I can't talk about my miscarriages because until I got pregnant this time I would cry so much over them. I don't want to expose that pain to anyone. Of course I talked about them to my parents and OH. Apart from that his brother knows and he and his partner have also had miscarriages.
As for pregnancy, with my DD nobody apart from my parents and my OH knew until I was 20 weeks! I told people at work when I was almost 6 months. I am just soooo paranoid sth will go wrong and I don't want the added pressure of knowing other people know.
This time my mum knew practically from the second I had a positive test, as did OH. My mum told my dad a few days later. OH will tell his brother at around 13-14 weeks and I might tell my closest friend too, and that's it. At the rate I am expanding everyone else will guess very soon
There is a woman at my work who over two years ago at 40 and no children announced to everyone they were trying and she was going on maternity leave soon. Since then a year of trying naturally and a second year of IVF and she isn't pregnant. I would hate coming into work and knowing every single person knows my business. She told everyone about her medicine, egg retrieval, embryos, PGS testing. Actually I found it fascinating and had she been my best friend I would maybe have told her re my TTC struggles, but as is, I can't just spill my whole life out to a stranger (although I have worked with her for years).
I would love to go away somewhere but as I don't have dates for scans and bloods I can't book yet. We might book sth next week once we do know.
I am not sure travelling will be that great. 3am now and awake because of MS. I don't exactly feel refreshed after waking up this early. And then for the last 2-3 days the MS has been not horrendous (as in can function although can't sleep) but almost constant. Fun
I wanted to know the gender as it was an option with panorama, and being given the option i couldn't resist . I am very happy with having a girl :
Maryanne, the no bleeding is a good sign. Their measurements could have been way off. My yolk sac was measured as very big, then small, then big then medium and massive discrepancy between measurements. I just don't think they are that accurate.
As for pregnancy, with my DD nobody apart from my parents and my OH knew until I was 20 weeks! I told people at work when I was almost 6 months. I am just soooo paranoid sth will go wrong and I don't want the added pressure of knowing other people know.
This time my mum knew practically from the second I had a positive test, as did OH. My mum told my dad a few days later. OH will tell his brother at around 13-14 weeks and I might tell my closest friend too, and that's it. At the rate I am expanding everyone else will guess very soon
There is a woman at my work who over two years ago at 40 and no children announced to everyone they were trying and she was going on maternity leave soon. Since then a year of trying naturally and a second year of IVF and she isn't pregnant. I would hate coming into work and knowing every single person knows my business. She told everyone about her medicine, egg retrieval, embryos, PGS testing. Actually I found it fascinating and had she been my best friend I would maybe have told her re my TTC struggles, but as is, I can't just spill my whole life out to a stranger (although I have worked with her for years).
I would love to go away somewhere but as I don't have dates for scans and bloods I can't book yet. We might book sth next week once we do know.
I am not sure travelling will be that great. 3am now and awake because of MS. I don't exactly feel refreshed after waking up this early. And then for the last 2-3 days the MS has been not horrendous (as in can function although can't sleep) but almost constant. Fun
I wanted to know the gender as it was an option with panorama, and being given the option i couldn't resist . I am very happy with having a girl :
Maryanne, the no bleeding is a good sign. Their measurements could have been way off. My yolk sac was measured as very big, then small, then big then medium and massive discrepancy between measurements. I just don't think they are that accurate.