MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

I'm pretty sure my baby is no longer back to back... Felt a huge flip feeling last night and now my stomach is hard as a rock and the skin feels like it's going to explode. I had the weirdest pattern of viens on my stomach for hours. I usually feel kicks at my belly button and now it's just up the top in my ribs and out the side of my ribs. We are labour ready!!! :happydance:
I've been hearing such bad things about back to back labour that. I will gladly take stretch marks over that.
I'm having more relationship drama here (I cursed myself by thinking days ago how Jerry springer my first Tri was and how glad I was that things settled down). Oh well, keeping calm and cool for baby and that's all that really matters at this point. When I start to feel stressed out about everything in life going on I just go sit in Wesley's room and rock in the rocking chair and focus on him and the future.

My midwife said to spend a lot of time bent over so I got a little exercise ball and if I'm watching tv I get down on all fours and lean on my ball or if I'm relaxing watching the ipad in bed I get on all fours and try to relax that way as stupid as I feel doing it. Not 100% sure that's what did it and it hurts my remaining ab muscles at times because it pushes him high up in my ribs but it might be worth a go.
Previous babies have been 6lb9oz, 6lb13oz and 7lb3oz so steadily bigger but thankfully not by much.
Previous babies have been 6lb9oz, 6lb13oz and 7lb3oz so steadily bigger but thankfully not by much.

Only by about 4oz then... So at least I'm (hopefully) not looking at a 9lb baby :winkwink: Don't think I'd be able to do that!!
I don't know how you did it Donna R!!
I don't no how I did either lmao!! I'm expecting another 9lber! Consultant said he will be between 9-10lb , I reckon about 9lb 8oz ! Cj was 9lb 5 ! I am scared but not to much about his size as long as he's not 10lb apartantly a few ozs doesn't make much difference in there width etc! So it shudnt be any harder to get him out , plus everythings stretched b4 lol. X I'm still waiting on my birthing ball turning up.. Hope its soon.. Midwife next thursday on my babys birthday! Can't believe he's going to be 2 !! X
Lucas was quite tall/long, which ofcourse made him heavier! He was 53cm!!
I'm expecting this baby to be about 8lb6oz or something like that!
My first born was 7lbs 9oz and my second born was 6lbs 5oz. I'm expecting this baby to be closer to the second baby. She's been measuring smaller all along anyway.
Its really interesting how babies are all different weights.
I think a 9lb'er would kill me!
my dr and the 4D scan place both estimated that Aiden would be around 7-7 1/2lbs when born. As long as he is healthy and isn't too huge (never really trust growth scan measurements fully) I'll be happy.

We had my baby shower on saturday and boy am I exhausted! my sister-in-law and niece threw it together with one of the ladies from church and we had it in the church reception hall, I lost track of how many were there but it had to be close to 35-40 people. Found it hard to chat with everyone but made sure I got around to saying hello and thanks to each person, especially when we were playing the games it was easier. I think it's safe to say Aiden doesn't need any more nb-6 month sized clothes now LOL we still need to get some more diapers and wipes and bathing essentials but we got most of what we still needed and are so thankful for all of our family and friends generosity.

The rest of the photos I have are here, don't want to bombard the page with them lol

We all had a great time, lots of giggles, and a few tears when my friend gave me a blanket that was her eldest daughters (Her 15 year old daughter passed away 2 years ago from complications from an infection), she was like my little sister and we all miss her terribly. Hubby and I feel honoured to have been passed along something so precious of hers and we will have to take great care making sure Aiden knows all about his honorary auntie.

Hubby and I are still going through the spare room that will eventually be Aiden's nursery, we got all of his clothes sorted by size and folded nicely in the dresser, we just have to figure out where all the other gifts will go!
My biggest was 8lb6 at 14 days overdue, and smallest was 7lb 4 at 39+3, other two were late too but not so much so and weighed 7lb8 and 7lb 15. This time I expect to be late again and around 8 and a half again, maybe 9 lb, baby is measuring 50 percentile so not expecting a huge difference. I hope not anyway lol.

Sorry for ppl seeing this twice! Just an update

Im stuck in hospital overnight... Baby is fine on monitor they are more wirried about my blood sugars dropping low all day all of a sudden and my swelling...doing a kidney ultrasound to make sure nothing is kinked and why i cant pee much. Other than that just hanging out w hubby in our room! Blah!
Nikkilewis, that sucks! I spent the morning in the hospital for an unexplained seizure and DH and I are exhausted! I also got a shot of terbutiline for frequent BH, but hopefully nothing more exciting happens for us! No eclampsia or anything, so we have no idea! Hope you get more answers, no answers frustrates me!
Also, baby was just measuring 4 lb 7 oz today!
Nikkilewis14 Hope you get better and things run smoothly! At least you're being well taken care of there.

Disneylovers Cute photos and what a nice sunny day!!! I would eat that entire cake if I could through my computer screen!!!!:winkwink:

So, I found this video on tips for changing the baby's position:

How to Turn a Breech, Posterior or Transverse baby

I tried some exercises and have been sitting upright when I can...also on all fours when surfing the net on bed--

*Super tired today but then again, I don't sleep well at night. Noticed an increase in appetite!!!! I'll wake up at 3am and feel really hungry!
Disney - what an adorable day! I can feel like the love all the way through the computer screen, :kiss:

Nikki and azure - :hugs: You poor Mommas all of that must be so scary, and who likes the hospital??? :nope: keep your head up, you are both nearly there and doing great, it won't belong now......

I've found that my sleep pattern has totally changed, I nap when I get home from work (FTM luxuries) for an hour or two and then don't get to bed again until after midnight and wake up for work at 630am and feel fine. It's so crazy but I feel like my body is trying to prepare me to catch sleep in little pockets instead of straight through the night (which I'll probably never see again for years :winkwink:)
Hope ur all ok girls.

Hope ur ok nikki..

So after cj sleeping great last few nights . He was up from 1.30-3.30am last nite just screaming ! Safe to say I'm shattered, he's ad a nap bt I cudnt as I ad sum1 in laying a new floor x
Kidney u/s was fine, ijust seem to be one of those ladies who retain everything they put in their body :(. Ive had constant bh all night to the point of pain ( but thats not really anything new for me...). My diabetes doctor will be in today w a new insulin regimine and hopefully i can get out of here a little after!
Copy/paste from the Labor Watch thread :)

Went to L&D last night for cramping and contracting and reduced movement.

Monitors only picked up 2 contractions but I felt a couple more. Of course baby moved quite a bit while I was there and since the monitor hardly picked up the contractions I was feeling, I was sent home. I knew I wasn't in labor or whatever but was still worried.

I was 2cm when I was checked on Thursday - still 2cm and 40% effaced last night. I lost what looked like little bits of plug after the internal last night but I'm sure it'll just regenerate.

Still pretty crampy with a low backache today but I guess what's what I get to deal with until this kid decides she's ready (or my OB decides to take her if she stays breech.) Very annoying. I see my OB again on Friday so hopefully she has something useful to say lol.
Copy/paste from the Labor Watch thread :)

Went to L&D last night for cramping and contracting and reduced movement.

You did well by getting checked though and if something else comes up and you think you need to go again, go. Hope the cramping goes away. Looks like your body is getting ready.
Thanks. I just hated the way the nurse and L&D on-call OB were talking to me. Like I didn't know what I was saying/feeling. I went through that several times at the end of my last pregnancy but in the end, I was right because my water was leaking. The OB and nurse were saying it was just increased discharge and I'd be going home soon. Sure enough - I was right and my water was leaking. I delivered the next day lol. Even better - the on-call OB from last night was the same one I saw the night I was admitted last pregnancy (due to my water leaking.)
hi ladies

hope everyone is good ... :flower:

I had my check up today ... blood pressure is good and I only gained 2.4kg bringing my total weight gain to 11.7kg thus far ... :happydance:

baby is measuring big and has a strong heartbeat and is sunnyside down and low :cloud9: ... doc said if i should go into labour they wont stop it ... didnt get an estimation on weight or get checked for dilation will get one at my next check up at 37weeks and decide on a POA ... he asked me if my bags are packed as anything can happen now :yipee: :baby:

I have been having more intense BH that take my breathe away and also a few contractions but nothing to monitor ... my cervix also feels like its stretching as well as my pelvis ... :shrug: and my tighs are achey ...

well that's my update ...
I posted this in the 3rd tri section (with a picture if anyone wants to go have a look - and in the FB group but I'll just copy/paste here.

Thursday at 34+1, I saw my OB who did an internal because I'd been having cervical/rectal pain & pressure and found out I was 2cm dilated and baby is breech.

Last few days I've had decreased movement and more BH. Yesterday though I'd had more BH than ever with a couple contractions mixed in. Around 9pm I started feeling very crampy all the way across my bump and back and my belly would randomly get hard and stay hard for awhile. My OB told me to go to L&D just to be safe.

Of course baby moved enough to make them happy (figured she would) and I only had 2 contractions register on the monitors even though I felt a few more. Did an internal and I'm still 2cm and 40% effaced. When I got home last night, I went to the bathroom and had some spotting because of the internal which I expected but also noticed I was losing a little bit of my plug. No big deal because I know it can regenerate.

Went to bed, woke up feeling fine for about a half hour before the cramping started again. I've been cramping non-stop with some lower back pain still. Baby is ridiculously low and it's like every step I take, it's so painful across my bump.

Went to the bathroom a few times this morning and the spotting and bits of plug had stopped but I went to the bathroom again like 20 minutes ago and when I wiped, I found this... (I'll attach the picture.) Does it look like it's just regular discharge/lube from the internal mixed with blood or does it look like it's part of my plug or something else? If I wasn't in so much pain and discomfort I'd probably just chalk it up to being from the exam and nothing to worry about but because of EVERYTHING combined, I really don't know what to think. And I really don't want to go back up to L&D for them to tell me I don't know anything like they did last night.

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