Yay I got my flashing smiley face on CD24, 25 & 26 and the solid smiley face today (CD27)! So I should O tomorrow. I'm happy as it means I will O the same day as last month (CD28). Even though I O late, at least it's consistent and I'm getting confirmation via the Clearblue digital monitor and OPK strips.
Last month I had 10 days of flashing smiley face before getting my solid one, this month I had 3, which is more normal according to the packet.
I'm just trying to focus on getting a regular consistent cycle after being on BCP for so long and not focussing too much on actually getting pregnant at this stage....although of course it would be a bonus!
I can also tell I'm about to O as my nipples have started to get really sore and I've noticed this happens the same time each month around O.