night! Hubby and I went upstairs at 9.45ish to go to bed as we were both tired and hubby had a bad migraine so he had to go lay down in a dark room. Well, we didn't go to sleep until about 1am (if not later!) cause his migraine was so bad he was shaking, couldn't lay still, felt sick and kept going hot and cold! He was breathing funny aswell cause it hurt so much! He's been suffering with migraines since he was about 16, but I've never seen him this bad before - 1 time came close, but not THIS bad. The gp put him on beta blockers, which slow his heartrate down as to lower the pressure in his head, to prevent him getting so many headaches - he usually has one (almost) every day! And those meds seem to be working since they upped the dosage, though last night they clearly didn't!
I just sat there massaging his head and his neck. After a while we decided to try to go to sleep as his headache eased off a little but after I'd been asleep for about half an hour, maybe 45 minutes I woke up to him being in a lot of pain again - it was so bad he was crying!!! So I rang NHS-direct, they got an out of hours doctor to ring us, which wasn't until about 1am and he didn't do much to be honest. And we couldn't go to A&E either as we don't have a car, didn't have any money for a taxi and the hospital is 3 miles away, and ofcourse we've got Lucas who was sleeping! :dohh:
So long night for me, but hopefully hubby will feel better today!! Guess my whole family will be napping this afternoon! :winkwink:
Wow, so much going on with everyone.
I'm beginning to think quite a few of us will have February Flowers now.
I hope all babies and Mums are doing well xx

I'm decided to have a lazy day today, not going to obsess too much about the cleaning etc. Just do the basics and then chill out.
Baby Jessica is pushing out hard, no kicks just lumpy pushes. Kind of painful at times. The feeling of dampness is really doing my head in now, I keep worrying every time I go to the bathroom I'm going to see blood. Its scaring me a bit.
Ruby, thinking of you and hope all its okay. You have at least had the steroids shots and they will be keeping a closer eye on you. Good luck hun !!

One month today until my bubs due! <3 one month!! Excited and last night had a bit of a panic about the birth too haha, hubby says why are you panicking? I said because the last one was awful sob, he very quickly pointed out that baby was induced last time and not ready to come whereas the previous two were lovely!! Hope so!!

Ruby I hope everything goes well. Sit tight and bake some more baby!

Jonesbaby sorry to hear about that, sounds painful as all heck, I bet you are ready to be done :flower:

Avas_mum that is too too cute! I'm completely jealous, that is an awesome dresser!

Elutjah that sounds really scary, I hate seeing someone in so much pain and not being able to do anything....hope he's okay today.

I've found that all of a sudden I can't sleep very well and wake up preparing to be knackered but I feel fine. :shrug: I think this is my body getting me ready fort hose sleepless nights. :haha: bump looks lower to me today....
Hope ur hubbys ok now ella.

I'm shattered! :(
Yay one month donna!

I can't wait now ! X
Yeah hubby is feeling much better now! Let him sleep until he got up himself, which was around 12pm I think. Still had a little bit of a tingle in his head but that's gone now!
Glad to know he's feeling better now!

Not sure about his job for the agency though... they rang him this morning and he told them he was ill and couldn't come in today, but he should be fine tomorrow. They told him now that he's on standby for tomorrow, cause he let them down today..... Really hoping this hasn't affected his chances of getting a permanent contract with them!
Surely they can't 'ditch' him cause he was ill one day!!! It's just that he was on like a probation period kinda thing - which is standard procedure apparently!
But he was doing really well, cause he'd been called in every day since he first started with them, cause he's basically covering illness etc. So being called in every day is a good sign, just hope (like I said) him being ill one day himself doesn't affect his job there!
Been absent for a few days...had a bad cold at the beg. of the month and just a few days ago, I became sick again!

ruby83: So sorry to hear about your friend is going thru the same thing. Sending a prayer out to you that your lil one stays put longer.

Eltjuh I've had a few of those headaches and can't imagine having them frequently like your husband. The only thing I find that helps is moving the position of my head--I have to look all the way up and somehow that lessens the pain. Hopefully his employers will take in consideration that it's his only first missed day of work.

HappyHome, JessesGirl29: I don't sleep well these days..I've been having nightmares too. Had a dream that I was giving birth alone along the streets of Tijuana Mexico!!!!
Not sure if you girls would like to do this, but if so, please share what you have written.

In one of my birthing classes, I was asked to write a letter to my unborn child. My husband is supposed to do the same. It could be about anything..your thoughts, your fears, desires you may have for his/her future...what ever you'd like. You can have fun with it.

Sharing mine here:

To My Future Son Richard,

Your daddy is away and I am the only one taking Lamaze without a partner. I am using the wall in the class as a fictional father in which I lean on and do my "Ah, Ah, Ah, Eeeh" breathing techniques. As part of my homework in the class, I was asked to write a brief letter to you.
___ Haven't met you yet and I love you already. We had a party for you weeks ago and you were sleeping away, oblivious to the big celebration we had for your upcoming arrival. Your Aunt paid for an expensive 4D photo-session and all you could do was suck on your two big feet which covered your entire face. Thankfully, towards the last few minutes of the session, you grew tired of your toes and allowed us to see that beautiful face of yours.
____ Our hospital bag is ready and important admitting/birth plan documents have been prepared. I've washed and either folded or hung your first outfits. Was informed that you'll be like a super model and will be needing different changes of clothing everyday! I have your changing table in view every time I enter my room and know I'll regret saying this, I can't wait to use it and change your first diaper!
_____ With all this said Richard, I want you evicted from my womb. I don't want to offend you little guy and I am aware that I will also regret saying this. When you will cry at night, I will think about the months that you have quietly occupied my body, and will more than likely want you back in there. For now, I WOULD Just LIKE YOU OUT!
____ Love, Mom
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies, I really appreciate the support. I am feeling less emotional now but hyper sensitive of any changes in my body. Still losing parts of the mucus plug which my OB says is normal now that I am dialated and my cervix is thinning.

I am at home on bed rest so nice to be away from hospital. I have noticed this morning that my tummy has changed a bit, hard to describe but from under my belly button to my pelvic bone it looks like a flat ramp now, not round. Does this mean baby is dropping?? Also, I was up 6 nights to go to the loo (just #1's) so am thinking baby is sitting a bit lower now. This morning I had loose stools when I went to the bathroom too....

Still getting severe sharp back pain on and off and a constant dull ache. I am hoping nothing of this means labour is coming yet. Would love some responses though by you ladies that have been there before!

Thanks again xxxx
I don't want to scare you if I'm wrong but that sounds like labor could be somewhat close, based on my experiences. Especially if you had a clearing out this morning and have already begun dilating/thinning.

But hopefully it's just a weird coincidence :/

The back pain could simply be the way baby is laying though too.
Thanks for your reply, I was thinking that too but don't know if I am just over googling! Thats why i am interested in the opinions on here!

I am not having any contractions though... Not sure if these on and off sharp pinching pains in my back are some type of contractions....
eltjuh- my DH gets migraines too. its so horrible to see them in pain. :hugs:

ruby- hate to say it too, but sounds like labor could be right around the corner. of course, maybe not! but just sounds like an awful lot of signs to me :hugs:
Contractions feel different for everyone. There will be so many women you'll find that say contractions felt like that for them but others that will say they only felt period-like pains. My cousin just had a c-section 2 weeks ago and was hooked up to the monitors prior to her surgery only to find out she was contracting every 2 minutes but she didn't really feel them, said she thought she was having mild Braxton-Hicks.

I had back labor with my last pregnancy but 2 days prior to delivery, I was at L&D walking the halls with ridiculously painful contractions that were all up front and down low. Yet when I was admitted (2 days after that) to deliver, I was having mostly low back pain because she was back-to-back. But she'd been that way for the last few weeks yet I still felt 2 different types of contractions.

I would say it doesn't hurt to ring L&D or your doctor and get their input.
Thanks for your reply, I was thinking that too but don't know if I am just over googling! Thats why i am interested in the opinions on here!

I am not having any contractions though... Not sure if these on and off sharp pinching pains in my back are some type of contractions....

____Good time to just meditate, listen to some relaxing music, do what ever calms you down. Tell your honey to get you some nice gossip magazines maybe. Again, my friend is going through the same as you and it's been well over 4 weeks. Still no baby and she's about 36 weeks now.
Thanks ladies! It is so frustrating to not have clear indicators though isn't it! Even my OB says things can be so different for different people. I am having some pains now in my tummy but again it could be to do with the fruit I just ate!

Also feeling a lot warmer and even my skin is quite pink. bubs is still moving around in there nicely which is reassuring.

Thanks again for your input xxx
hi ladies

Ella im glad hubby is feeling better

Banivani that is such a beautiful letter ... aww man

Ruby Im glad u home ...

Has anyone had labour symptoms yet?

I have to say I slept better last night despite the 6 toilet trips ... I just walked like a zombie closed eyes back to the bed and fell back asleep ...

my baby is very low and the bottom of my tummy is very sore like a strained muscle also my lower back has been killing me ...
Good luck ruby83! Just rest and take it easy! That little sugar of a baby needs to bake a tad more! :)

My mother in law went into pre term labor while pregnant with my husband at 21 weeks and he was able to stay baking all the way until 36 weeks. :)

The female body is amazing, yours knows what is best for your baby. Babies do seem to love their own schedule.

I will keep positive energy going towards you and baby! <3
As an aside, I loathe heartburn! It is kicking my butt and starving me of sleep. :(

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