March Mummy's - waste time with me

So my son took off his nappy and did a giant mushy shit in the lounge room today on the carpet. He then walked in it and put about a dozen shitty footprints everywhere. The smell was so bad i started vomitting and with each and every heave of vomit i would pee myself that little bit more. So not a great day.

Urgh!!!!! I miss my first pregnancy, my strong pelvic floor muscles and not having to run around after 2 kids while pregnant.
Oh no, Betheny! Time to get out the duct tape! I hope you had some help cleaning that up...
So my son took off his nappy and did a giant mushy shit in the lounge room today on the carpet. He then walked in it and put about a dozen shitty footprints everywhere. The smell was so bad i started vomitting and with each and every heave of vomit i would pee myself that little bit more. So not a great day.

Urgh!!!!! I miss my first pregnancy, my strong pelvic floor muscles and not having to run around after 2 kids while pregnant.

:sick: :hugs: xxx
Had a midwife appointment yesterday. My fundal height measured right on, my weight gain was good, the baby appeared to be about the right size, and the heartbeat was about the middle of the road. The baby is also head down and low, but not super low. The only thing off was that the baby's back has been to my back for some time now. I'm going to start actively trying to get the baby's back to my belly as being back to back can mean back labor and a longer labor. Ick. Can't believe that by the end of this short month, I'll be full term and could deliver any time!
Sarahbear - Glad all appears well :) Hope you can get baby to flop positions....a friend of mine delivered sunny side up and she said it was very painful!

All is well here....just feeling very tired! I am up so many times at night :(
This baby will sit anterior (LOA) and then slowly shift to lateral (LOL/LOT) and then occasionally move further round to posterior. Last night baby was posterior which was unsurprising because i was lying on my back on the couch slightly propped up for most of the day and i knew it would be a terrible idea for babies position. So last night i got down on my knees and leant onto my birth ball with belly swinging below me. After about 15 mins baby gave an almighty lurch and flipped anterior. I wish baby would engage once we've found a good position. Because baby floats so much its so easy to shift positions.

2 weeks ago baby was posterior and hubby did the rebozo lift off spinning babies. The next morning baby was anterior again.

My BP is permanently borderline at check ups now with my diastolic sitting on 90 so I'm getting weekly check ups hoping PE isn't close. Stretch and sweep next Thursday at 37.5! Never had one before! But they're keen on being prepared should my BP hitch up another notch and also keen on keeping an eye on how far i get with how big baby is.
Bleh, I did all kinds of stuff last night and nothing changed the baby's position... I'll have to look at Spinning Babies to get some more ideas. Also, I'm getting fairly frequent BH contractions. I remember getting a good number with Violet, so hopefully they don't mean anything as I'm only 33 weeks.
I think I read that BH start earlier with second babies, that's probably all it is. I hope everyone can get their little ones into the right position.

I think I'm annoying Baby T today. He's been a little quiet - within the range of normal for him, but right at the laziest edge of it. I could feel his little butt sticking out, though, and he did a little dance every time I wiggled his butt, so I did that a few times for reassurance. And now his butt has gone into hiding :haha:

I'm 30 days from my due date, and we're so not ready! Aaah! There's so much to do, but I can't really do it until DH moves furniture around and paints the baby's room. I'd paint it myself, but I can't get around the big heavy bar that's still in there, and since it's just the bottom third of the room under the chair rail, all that bending and squatting to tape everything and paint would get uncomfortable fast.

I'm getting more and more excited, and also more and more freaked out. This is going to be such a big change. Will I ever sleep again? How long will it be til I actually go to the movies again? What am I going to do when DH goes back to work and I'm ALONE with the baby? Can I keep from killing my mother when she butts in with unsolicited advice? She's already sending me recommendations for books to help with delayed speech because "every parent can benefit from them." I don't know about you ladies, but I'm pretty comfortable with his speaking abilities at this point in development :dohh:
Braxton Hicks start from the very beginning with every pregnancy. It's just a matter of when you start noticing them. I noticed them very early with both pregnancies. After noticing that they've been frequent, I began keeping track of when they are and this is what I've got so far (current time is 3:18)

Minor one at 1:53

The only thing I really have to get done before the baby is born is to make and freeze meals.
I'm getting more and more excited, and also more and more freaked out. This is going to be such a big change. Will I ever sleep again? How long will it be til I actually go to the movies again? What am I going to do when DH goes back to work and I'm ALONE with the baby? Can I keep from killing my mother when she butts in with unsolicited advice? She's already sending me recommendations for books to help with delayed speech because "every parent can benefit from them." I don't know about you ladies, but I'm pretty comfortable with his speaking abilities at this point in development :dohh:

Sleep is actually quite easy with the first baby. They sleep so much that if you're still tired in the morning, you just go back to sleep after addressing whatever need of theirs has awoken you. Since you'll only have one baby to look after, you can focus on the baby and make it through the day on your own. You may feel a bit batty by the end of the day though. Getting your husband to take an active role in caring for the baby when he's around, will be key. I can remember feeling like my head was going to explode if I had to change one more diaper... We aimed to change with EVERY elimination, not just when the diaper got soaked. One thing that may also help is making sure to get out of the house. Meet up with other moms, go grocery shopping, take a trip to a park or a library. It will do you good to get out and not stay cooped up all day. As for your MIL, if that's all she's doing, just pass the books along and get on with the stage your baby is at now. You can also smile and nod if she's doing it in person.
Thanks. I hope you're right and he lets me sleep. I'm already a chronic insomniac, being woken up every couple hours won't help!

I know DH will help out when he's home, but it'll be rough when he's at work :( We don't live too far from my brother, so my SIL and nephew can meet up with us for days out, but it'll be a little trickier in the early days before it really warms up. I wish there was more in short walking distance from our house, I can only go to CVS so many times ;)
Being a chronic insomniac, you may have different luck... There are plenty of opportunities to sleep though. Having a 2 year old, I'm wondering about sleep as well! We'll get help to start with and figure it out from there.
Hey ladies,

Haven't dropped in for a while! Hope everyone is doing okay!

I had a 32 week ultrasound today and baby has slowed down growth wise, which is great because I have insulin dependent GD and she was measuring quite big a few weeks ago. Now she is back on track! I'm still due to have baby at 38 weeks because of this, which will be an induced VBAC. I'm wondering when you are planning (if you haven't already) on making more of an "effort" to get your body ready for labour? I mean like raspberry leaf tea, EPO, more sex, more walking etc if any of those are options for you. I feel like I should be getting on that soon, but I'm not sure when it starts to be of more benefit.
I'm drinking a tea blend with raspberry leaf in it, and switching to full on raspberry leaf soon (midwife said 36 weeks). I was thinking about asking her about EPO. Walking will just depend on how I'm feeling and weather (I couldn't walk much of anywhere right now with all the snow), and at this point, I think DH and I both agree he should spend his spare time either resting or helping me get the house together, rather than having tons of sex ;) I haven't ruled it out if the kiddo is stubborn about coming, of course, but it's not exactly easy these days...
I think I'm annoying Baby T today. He's been a little quiet - within the range of normal for him, but right at the laziest edge of it. I could feel his little butt sticking out, though, and he did a little dance every time I wiggled his butt, so I did that a few times for reassurance. And now his butt has gone into hiding :haha:

I'm getting more and more excited, and also more and more freaked out. This is going to be such a big change. Will I ever sleep again? How long will it be til I actually go to the movies again? What am I going to do when DH goes back to work and I'm ALONE with the baby? Can I keep from killing my mother when she butts in with unsolicited advice? She's already sending me recommendations for books to help with delayed speech because "every parent can benefit from them." I don't know about you ladies, but I'm pretty comfortable with his speaking abilities at this point in development :dohh:

I do that to baby. When i was pregnant with Remi, if i fwlt a foot and poked it the foot would snap back inside and go into hiding. With this baby. He/she stretches out a foot and i can push it and baby moves it aside where i push it again and then i spend the next 10 minutes pushing and rolling this foot around my belly.

As for how much will change. I didn't find life really changed that much at all after 1 kid. I still went to lunch dates and shopping trips with my childless girlfriends i just did it with a pram and baby in tow. I went to the movies with my first kid for the first time when she was a week old. Because the little ratbag was born the evening of a midnight screening of a film i was dying to see. With my son he was a week out of SCBU when i took him. It's so easy at that age. They just sleep and breastfeed. I have always been a chronic napper so i quite easily fit my sleep to the babies. My MILs unsolicited advice i just smile and nod and then ignore. With my own mother i am a lot more forward and don't put up with her shit. i think I probably say about once every couple of months "thank god I'm 27 years old with an independent will and am capable of making my own decisions" she usually just replies with "fine whatever" lol. But it's usually really ridiculous things like my sons hair cut Or she's really against any kind of paid for child care but doesn't seem to understand that theres no other option for us as we have no family or friends locally. I do use her as my no.1 parenting resource though. She's an amazing mother who has raised 7 reasonably balanced human beings ;-) my youngest sibling is only 3 yrs older than my daughter so mum is still in that raising kids phase. She also has a teaching degree and many more qualifications in learning delays and other more specialised areas.
Hey ladies,

Haven't dropped in for a while! Hope everyone is doing okay!

I had a 32 week ultrasound today and baby has slowed down growth wise, which is great because I have insulin dependent GD and she was measuring quite big a few weeks ago. Now she is back on track! I'm still due to have baby at 38 weeks because of this, which will be an induced VBAC. I'm wondering when you are planning (if you haven't already) on making more of an "effort" to get your body ready for labour? I mean like raspberry leaf tea, EPO, more sex, more walking etc if any of those are options for you. I feel like I should be getting on that soon, but I'm not sure when it starts to be of more benefit.

I've been nursing my whole pregnancy which causes contractions and consequently tones the uterus. I also wish I had gotten on top of exercising from the start, but started after 20 weeks. I'm now trying to include things to encourage the baby to turn so it's facing my back instead of my belly.
I have an appointment on Thursday and honestly can't wait because I'm hoping he can help me with all this pain I'm in. I know its normal to have pain pressure and be uncomfortable, but i think I'm beyond that. I don't think what I feel is normal. I'm afraid my pelvic bones may be separating too much and I do blame myself for that kind of. I have done tons of walking and bending and climbing and active stuff all pregnancy and did not slow down until about 30 weeks when pressure started and back pain got pretty severe. But even then I didn't completely stop because it was holidays and I was having to work a lot which meant being on my feet all day and shopping so even more and now I can't put on pants without sitting and even then it still hurts to lift one leg at a time. I can't roll over at night from one aide to the other without almost crying out in pain. I've done everything I can think of from baths to heating pads to Tylenol to sleeping in my bed to the couch to the recliner to the spare bed, but nothing helps and unfortunately I'm still working so I'm sure that doesn't help the situation.and all of this causes me to get no sleep which I'm sure just adds extra stress and fatigue to my body.

Anyway, we are pretty much ready for her and got everything done. I still have a few things to pack in my hospital bad and need to get DH to help tighten up car seat base just to double make sure its tight as possible and have it checked.

I haven't done anything to prepare for labor, but once I get to 36 weeks well probably introduce sex back into our lives hopefully. We've been holding off because of my hoohaa and all the pain.

Has anyone had their breast start leaking yet? I read it normally starts about now, but I havent noticed any yet.
Is it pain in the front or wrapping around your hip and shooting to the front? Mine was from around my hip and down and my SI joint was popped out and stuck. Had to get a chiropractor to pop it back in. Now my pubic bone feels like its going to freaking snap in half every time I turn over in bed. Brutal.

No breast leaking! I'm keeping an eye out though because I want to start pumping colostrum if I can. I can't even get anything out attempting hand expression.
Is it pain in the front or wrapping around your hip and shooting to the front? Mine was from around my hip and down and my SI joint was popped out and stuck. Had to get a chiropractor to pop it back in. Now my pubic bone feels like its going to freaking snap in half every time I turn over in bed. Brutal.

No breast leaking! I'm keeping an eye out though because I want to start pumping colostrum if I can. I can't even get anything out attempting hand expression.

No need to wait for leaking. Not everyone leaks. Just go for it. It should be there at this point.
Um I have all sorts of pain. My entire back feels like its going to break I suppose because all my weight is out front, my pubic bone feels like its splitting in half at every point of the day whether is standing, sitting, laying, putting clothes on, and like you said its almost impossible to roll over in bed at night it hurts so bad, but then my hip starts hurting from laying on it too long. I did have some episodes of thinking my hip was going to pop out of place the other day. I get some shooting pains in my hoohaa I think its her head hitting my cervix maybe? I also have a weird pain a night idk how to explain. Its like she's all bunched up down there trying to get out when I move. Sorta feels like round ligament pains.. Haven't had much of any pain shooting down my legs though.

Is it safe to start trying to pump this early? Can't it bring on labor?

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