My nausea has generally been very on and off. And I was starting to get worried as I hadn't really felt sick for days, but then today I have had really bad nausea, but it seems to have eased off this evening. I seem to be reassured by having it but also glad once it passes! I am still really tired. I feel that I don't really ever wake up properly and as a consequence already have baby brain.
I am open to talking about my miscarriages but I struggle to because even though my first miscarriage happened 5 years ago this coming November, and I have had a successful pregnancy since, I still find it upsetting to talk about. But if someone brings up miscarriages or asks me upfront if I ever had any probs conceiving DS, I will tell them my story.
I will be 6 weeks tomorrow and it is the time when I have had both my losses, so a little nervous. We still haven't told anyone yet. I think we will tell my parents at the weekend. My mum was a massive support to me when I went through both my losses and if anything like that were to happen again I know I would need her support again. We will probably tell DH's family when we see them in late August. Close friends we will tell after my 12 week scan. And everyone else will just find out as my bump grows.