Thank you ladies. It took 9 hours before I could see a doctor. After 10 hours I could go home. They even seemed to have misplaced my urine sample I left when I got there. So I had to leave a new.
I’m not bleeding like a heavy period but I’m bleeding. Sometimes I pass clots. I sometimes have like a period cramping but it comes in waves. Mostly around my left side but sometimes in the middle. I have back pain on an off and a headache.
The doctor examined me and saw that I bled a little and then did a vaginal scan.
It showed NOTHING. Not even a gestional sac. My uterus... is empty.
She tried to scan my tubes too and couldn’t see anything odd but since my urine sample resulted in a positive pregnancy test and I feel some pain mostly on one side she wanted to check my HCG. So I’m back in a couple of days to have my blood drawn again.
She suspected I’m having an ectopic but she also told me I could also be having like an early delayed loss of some kind because of the not heavy bleeding and the really empty uterus. I had been bleeding for three days when I saw the doctor.
Either way, I feel my heart is going to break. I feel empty and scared and sad. I’ve never experienced a miscarriage before, but this is awful. All the emotions...
I’m also scared that I have an ectopic.
I don’t know what to do. I feel like it’s my fault.
Today I decided to stay at home and not work because a) I feel so sad b) I’m still bleeding and c) I came home at 9:30 PM yesterday after 10 hours at the ER.
Did you ladies who have suffered a miscarriage stay at home during the time? How long? And how long did you bleed?