MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Its crazy how much love you can have.
I posted on a thread a while ago with a prediction for when baby would arrive.
I said 28th of Feb....we shall see.

Feb 28 is the day I've picked too. :)
Wow, 2cm already. Do they offer steroid injections for babies lungs if they think baby may deliver early?

The Midwives dont do internal examinations here (uk) well not that I know of.
Think I'd be scared knowing I was dilated at 34 wks.

My OB checked because of pain and pressure (both cervical and rectal.) Normally she would have waited another week or two. They do offer steroid injections for the baby's lungs but I'm assuming my OB doesn't expect me to go anytime immediately, just sooner than my due date so we'll see!

Am I the only one that doesn't really feel that bonded with this baby yet??? I can't wait to meet him and am really excited about it, but I find it really hard to actually realise there is ACTUALLY gonna be another baby. And also feel like I was much more 'in love' with my baby when I was pregnant with Lucas than I am this time.... It's kinda hard to explain, but I feel like I can't really bond with this baby until he's born!
Hope that's normal.....

Yep, that's me 100%. I think it's because my toddler is only going on 2 so she's still growing and learning so much and we're still just so fascinated with her. My oldest is 8 years old so it was like starting all over again with my 2 year old. And given that my 8 year old lives with my parents right now, it's basically like we're going to only be going from 1 to 2 kids and that's so scary to me. I'm more afraid than anything lol. Definitely don't feel as close to this baby or pregnancy as I did the last time. Most days it really bothers me that I feel that way but I know it's normal because before... all we had to focus on was the pregnancy and meeting the baby in our bellies. Now? My 2 year old keeps me so busy that I don't have time to just sit and connect with the baby and then I worry about how having another is going to affect her and the dynamics of everything. So I imagine it's gotta be normal lol.
I feel the same ella. I can't wait4 him to be here but I'm scared to & also with ur 1st everys things so new and all u can focus on is baby, with us we've got toddler so were busy all the time . 2nd time pregnancys defo differ from 1st , and haa lazy boys :) wa they like x
Am I the only one that doesn't really feel that bonded with this baby yet??? I can't wait to meet him and am really excited about it, but I find it really hard to actually realise there is ACTUALLY gonna be another baby. And also feel like I was much more 'in love' with my baby when I was pregnant with Lucas than I am this time.... It's kinda hard to explain, but I feel like I can't really bond with this baby until he's born!
Hope that's normal.....
Definitely can't wait until he's here though and to see my 2 boys together! Lucas has been mentioning the baby several times lately, he keeps saying: baby's bed when he sees the moses basket in our bedroom and he seems pretty excited and he seems to actually understand that there's gonna be a baby! Ofcourse he won't really realise what it means until he's here but still....

I'm the same Donna, Lucas was due the 7th, so 3 years ago I was 39 weeks pregnant and waiting for him to show his face! But he made us wait until the 20th!
Its crazy how much love you can have.
I posted on a thread a while ago with a prediction for when baby would arrive.
I said 28th of Feb....we shall see.

Feb 28 is the day I've picked too. :)

Me three!!!!! ;0) It would be my second year anniversary and my deceased mother's birthday. I keep saying any safe day will be welcomed but I'd really like the 28th to be the day:flower::baby::baby:
Hi I have not posted for a while but I have been keeping up. all is well but totally exhausted. I have most of my hospital bag stuff but for some reason it just seems to real to put it in a case. One thing that was recommended to me last time which I got today is cheap flip flops so you can wear them in the shower.

:thumbup:I'll keep that in mind...the cheap flip flops. Someone told me to add some breast pads, lip balm and hair ties. I put my baby's going home clothes in a large zip lock bag and my extra nightgown-cheapy but comfy -underwear, and fuzzy cheap socks, all in a separate large zip-lock bag. This way it gives me more room for my bag, keeps things clean, and will just be easier to get to things in the bag. Also included are my copies of ID, Insurance, Hospital Admission, and birth plan. Trying to make things easier for my Hubby who doesn't speak English very well and will be arriving two weeks before my due date.
I reeeeeeeally want to at least make it to march 1, but I don't think I will get that far. so im predicting feb 25 or 26 for me
I saw someone mentioned taking lip balm to the hospital. I highly agree with that. You definitely want chapstick. Your lips will never be as dry as they are after delivering and while you're in the hospital (and even after you come home.)
Morning girls. So after my son finally started sleeping better he was back to his old tricks last nite.. !
Didn't settle til 10pm.. Normally he's fast asleep come 8.. Then he woke at 3.15 and he just cried til 5.30 and then finally went bk2 sleep and got up at 7.15 I'm so tired its unreal my heads killing me .
I sat there sobbin last night.. I don't think any1 quite understands how hard sleep deprivation is untill u have children! Its nights like that I think can I cope with 2 ? Imagine when chads here ! Ill have no sleep at all! Cjs almost 2 ! Surely he shud be able to sleep better by now. He always was such a good sleeper ! :(

So I'm gna go shops in a bit. Then back home and av a lazy day.. X
Donna, does CJ still nap during the day???
Cause believe it or not (sorry if you've heard it before), they tend to sleep better when they are well rested! So if they're really tired it's hard for them to fall asleep properly and stay asleep.... You'd think it would be the other way around, but I have noticed it before when Lucas was a bit younger, that he slept much better when he had a nap during the day.
Lucas goes to bed at 7pm usually (it tends to be more 7.30 nowadays) and he's usually asleep straight away. He stopped having naps for a while but he still gets tired during the day, most days, so we put him down for a nap after lunch (around 1.30/2ish) and he usually sleep till 4pm - sometimes we even have to wake him up. But he never really gets up at night! It's very rare for him to wake up during the night!
Yet I'm still worried about having a newborn haha, cause I'm still getting used to getting up early with him (Lucas) every day (he usually gets up at 7) as hubby used to let me sleep in, but now he's gone back to work I have to get up! Can't imagine having to get up at 7am with a newborn that's been up half the night! Cause when Lucas was born hubby would go to work at 6am, I'd feed Lucas and then we'd go back to sleep till about 9am and used to stay in bed most of the day for the first 2 weeks or so! Can't do that this time!

I have been having trouble sleeping well the past couple of nights cause my hips are getting really sore at night now!! So I keep rolling over trying to relieve the pain!
Thanks 4 replying hun, yup he still naps , and I'm glad u agree because I'm so fed up of my ohs family telling me to stop his naps .. I no he defo stil needs a nap he gets tired in the day and would noway last all day without a nap on the odd day he hasn't napped. He's a nightmare at bedtime , he used to be such a fab sleeper ,
And he normally goes to bed anytime between 7-8 depending on how tired he is. Normally about half 7 lately , sometimes he goes straight of bt normally he lies there 4 an hour b4 he goes off, but then he normally is pretty good, he does stil wake but normally I just pop in give him his dummy , which ino I should relli stop but he only has 4 bed, and he goes bk2 sleep.. And then wakes around 7ish,

But then night like last night , so he had about 7 hours all night ! Nowhere near enough, so today he's going to be so tired and no dount do the same thing 2nite. I can alredi tell he's tired .. ! He normally naps from about 12ish - 2 , depending on how good he's slept at night , bt he normally always has the 2 hour nap..

Somethings gotta change :/ cuz I'm petrfied x
Totally agree with Ella on the naps thing Donna, Dawson always slept better at night if he had a nap, otherwise he was over tired and really grouchy.
Hope cj s sleeping settle down hun.

February ladies!! Yay and although my date had been moved and I am not convinced lol, and this is a March thread, I am still excited that my official edd is end of this month lol. Yay!!!

Another month closer, needing some new mile stones to help countdown the days /weeks now lol. Term as of Friday so there is one lol, and officially can have my home birth after that date :) midwife the following week then my home visit will be arranged to drop off my birthing kit : D xxx

What else it's everyone counting down to or looking forward to? Baby obviously !!lmao

I've got midwife next thursday, then I got a health visitor coming to our house on the 12th - we haven't got a health visitor yet and Lucas never had a 2/2.5 yr development check (he's 3 in 3 weeks!) so that's kinda something to look forward to. Then the 15th me and Lucas are going to London, to see our friends that we left behind when we moved. And my parents are also coming over to the UK on the 15th, but they're going to see my sister first as she works during the week, so they'll spend the weekend with her and then come this way. And then the 20th is Lucas' birthday! And that's about it!! Probably got another midwife appointment on his birthday as I always have my appointments on thursdays and I'll be 38 weeks (well, 37+6) then so due another appointment! And that's about it I think! Quite a few things going on I guess.... But mainly counting down till my duedate! :haha: ofcourse!!!
I'm not doing a countdown as such ... More a count up ! With dd my waters broke the day after I finished work so I will be countin each day I get to myself as a good thing , have six weeks left , am happy to meet in the middle at 3 weeks !!!
Thanks donna.. We've been to the shops.. Just got back..

I didn't even realise it was our month :D !! I'm almost certain he will be a march baby tho lol.
Its even worse wen ur shopping and the women in there can't believe how long I've got left. One said ill have him in the next few days. Ha no chance ! He's hurting my pelvis today. Relli sore and heavy. I've got the midwife next thursday which is my sons birthday. My apps am always thursdays to. Ill be 38 weeks then ! X
My pelvis is so sore today too, I think because I never took my crutches the other night and over done things but also hoping cos baby has dropped a bit, I know it is very early and they can move in and out with later pregnancies but Dawson never did, so it gives me hope of a spontaneous delivery lol.
I am seriously walking like John Wayne, well the snail like version haha and clinging onto the walls or door frames to try and propel myself along a bit.

And 36 weeks yay , so excited to meet our little one now, my dad is convinced boy, my sis and niece think girl. I still change my mind day to day or week to week look. Just now I think boy though :)
Think we are going for Lucas for a boy, not sure of the middle name, maybe David after his dad or I really like Kian ( but it is not after anyone, well FiL is Ian and my dad is Aitken so could be said it is a play on both their names lol) or Lilia Jean for a girl ( maybe Lilianna) but still nothing is totally decided lol xxx

Hi ladies, baby Harry was born yesterday 31/1 (Australian time) at 6.51pm. Weighing a healthy 2.7kg for 35 weeks! He is so perfect and we are completely in love. He is staying in special care as his sucking reflex is not developer properly and although he is doing a good job they are also tube feeding him. We are hoping he won't be in too long!
Thanks for all the well wishes and support! Ended up having a January baby!!

All the best to everyone xxx
Hi ladies, baby Harry was born yesterday 31/1 (Australian time) at 6.51pm. Weighing a healthy 2.7kg for 35 weeks! He is so perfect and we are completely in love. He is staying in special care as his sucking reflex is not developer properly and although he is doing a good job they are also tube feeding him. We are hoping he won't be in too long!
Thanks for all the well wishes and support! Ended up having a January baby!!

All the best to everyone xxx

Ahhhwww Congrats Ruby!!!
I was just thinking about you, wondering if you had updated yet, and there it was!!
Hopefully you'll get to take your baby boy home soon!! :hugs:
Glad to hear you're both doing well though!

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