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March 2018 Testers - Irish luck for a Hoppy Easter! 11 BFP & counting!

Babybrain - I was thinking of you the other day. I hope you're well <3
Flueky I'm sorry :hugs:

Mrnmrsm I don't know if it's the light but I think I see a shadow?

Trimeka I tend to have a weird cough, which isn't phlegmy but can become mucusy, when it's really cold outside and I think it's my asthma. I only have it mildly these days, are you asthmatic?

My temp shot up today but I started using progesterone so it's to be expected

Happy- no I don't have asthma. and I don't feel sick but I started vitamin C today. I have never experienced a dry cough before, it hurts like heck. Just rough coughing....
Anyone who's been pregnant before, how different is the sensitivity of your nipples. I always get sensitivity of them in the tww but ever since my brown spotting stopped yesterday I have been so sore any time anything brushes them. For example my cat jumped up on my lap and pushed down on my bbs and the pain was incredible. Usually my spotting leading to AF doesn't stop either! Like I would have constant brown spotting leading up to it and then full force AF but this time the spotting from yesterday and the day before has completely gone and so have my cramps. All I have now is a bit of low pressure and a sore back! Trying not to read too much into this but for once I actually think I might be really pregnant. So nervous to test as it's my last ic and I'm trying so hard to hold out until Friday because that is when AF is late.

How is everyone else doing symptom wise?
My boobs/nipples were incredibly sore and sensitive early on in my pregnancy!! I hope it's a sign for you <3
Ladies I’m coming over to hang out and cheer on. I just had my third early loss. DH and I will be going in March 26 to start our Reccurrent Pregnacy Loss workup. I have such irregular cycles that I may not be testing in March. Hopefully, but no guarantee. FXd for everyone!
My boobs/nipples were incredibly sore and sensitive early on in my pregnancy!! I hope it's a sign for you <3

I was so convinced I was going to wake up with AF today because if I'm spotting and me and OH bd it usually would start me off proper and we bd last night when I had a bit of spotting and nothing today! So strange. Hoping it's a good sign! Trying not to get my hopes up though! Thank you! How is your pregnancy going now? Any easier?
Ladies I’m coming over to hang out and cheer on. I just had my third early loss. DH and I will be going in March 26 to start our Reccurrent Pregnacy Loss workup. I have such irregular cycles that I may not be testing in March. Hopefully, but no guarantee. FXd for everyone!

So sorry tb! I had a early loss a long time ago when I was very young (didn't exactly plan the pregnancy as I was 18 but was thrilled with the thought of being a mummy) and it was a horrible feeling so I couldn't imagine how you feel with your third. It's heartbreaking! FX you have the high fertility that usually follows a loss and conceive again very quickly!
Anyone who's been pregnant before, how different is the sensitivity of your nipples. I always get sensitivity of them in the tww but ever since my brown spotting stopped yesterday I have been so sore any time anything brushes them. For example my cat jumped up on my lap and pushed down on my bbs and the pain was incredible. Usually my spotting leading to AF doesn't stop either! Like I would have constant brown spotting leading up to it and then full force AF but this time the spotting from yesterday and the day before has completely gone and so have my cramps. All I have now is a bit of low pressure and a sore back! Trying not to read too much into this but for once I actually think I might be really pregnant. So nervous to test as it's my last ic and I'm trying so hard to hold out until Friday because that is when AF is late.

How is everyone else doing symptom wise?

Af is due today or tomorrow, testing Friday at the earliest :) Nipples hurt like crazy, and they usually don't hurt this late in the cycle unless I'm pregnant so I'm hoping I can trust them this time. Usually they are sensitive around 5-7dpo, but now I'm 11-12dpo and they are really sore! Never had nipples this sore before. Other symptoms are gas, constipation and no spotting at all, which I always have a day or two before af arrives. Still don't belive I could be pregnant though. ;)
Anyone who's been pregnant before, how different is the sensitivity of your nipples. I always get sensitivity of them in the tww but ever since my brown spotting stopped yesterday I have been so sore any time anything brushes them. For example my cat jumped up on my lap and pushed down on my bbs and the pain was incredible. Usually my spotting leading to AF doesn't stop either! Like I would have constant brown spotting leading up to it and then full force AF but this time the spotting from yesterday and the day before has completely gone and so have my cramps. All I have now is a bit of low pressure and a sore back! Trying not to read too much into this but for once I actually think I might be really pregnant. So nervous to test as it's my last ic and I'm trying so hard to hold out until Friday because that is when AF is late.

How is everyone else doing symptom wise?

Af is due today or tomorrow, testing Friday at the earliest :) Nipples hurt like crazy, and they usually don't hurt this late in the cycle unless I'm pregnant so I'm hoping I can trust them this time. Usually they are sensitive around 5-7dpo, but now I'm 11-12dpo and they are really sore! Never had nipples this sore before. Other symptoms are gas, constipation and no spotting at all, which I always have a day or two before af arrives. Still don't belive I could be pregnant though. ;)

I've been quite gassy and constipated too. Also feeling a bit nauseous and craving sugary things though I crave sugar when I'm on AF too lol so bad for it! FX our symptoms are a good sign!
I am on CD 18. 5 days past trigger and 3 DPO.
RE wants me to test on the 9th and report the results to them that I get that day.
I am testing out my trigger shot (just couldn&#8217;t help it!) and so far, on day 5, my tests are still almost just as dark as the first day. Pretty much just as dark as the control line. Anyone have experience with this and when it might start getting lighter?? This is my first cycle with a trigger shot... I hope this doesn&#8217;t mean it will be in my system extra long &#55357;&#56873; I&#8217;m ready for the 9th! Lol
Thanks Jessie! Things are going well, baby girl is healthy! I have good days and bad days, feeling mostly better but still some residual nausea here and there (weirdly today has been bad) and now dealing with discomfort sleeping and a whole host of other fun symptoms BUT it's all worth it of course.
I am on CD 18. 5 days past trigger and 3 DPO.
RE wants me to test on the 9th and report the results to them that I get that day.
I am testing out my trigger shot (just couldn’t help it!) and so far, on day 5, my tests are still almost just as dark as the first day. Pretty much just as dark as the control line. Anyone have experience with this and when it might start getting lighter?? This is my first cycle with a trigger shot... I hope this doesn’t mean it will be in my system extra long &#65533;&#65533; I’m ready for the 9th! Lol

I just had my trigger shot Feb 22 and I am CD 18 too but 6 days past trigger. I could not help but test too but mine was never really dark... I read it could take up to 14 days for a trigger shot to come out your system and everyone different. Have to get on my phone and I have a pic of the last test. At CD 16 since I was stressing out about it.
I am on CD 18. 5 days past trigger and 3 DPO.
RE wants me to test on the 9th and report the results to them that I get that day.
I am testing out my trigger shot (just couldn&#8217;t help it!) and so far, on day 5, my tests are still almost just as dark as the first day. Pretty much just as dark as the control line. Anyone have experience with this and when it might start getting lighter?? This is my first cycle with a trigger shot... I hope this doesn&#8217;t mean it will be in my system extra long &#65533;&#65533; I&#8217;m ready for the 9th! Lol
Here the image with fmu and this me test out trigger not a BFP... still going try to wait until after my period should come


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Thanks Jessie! Things are going well, baby girl is healthy! I have good days and bad days, feeling mostly better but still some residual nausea here and there (weirdly today has been bad) and now dealing with discomfort sleeping and a whole host of other fun symptoms BUT it's all worth it of course.

The nausea must be the worst. At least you're generally feeling better! Ahh lack of sleep is the last thing anyone needs before a newborn deprives them haha! You'll get there though! Yes it will be worth it when you're holding your baby girl! So excited for you! Over half way now!
Never have I been so happy to see one red wipe when I went to wipe after peeing. I'm positive it was IB because it was bright red and not my usual AF dark muddy brown I get when I start. It was only one bright red wipe too. I did cave and tested today and still a BFN on the dollar store cheapie 1.00 tests. Still no HCG strip tests in the post that I had hoped would be here by yesterday. Will test in the morning again so I'm definitely still in for a March rainbow!
Here is mine for 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 days past triggerhttps://i65.tinypic.com/348nhph.jpg
Thanks everyone. I'm dissapointed but at the same time. It wasn't the wisest decision to ttc last month. I'm okay, I will be in a better spot financially, have more benefits for maternity leave, and a "healthier" pregnancy gap.

I didn't have time to really read yesterday as I was on call. Rough night too, but money will be good when I get paid next week. Woohoo!

Starting vitex tomorrow to get my lp a bit longer by time I ttc May or June. Also, would like to lose a bit more weight. I'm 9 lbs less than pre pregnancy for dd.

Jess, I never really had sensitive boobs when pregnant. My nipples were no more sensitive than usual either. I was a strange one ;) any more spotting?

AliJo I'm hoping AF isn't early. My pp periods have had shorter lp than before. Especially my first pp cycle.

As far as post trigger shots. Wow I didn't realize the lines were that dark and for that long.

Good luck upcoming testers. Will try to drop in occadionally to cheer you on. I do have to try to halt my broodyness though :rofl:
I'm not sure when I will be testing, but put me down for March 31. Although sometimes my cycles are a little long so it might not actually be until early April, but I am hoping for a regular length cycle this time! AF has not actually started yet, but I am 13dpo and negative tests and spotting started today
Question for any of you who have used clomid.. do they monitor you by ultrasound when you use clomid? I know they do with femara, but is it the same with clomid?

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