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March 2018 Testers - Irish luck for a Hoppy Easter! 11 BFP & counting!

TTC74 - Added!! Best of luck!!

Zoboe - Welcome! Let me know when you plan on testing once you know and I'll add you to that date. I put you on TBD for now! Good luck!!

Would you have to quit if you became pregnant? I think a nursery would be a great job to have. Then your little one would be able to go to daycare where you work!

Lady - Added you to the 9th! Good luck!!!

Mrn - I keep symptom spotting as well. Today I haven't spotted much, but I started aching down there again. It always seems to be dominant to the left side!

Mel - Added you to the 3rd! Is your avatar your little one?! That's some serious hair!!!

LuLu - Well.. haven't you heard.. 16 is your lucky number so... definitely will be your month!! Perfect birthday gift! It does only take once (was the case with both my boys) soo you got this! Baby dust!!

JA - Definitely possible, but rare in most cases. So, if you really want to, go for it! Just don't be too let down if it's a BFN since it's so early!

thencomesbebe - Fingers crossed that you ovulate early. I couldn't imagine being away from my hubs for 2 months!! We could hardly stand a day for the longest time. Maybe it'll be a good break for you two, though. If you don't get pregnant this month.. by the time you see each other again you'll be like rabbits!

Crumb - I have you added to the 4th!! Best of luck! Glad you're having fun!!

Mrs -I'd have them up, too. I've been tired as well, but I can't tell if it's more than usual. I do get spells where I'm so super tired for no reason. I took a nap a couple of days in a row. I think it might be stress, though.

Dream - I'm right there with you. Yesterday I was all "I have to be pregnant" Today.. "Eh.. I'm not.. why bother testing"

I caved and tested at 8DPO today. Not even a hint. I threw it away, will not look again. I know it's early so I just need to chill!

Symptom spotting reveals: Urinary frequency (have to get up at night to go pee even if I didn't drink much before bed), nipples appear to be more sensitive (my 1 year old has bit them a couple of times while feeding so summing it up to that), tired more than normal (this happens occasionally, though), still have an aching down below.. Why can't there be a HCG test that is marked with multiple levels and tests "nonpregnant" levels so that you can see if it rises :haha: Maybe I should make this.. I'd be rich.. we all know several POAS addicts!
AliJo I think you ought to put forth your idea to Dragon's Den
Alijo, yeah that's life as a Military wife! Just one small sacrifice that we make. Luckily, he is officially OUT of the Navy May 14th!!! We are SO excited! And plus I will be so busy with my bestie's wedding (I'm her MOH) time will fly and he will be home before I know it! Longest we spent apart was 6 months, so this should be relatively easy!
Alijo, yeah that's life as a Military wife! Just one small sacrifice that we make. Luckily, he is officially OUT of the Navy May 14th!!! We are SO excited! And plus I will be so busy with my bestie's wedding (I'm her MOH) time will fly and he will be home before I know it! Longest we spent apart was 6 months, so this should be relatively easy!

This brings back so many memories!
I don’t it for 5 years with my hubby and only seen him weekends as he was based 5hrs away.
I actually look back now and wonder how I conceived!

He starts his new job next month working overseas again in Iraq with a Work rota of 8 weeks away 4 weeks home... so TTC after this cycle is going to be long and hard
I would have to do level 3 qualification whilst working at the nursery, so I doubt I would qualify for maternity leave. Ive done level 2, but most places want level 3 now. Would be fine whilst pregnant, but I would feel like I was letting her down, having to leave to look after baby. Could put baby in nursery from about a year old, but its then whether I could bare to part from them at that age!
Sorry been a long day for me. I've read but my brain is mush. A lot of respect and admiration for military wives. I can't imagine being away from DH that long.

Good luck to the testers!!

AFM, I had some spotting this morning. I assumed AF was on her way so I put a tampon in. It was maybe 10% soiled. I'm not cramping like AF either. I'm 12dpo and my lp has been a bit shortee since dd. I'm chalking it up to pp weirdness. I've never had spotting lead to anything but AF. Well except once I had spotting in 1st tri.
So upset/confused. Bfn with a digi this morning. 6 days late now.
Alijo, yeah that's life as a Military wife! Just one small sacrifice that we make. Luckily, he is officially OUT of the Navy May 14th!!! We are SO excited! And plus I will be so busy with my bestie's wedding (I'm her MOH) time will fly and he will be home before I know it! Longest we spent apart was 6 months, so this should be relatively easy!

This brings back so many memories!
I don’t it for 5 years with my hubby and only seen him weekends as he was based 5hrs away.
I actually look back now and wonder how I conceived!

He starts his new job next month working overseas again in Iraq with a Work rota of 8 weeks away 4 weeks home... so TTC after this cycle is going to be long and hard

I totally feel that!!! I'm here if you ever want someone to talk to who gets it and is TTC!
I’ve made the mistake of peeing on a clearblue 😑

Was awake through the night weeing and this was smu

Do they all give faint lines???


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So my spotting the other day can't be implantation because I tested bfn! However that stopped that day and now 5 days later I have a bit of very light brown cm that just appeared. Though I do sometimes spot before AF so it's probably AF just around the corner. Due on March 2nd so we shall see! Only thing different with me atm is my super sensitive nipples that I get before AF has yet to show up and I get that every cycle without fail from about 7dpo!
I’ve made the mistake of peeing on a clearblue 😑

Was awake through the night weeing and this was smu

Do they all give faint lines???

They can be very unreliable as many result in evaps! However whenever I've used them it's been as negative as can be!
Ive got some cheapies to try in the morning think they’ll be more realiable


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I could seriously wee on tests all day everyday😂


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I've heard that clear blue isn't that reliable... blue dye tests in general tbh. Although with 2 out of my 3 pregnancies I've had a clear positive on blue dyes :shrug:
I've had about 10 evaps with blue dyes which is soo disappointing....
Just got home from the Dr's... negative urine test but barely squeezed a few drops out! (however I think I finally believe I'm not pregnant...) They were going to do bloods, but another dr came in and said there's no rush :dohh: asked me to wait another week and test again if :af: doesn't show..... also have to give a sample as i had a temp of 37.8 so they were concerned it could be a water infection. Assume this could explain the lack of af?!
Since getting home I have cramps in my back (honestly similar to those you get in really late pregnancy!! What on earth is my body doing to me?! So ready for this cycle to be over and get on with it!!
I can see the line on the CB but I honestly wouldn't trust it. I've had some awful false lines which were blatantly obvious, and had I not used any other tests which had all gone negative, I would have believed them.
I have had loads of UTIs but they haven't delayed af for me, I don't know if they can
I have had loads of UTIs but they haven't delayed af for me, I don't know if they can

Were they always painful? I've had some in the past, but not many.. but I sure knew I had them.. super painful everytime I went to the toilet... but now I have zero pain at all so was shocked when she said it could be that :shrug:
I have had loads of UTIs but they haven't delayed af for me, I don't know if they can

Were they always painful? I've had some in the past, but not many.. but I sure knew I had them.. super painful everytime I went to the toilet... but now I have zero pain at all so was shocked when she said it could be that :shrug:

Really painful to pee, as in stinging down below which carried on until it had gone away. I had to drink litre upon litre of water, cranberry juice, Cystopurin and uva ursi to get rid of it. I reacted to the antibiotics and didn't want to take the other option, but what I did worked. The uva ursi isn't a long term thing as it can be dangerous, and I don't know how safe it is when pregnant or ttc. But as for any other pain, I don't recall anything other than the horribly intense stinging, where you pee from

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