I called and asked about my spotting/bleeding that’s bright reddish and only when I wipe. Sometimes also a small amount on my panty liner. Since I (at the moment, hopefully never more than this!) only have a light bleeding without pain or clots, the doctor thought that I should wait and see before visiting the ER where I probably would have to wait several hours and they would probably not do anything since it’s still early.
She thought that it was best if I could try to relax and rest as much as possible and maybe call my midvife on Monday (I have none since I haven’t made the first appointment yet but I should still call) if I feel anxious or the symptoms get worse. If they do get worse I should seek medical care.
She also said that I shouldn’t pay too much atention to the colour of the bleeding since there are those who bleed bright red throughout their pregnancy, but instead check for how heavy the bleeding is and/or if I get any pain and/or start passning clots.
I imagine the worst anyway.