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MrsChezek I'm so sorry you are still feeling so bad. Hopefully that medicine takes some of it away. I've heard of it before but since I'm coping with my nausea okay I haven't look into it too much.

So ladies, I'm a bit nervous! I have to fly from the East Coast to Denver, CO tonight without my husband. My doctor said that even when I was classified as a threatened miscarriage it would have been safe to fly, but I'm still so nervous! I'm also worried about the altitude change in Denver. I would have canceled this trip in a heartbeat, but I'm the MOH in my BF wedding! Since I've been asleep by 9pm every night my time, I'm not sure how I'm going to make it to midnight or 1am Denver time (2hr time difference)! I've also heard that flying can make ms and headaches worse. I'm thinking of bringing a ziplock baggie and asking the flight attendants to fill it with ice so I can try and cure a headache (I'm still avoiding taking anything at all!). I also really don't like that I have to take off and land twice (layover in Dallas, TX). But enough worry - I'm so happy for my BF and can't wait to celebrate with her - although I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a hard time by some for not drinking (or everyone is going to figure out what's going on!). I don't want to tell people yet (although the bride does know) but I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to hide it.

Hope everyone is doing well! Welcome to all the new ladies! Anyone else feel like March can't come soon enough :happydance:

I live in Denver... well actually Boulder. I would expect an adjustment to the altitude definitely. If you have never been a hardcore water drinker, now is the time. Being a mile high above sea level is rough for a day or two but then you adjust. Your plan for the flight sounds great. :)

Yes! My scan is today and that heartbeat better be there OR ELSE! :D
Mrschezec, that sounds terrible :-( hugs!
If it's any consolation, when I woke up yesterday I did have skin issues but the nausea had just gone!
So far it still seems gone today and I will be So grateful if it never comes back.
Also made it to the gym last night, just fir a few minutes to stretch out my legs! I got a bit fainty. Apparently this is normal as you now have capacity for more blood, just not actually more blood yet...

Still not really getting hunger signals. But am hoping to go shopping tonight and start to get me and hb back onto proper food!

I felt better yesterday so I went for a walk with DH and our furbaby. We did 1.7 miles and I got SO winded he practically had to push me home the last few blocks! Being a runner, that is SUCH a weird feeling for me. But I'm glad I got my circulation going - my toes were tingling when we got home so I quickly hopped on the couch and threw my legs up for an hour. I'm feeling even better this morning! I don't want to jinx it but I'd be thrilled if the worst days were over...I can deal with mild nausea...but no more of that hell I went through earlier this week!!! FX the nausea (my new :witch:) stays away from both of us :hugs:

MrsChezek I'm so sorry you are still feeling so bad. Hopefully that medicine takes some of it away. I've heard of it before but since I'm coping with my nausea okay I haven't look into it too much.

So ladies, I'm a bit nervous! I have to fly from the East Coast to Denver, CO tonight without my husband. My doctor said that even when I was classified as a threatened miscarriage it would have been safe to fly, but I'm still so nervous! I'm also worried about the altitude change in Denver. I would have canceled this trip in a heartbeat, but I'm the MOH in my BF wedding! Since I've been asleep by 9pm every night my time, I'm not sure how I'm going to make it to midnight or 1am Denver time (2hr time difference)! I've also heard that flying can make ms and headaches worse. I'm thinking of bringing a ziplock baggie and asking the flight attendants to fill it with ice so I can try and cure a headache (I'm still avoiding taking anything at all!). I also really don't like that I have to take off and land twice (layover in Dallas, TX). But enough worry - I'm so happy for my BF and can't wait to celebrate with her - although I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a hard time by some for not drinking (or everyone is going to figure out what's going on!). I don't want to tell people yet (although the bride does know) but I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to hide it.

Hope everyone is doing well! Welcome to all the new ladies! Anyone else feel like March can't come soon enough :happydance:

I agree with Stephanie, I think you have a great plan in place and as long as you are proactive about taking rests where you can, hydrating super well and just taking it easy, you'll do fine. Does your BF know? If you want to keep her out of the loop, tell maybe one other bridesmaid you trust so she can cover for you if you need to go lie down for a minute. It always helps to have someone looking out for you! :hugs:

I live in Denver... well actually Boulder. I would expect an adjustment to the altitude definitely. If you have never been a hardcore water drinker, now is the time. Being a mile high above sea level is rough for a day or two but then you adjust. Your plan for the flight sounds great. :)

Yes! My scan is today and that heartbeat better be there OR ELSE! :D

I used to live in SF and went to Breckenridge to hike one of the 14ers with a group of girls I met on Sparkpeople and I didn't really feel the altitude change that much. Many of them were older than me and they definitely felt winded and such but I felt fine. Weird!

But WILL hear a heartbeat and I can't wait to hear all about your appointment!!!!! :hugs:
I used to live in SF and went to Breckenridge to hike one of the 14ers with a group of girls I met on Sparkpeople and I didn't really feel the altitude change that much. Many of them were older than me and they definitely felt winded and such but I felt fine. Weird!

But WILL hear a heartbeat and I can't wait to hear all about your appointment!!!!! :hugs:

Did you summit on the fourteener (for all who don't know, this is a mountain that is 14,000 ft tall) ? I have yet to climb one, even though I can see one right out my window right now. My husband and his dad used to do it all the time.

Eeeee!! So excited.. and only a tad bit nervous about the scan. Nothing sounds good to eat from breakfast, but I think I could get in something simple like oatmeal with a half banana and honey. Ugh. Doesn't sound good.. but I made it. :dohh:

Will be back to update you soon! Only 3 hours to wait~!
Did you summit on the fourteener (for all who don't know, this is a mountain that is 14,000 ft tall) ? I have yet to climb one, even though I can see one right out my window right now. My husband and his dad used to do it all the time.

Eeeee!! So excited.. and only a tad bit nervous about the scan. Nothing sounds good to eat from breakfast, but I think I could get in something simple like oatmeal with a half banana and honey. Ugh. Doesn't sound good.. but I made it. :dohh:

Will be back to update you soon! Only 3 hours to wait~!

Aren't there several 14ers? We hiked one of them all the way to the point where it became all gravel and a steep fall on each side of the path. None of us wanted to play on that turf! So we got pretty far up...I forget exactly how high but above 13,000ft for sure. It was fun :thumbup:

I'm glad you got some food down. I hate it when I look through the fridge and the pantry and NOTHING sounds appealing, all makes me queasier! This morning I actually stomached cereal with milk. VERY exciting :happydance: :wacko:

So it's almost 3 hours later...GL!!!! Can't wait to see your pics :kiss:
Aren't there several 14ers? We hiked one of them all the way to the point where it became all gravel and a steep fall on each side of the path. None of us wanted to play on that turf! So we got pretty far up...I forget exactly how high but above 13,000ft for sure. It was fun :thumbup:

I'm glad you got some food down. I hate it when I look through the fridge and the pantry and NOTHING sounds appealing, all makes me queasier! This morning I actually stomached cereal with milk. VERY exciting :happydance: :wacko:

So it's almost 3 hours later...GL!!!! Can't wait to see your pics :kiss:

There are numerous 14ers. I just have a perfect view of one in particular out my window. I love my little square (err.. well, rectangular) state!

**Drumroll** The heartbeat was a beautiful 126 beats per minute. Little blueberry is measuring to the day! (I either O'd on June 14th (7wks) or June 16th (6wks 5 days) - looks like the latter!

Here is a linky to the pictures! My uterus is MASSIVE (which would explain all the damn cramping!).
There are numerous 14ers. I just have a perfect view of one in particular out my window. I love my little square (err.. well, rectangular) state!

**Drumroll** The heartbeat was a beautiful 126 beats per minute. Little blueberry is measuring to the day! (I either O'd on June 14th (7wks) or June 16th (6wks 5 days) - looks like the latter!

Here is a linky to the pictures! My uterus is MASSIVE (which would explain all the damn cramping!).

Blueberry is beautiful!!!! And you do have quite the uterus :happydance: You're much further along than me! Mine was .66cm on Monday but I guess maybe it grew some more since? No idea. Doc put me at 6+4 then based on size. SOOOO excited for you!!!! :wohoo: This is really happening!!!!! :hugs:
Blueberry is beautiful!!!! And you do have quite the uterus :happydance: You're much further along than me! Mine was .66cm on Monday but I guess maybe it grew some more since? No idea. Doc put me at 6+4 then based on size. SOOOO excited for you!!!! :wohoo: This is really happening!!!!! :hugs:

I can't believe it. I am SO happy. My husband did cry too, so I started balling like a baby when I saw that little flicker on the screen. She said I have a tilted uterus, but that it is common and just makes these internal u/s that much more uncomfortable.

I am on cloud - freaking - 9!

On a funny note - my husband is a graphic / web designer and he already is photoshopping our picture. Since he calls this the "bug shrimp" - he made this..

Stephanie I am soooooo happy for you. It's the mist amazing thing ever, right! My bugs gnaw was 124 and everyone says I'm having a boy...that would make their prediction for you the same! Can't wait to find out if they're right.

My BF does know I'm pregnant an I'm sure it will be hard to hid from the other bridesmaids but I'm more stressed about college friends. I do NOT want them knowing just bc I'm still so terrified so something happening.
Wow gorgeous little blueberry! My pictures look nothing like that you can hardly see the tiny dot of a baby growing inside me...I don't know if it was a quality machine! Disappointing really!
I've started to call ours noodlebug but DH hates it! He said it makes him think of a worm :dohh: He keeps calling it the critter which I'm not a big fan of - who wants a critter growing inside of them??? So we're back at the drawing board...

Aoverholt - what are the details of boy vs girl and heart rate??? Mine was 113 at 7 weeks...
That is a cute name...My DH used to call our first Lavabug. I didnt know there was a difference in Girl or Boy heartrates! News to me! our berry heart was about 107bpm at 6wk scan...the sonographer said it was nice and strong.
Stephanie that is a really good picture! I am so jealous of everyone who has had an US already, i've to go to wait til the 21st Aug for my first one and it just seems so far away. My DH started calling ours bean and it's kinda stuck. He does always ask what fruit we are this week and will call it that for a day as well which is cute.

It's the last day of school here today so my last day of work for 5 weeks! I'm so happy we are breaking up now because I don't think I could hide the nausea at work much longer, 2 people have already guessed. I'm looking forward to getting up when I want to and just chilling :) Hope you all have a great weekend!
Purple, I only have a booking in appt so far, let alone an u/s appt ;-) but am guessing mine will be the same time ish as yours. Am not keen on the booking in either as I get Amazingly freaked out by needles...

Mrs, if referring to things in my head, it hasn't got any further than 'proto baby thing'. I'm not sure I'm very good at this stuff :-/
Hi all.

Lovely scan photo!

Mine is currently being called a fuzzy jellybaby after my scan yesterday!

I had an early scan due to the fertility treatment I was having (even though this was a natural pregnancy between treatments!).

My 12+ week scan is booked in for the 20th August.


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Fuzzy jellly baby is very cute! Another great photo Lou! :happydance: Isn't it amazing how you can do all this fertility stuff and then nature just does what it wants, when it wants? Craziness...congrats again!

purple - sorry you have to wait so long :hugs: At least all your healthcare is free! As both DH and I are self-employed at the moment, we pay about a grand each month to have the privilege of health insurance. Plus, on top of that each visit has a copay! SO when my doc recommended weekly scans, I figured I'd get my money's worth!!!!!

My nausea seems to have settled down. This is now the third morning I woke up NOT wanting to hurl. Which is SO nice! I still get bouts here and there throughout the day but overall this is so much more bearable! I might even join DH at the gym today and lift some baby weights just to remind my muscles of this activity :thumbup: How is everyone else doing? Any new symptoms? My bbs definitely got a little bit bigger this week. I'm hoping they stop here as I'm already a D cup!
Mrschezek I've heard that anything below 150 is a boy and above is a girl but that's at like your 10 week scan. The rates are lower at first. I actually think 124 might be high for 6w4d. A LOT if people report in the 105-115 range but we shall see! I hate having to wait for ultrasounds...I want to see my little one every day! I think I'm going to need to go to the Dr on Monday for help cleaning out the crinone residue and really want them to do another US but there isn't much of a reason to. If I'm already paying a cooay for the visit though...

Made it to Denver okay. I'm feeling pretty good actually. Sore bb and a mild headache but I'm hoping I make it through okay. I started have a bit of cramping pain again but its the stretching kind not the something is wrong kind.

On another note Stephanie I hope that all of you friends and family are okay and no one you know was in the theater (I'm not sure how close to that area you are). What a horrible tragedy. It makes me sad that this is the world my little bug is being born into!

My dad has started calling the baby MO because the names I like for a boy or a girl both start with M and our last name is Overholt. It's super funny bc that's what my friends called me in high school (long story). I've taken to calling it bug ( like ladybug...guess I'm hoping for a girl??)
Thanks for the photo compliments. The shrimp appreciates it! Haha!

MrsChezek - Glad to hear your nausea has calmed down. Mine tends to rear it's ugly head right away in the morning. Nothing sounds good to eat and I end up force feeding. Today I had a mini whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and a few grapes. That was about all I could stomach. I am sitting here in my office, and my stomach is turning. I feel really hung over! This boob growth is unreal isn't it?!?!?!

purplespecs - Lucky you! I want a break from work!! August 21st will be here before you know it. We will entertain you until then! :loopy:

aoverholt Welcome to the Mile High city! Drink LOTS of water today as it is supposed to be 100+. Dry heat is better than humid heat, but ugh, it is rough sometimes. Hopefully you won't be outdoors too much? Luckily, no one I know was at that theater (or at least I don't think so). This just takes me back to Columbine which I did know people from that event. Sad sad day.
aoverholt - oh ok, I'll keep that in mind when we go in for our 10 week scan. My 8 week scan is on Monday! It seems like time has been standing still since I got that BFP. I wonder if it will ever speed up or if the whole pregnancy is just so damn sloooooooow. I'm glad you made it to Denver safely and you didn't opt to see a midnight movie showing. That's just awful :cry: I seriously wonder what is happening to our world :shrug:

Stephanie - ever since you mentioned Indian, I've kept it in the back of my mind. So when I woke up this morning and still felt pretty good, I decided to propose getting curry for lunch. It was SUPER tasty but I ate about 3 times as much as I have been eating per sitting the last 10 days so I felt awful afterwards. I *still* feel full and it's been 4 and a half hours! Since my nausea kicked in, I've been eating no more than a cup of food at a time about 6-7 times a day…I definitely overdid it at the buffet!!! But it was yummy :winkwink:

Sooo nausea is still manageable. I'm happy and not complaining about ANYTHING. I'm tired but whatever. My boobs are sore and I can't wear a bra to prevent sagging but I don't care. As long as I don't feel like I did the weeks prior, I'm willing to take on anything. THAT was just awful. Off to watch a movie with DH - he rented Tower Heist. Should be a good laugh.

HAPPY WEEKEND LADIES!!!! :happydance:

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