MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Lmao before a bath if i sit ella on floor w no diaper she always tinkles! ( most times!) wonder if its the free feeling lol.
Oh my gosh, Lucas gets so upset about pooing on the potty... He always pees on the potty now (well apart from the odd accident if there's too much going on - he peed on me the other night!! :dohh:) but poos.... freak him out!
I was gonna take his nappy off in the morning the other day and as I was doing it he started crying to put it back on and he didn't wanna sit on the potty - I could see poo coming so he HAD to sit on it! As I refuse to give him a nappy for poos, he needs to learn that it's ok to poo on the potty!
First time he poo-ed on it he looked back and freaked out, wouldn't even come near it!! :haha:

He also poo-ed on the floor the other night when my SIL was looking after him! :haha: which was pretty funny, cause she won't even pick up dog poo, but she had no choice with Lucas as she was the only one there with him!!! :haha:
Hi ladies, I'm back in hospital after being in excruciating pain last night all in my back and had some red bleeding. Came in and they examined me and now, well as of last night , am 3cm dilated. They are keeping me in until bub is born bit still not sure when that will be. All my pain is still in my back so interesting to hear that some of you also got contractions in your back.

Will keep you updated!

Thanks for all the well wishes x
Keep us updated least you know you will be in the best place to keep you and your little one safe xx
Ur In the best place ruby , best wishes hun! X

Morning girls.. Gosh I couldn't sleep last night .. I was tossing and turning , cudnt stop weeing was thirsty, and boiling hot ! I've been so hot in bed lately .. Cj actuli slept and I've been awake since 5am ! Got a right headache nw . Were just sat having a hot chocolate.. I've got the midwife at 11.15 ! X

36 weeks today! 4weeks ! (28 days) to go ! Eekk !x
Ughh I have had niggly pains in stomach and my back on and off all day...think these are BH's as I did not feel these last time with DD.

Last day at work tomorrow and having my farewell after work which will be something to look forward to.

Exciting Donna ...not long to go now, I have my next appt next week and we going to see what position Max is in as my last appt he was head down but diagonally spread across :dohh: so if he still like that I will get another scan and they will be able to estimate his size which will be interesting. Midwife said he felt like a good average size so hopefully he does not get too big!
Aww bless. I've been told to expect another 9lb or 10lb baby! Cj was 9lb 5oz !
Chad was head down with his back to the left of my belly button and legs and arms to the righrt last appointment x
Sorry you're back in hospital Ruby!! But like the others said, at least you're being looked after and you know you're in the best place to be if something happens and when baby comes!!
I'll be looking out for updates from you!! Hope you're ok and everything goes well when you do have your baby!! :hugs:
Good luck girl!!

Well, hubby got a call at 6am this morning to come into work! So that's made me happy! As soon as the phone rang I was like: YES! That's what we want!!
He's not doing his usual job, but at least he's working and he'll be working longer hours aswell, as he usually does the bins (he's working for the council at the moment) and when he does the bins he's home around 1 or 2pm, but today he won't be home till about 4 or 5pm, but at least he'll get paid more aswell! :haha: that's always a bonus, especially after losing 2 days this week! Fingers crossed they'll take him off stand by after today and put him back where he was, but we'll see!!

Me and Lucas are going to town today, gonna get Lucas a haircut - that's gonna be fun!! NOT!!! He absolutely HATES it and kicks and screams all the way through, I'm surprised his hair comes out looking good every time! :haha: And we're gonna get some bits for baby and the hospital bag!
Glad ur hubbys got more work hun :)
I just need some slippers and a pair of pjs 4 my bag now I went town and tottaly 4got them so might order online . My little boy is 2 ! In 2 weeks! Where has time gone !

Cj actuli sits stil wen he has hair cut, probz wudnt if I tookk him bt his dad takes him lol x
Lucas is 3 in 3 weeks! :) They're getting so big now!! I can barely remember him being a baby!
Aww goes so quick ! Reli does.. :) I haven't a clue what to get cj. Its hard he had everything for xmas lol x
This time 2 years ago I was due in 3 days! He kept me waiting tho lol x
Ruby hope you and bubs are doing okay, thinking of you xx

Ella, my nephew was like that with hair cuts lol, my sis had to practically restrain him lol and she used to get so embarrassed, he grew out of it eventually though. Still not his favorite place to go but he doesn't scream blue murder now haha.

Happy 36 weeks Donna, last wee bit before baby now! Hope your appointment goes well today. And hope you feel better, I was up with tooth ache again, typically it felt better yesterday so I never made that dental appointment lol, then at about 8pm it kicked off big style. So dentist today at 12:00. So tired, was hoping to go to the dentist get it sorted, take Dawson to nursery and go nap for a bit but have just found out my sis was taken to hospital by ambulance this morning. She had been sick all night but never woke anyone up, my niece got up at seven found her collapsed on the bathroom floor, phoned my oldest sister to take her to hospital but they could not move her so they had to phone an ambulance. And also my new boiler is leaking so waiting on the plumber getting back to me about coming to see that!!! Said he would be last night or today :(

Have a good day ladies :)

Ps my baby was oblique a few weeks ago too, but has turned long now xxx
Ruby xx (((hugs)))

Had a rough evening yesterday, spent almost an hour in the bath! I just dont know what was wrong with me. Feeling sick and have stomach ache today so maybe I picked something up off one of the kids.
For MK (dd3) we got her a balance bike. She loves it but wont go on it with me, just Daddy. (hey-ho saves my back from bending)
She's knows when she needs a wee at the moment but wont go near a potty or the toilet. I'm not sure how to break it other than letting her have an accident to feel wet then maybe going on the potty wont seem as bad?? I dont know/ (gosh, I hope that doesnt sound neglectful??)

Glad your OH got some work in. We had a bit of a mess up with someone how sub-contacted DH, said he'd pay the tax on his wages but didnt so got to sort all that out and need to either repay £400+ or not get paid for the next lot of work. Its not good.
Don't worry happyhome, it doesn't sound neglectful... sometimes they need a little nudge! Lucas knew when he needed a wee and would still have accidents on the floor at first and we thought if we get him some pants to wear then he'll feel that he gets wet and he doesn't want to do that, rather than just seeing it go on the floor and think: oh well, mummy and daddy will clean it up... Didn't end up using the pants at first though. Just let him have accidents and he picked it up pretty quickly. It was about a week before he had no accidents anymore (still has some every now and then, but only when there's too much going on!)
Dreading the time when I have to start taking him out without a nappy though, he still wears it now when we go out!

We're getting Lucas a little play kitchen (from Ikea) for his birthday and we're getting other people (like grandparents and aunts & uncles) to get him the bits to go with it, like the pots and pans and food etc. Cause the kitchen itself is £65 and we think that's enough really! We used to spend so much on his birthday and xmas, but realised now that he doesn't need that much! There's no point, cause he's got so many toys already!
Lol i just put my daughters play kitchen together yesterday, shes 1, and she loves it! She was sitting there pouring fake coffee from the pot into cups w her daddy and pretending to sip it lmao.
Been to the midwifes!
Alls fine , measuring 38 weeks, got glucose in wee again. .
But hEs back 2 ba ck . I was alredi scared! Now I'm even mur so. Cj was back to back and it was hell she sed he cud stil turn round bt I'm scared. Reli want an easier time this time .. Consultant didn't say he was back to back ova day tho so hope he turns. He is engaging bt cuz she can stil move his head, she has sed he's free x
Ouch for the B2B. I've read that spending as much time on all fours pretending to be a cat bending helps but I've no experience in it actually working.
Ouch for the B2B. I've read that spending as much time on all fours pretending to be a cat bending helps but I've no experience in it actually working.

I have heard this too hun, and can't hurt to try! On all fours , bum in air lol. Encourages baby's heaviest part to present seemingly. Not sure how much room can be in there at this stage for turning though, especially with a big baby xxx
They do say they can turn, even from breech up until labour with second babies.

So get on your hands and knees and get washing floors, cleaning skirtings, playing with cj with cars/trucks etc lol xx good luck, and either way it will be easier this time hun, I practically guarantee it xxx
Ahw sorry to hear he's back to back but like the others said there's still time for him to turn around and you can try and help by being on all fours... Hopefully he turns for you!!

I got some bits for my hospital bag today - maternity pads & travel size shampoo. Also got some pads for the mattress, just incase my waters decide to break on their own this time whilst I'm in bed! Our bed is only a year old, so is the mattress and it's a really nice memory foam one so really don't wanna ruin it! :haha: Not sure when I wanna stick it on though... kinda wanna do it now, so I can get used to it (hopefully it doesn't rustle too much) but at the same time I might wait.... not sure how long for though! :dohh:
Also got baby some dummies and Lucas picked his present for his baby brother, which I'll probably put in my hospital bag and let him give it to his brother when he comes to see him for the first time in hospital. (that way whoever is looking after him and taking him to see the baby won't forget to bring it!) Think I'm pretty much sorted for my hospital bag now, other than some clothing for myself and last minute things, as I'll probably get that together closer to the time so I can still use the clothes. I WAS gonna get some cheap pj-bottoms but then thought if I just use the ones I've already got I've got a good excuse to buy some nice new pj's when he's born! :haha: Anything to get to do some shopping - and this way I'm saving some money right now.

Oh! And Lucas got his hair cut aswell..... He was pretty upset but he did better this time than the last couple of times! He actually stopped crying at one point! Hopefully that's the start of him growing out of it :winkwink:
Here's some pics - his haircut isn't THAT great, but what do you expect when he won't sit still! :haha:

Sorry the pics are sideways....


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