May BFP - roll up roll up!!

Hello all :flower:

CD 6 - a bit crampy still but just spotting a tiny bit.. not too bad. :thumbup:

I've decided not to go back for a repeat ultrasound this month. I was chatting to OH about it and we agreed that we're both feeling quite happy and positive this month and finding out that there was definitely something in there would depress us too much. If we leave it as a possibility we can remain positive that everything is fine and just hope for the best rather than worrying about it. My mum also made a good point - people get pregnant with the coil in place sometimes so a bit of tissue or a blood clot is unlikely to have much effect!! I hope she is right! :flower:

I think the longer past mc I get the less stressed I am about conceiving again. I think after the mc I was sooo desperate just to be pregnant again I couldn't think about anything else. Now I've had some time to heal emotionally I feel ok about not being pregnant - especially in this beautiful hot weather! :happydance:

I've decided I will go back to the doctor if I haven't conceived by the end of June - and perhaps get checked up with regards to retained products and maybe push for something to be done if it is still there. For now, we'll try but not too hard and we'll enjoy our daughter and the weather and leave the worrying for later. If I have problems conceiving I will be devasted but there is no point worrying about something that hasn't happened yet - and may not happen.

We'll be starting the BD marathon at the weekend and I'll probably start opks around then too. I'm estimating ovulation as being in a week (my ticker is out as based on last month) so we should manage to get a fair amount in by then!!
Like I say, we'll not be taking it too seriously this month, I'm doing the opk's to get a feel for my cycles again but if it all works out like it did last cycle timewise I'll probably scrap them after this month as my EWCM is a really good indicator.

Sorry for the crazily long post - I've not had as much time to chat recently so had lots to say!!

Huge buckets full of :dust: to everyone.... :hugs::hugs:
Hello all :flower:

CD 6 - a bit crampy still but just spotting a tiny bit.. not too bad. :thumbup:

I've decided not to go back for a repeat ultrasound this month. I was chatting to OH about it and we agreed that we're both feeling quite happy and positive this month and finding out that there was definitely something in there would depress us too much. If we leave it as a possibility we can remain positive that everything is fine and just hope for the best rather than worrying about it. My mum also made a good point - people get pregnant with the coil in place sometimes so a bit of tissue or a blood clot is unlikely to have much effect!! I hope she is right! :flower:

I think the longer past mc I get the less stressed I am about conceiving again. I think after the mc I was sooo desperate just to be pregnant again I couldn't think about anything else. Now I've had some time to heal emotionally I feel ok about not being pregnant - especially in this beautiful hot weather! :happydance:

I've decided I will go back to the doctor if I haven't conceived by the end of June - and perhaps get checked up with regards to retained products and maybe push for something to be done if it is still there. For now, we'll try but not too hard and we'll enjoy our daughter and the weather and leave the worrying for later. If I have problems conceiving I will be devasted but there is no point worrying about something that hasn't happened yet - and may not happen.

We'll be starting the BD marathon at the weekend and I'll probably start opks around then too. I'm estimating ovulation as being in a week (my ticker is out as based on last month) so we should manage to get a fair amount in by then!!
Like I say, we'll not be taking it too seriously this month, I'm doing the opk's to get a feel for my cycles again but if it all works out like it did last cycle timewise I'll probably scrap them after this month as my EWCM is a really good indicator.

Sorry for the crazily long post - I've not had as much time to chat recently so had lots to say!!

Huge buckets full of :dust: to everyone.... :hugs::hugs:

Hanskiz- I can definitely understand not going back and just letting whatever happen, happen.. and regardless of what anything does or does not show- anything is still possible!! :hugs:
If we catch this cycle I am already 3days pregnant!!!

This made me smile Woody! Bizarre isn't it that in dating a pregnancy you are pregnant before you've even ovulated! On that theory I am potentially 19 days pregnant!!!

So I'm in the 2WW and testing on 1st May. This is the first month TTC after MMC and trying to feel relaxed but keep catching myself symptom spotting!!

Oh and just realised I may have 2 chances at the May BFP if I dont conceive this cycle and instead AF shows on May 1st! If that's the case I'll be chasing a end of the month BFP.

That's cool.. 2 chances for the price of 1 :winkwink: Hopefully you won't need to even worry about that and you get a BFP right away!
I'm copying my update from my journal.. tell me your thoughts ladies:

Soooo.. my DH drops a little bomb last night that he thinks we should skip the IUI this month It's because my body has been through SO much. I mean- pancreatitis- surgery- another pancreatic attack FROM the surgery- then I broke out in a freaking rash from the pain meds (which I'm on prednisone for right now) .. I should be clear of ALL meds by the time the IUI rolls around- and honestly I haven't taken any pain medication since Sunday... it's just the prednisone. I am really upset about this- because here I am taking Femara- which that in itself was a risk after having the pancreas issues that I am- and I CLEARLY asked him before doing so- and NOW - just because of the lingering rash- he wants to back out??!?!?! He says he is concerned about my health and wants to make sure I am ok- but honestly- I feel A LOT better- in fact- I did a little jogging yesterday and felt ok- and I plan on doing some today. I KNOW to take it easy as I don't want to irritate anything- but it just shows that I AM feeling better.. and the IUI is still like another 8 days away. MEN! I cried last night! I am really upset about this... and I 'm like "are you going to use a condom when you have sex with me to avoid me getting pregnant?" And he says no- so like to me this is stupid.

((SIGH)) He wants to call the FS to make sure he is okay with all of it. I'm really not happy about it- - and he still wants me to take the Femara while we're sorting this out -- I only have 2 days left of it. I don't want to go through with it though- and not have his 100% support- and then having something bad (God forbid) happen- and then him blame me or something, you know??

What would you ladies do? Would you skip a cycle?? I am sure most of you can understand how AWFUL that prospect is- especially after freakin having a miscarriage in February.... I feel like I've already waited forever...

I feel like I can probably pressure him into going along with it.. but I really want him to want it too and for him to feel like we're making a good decision. I definitely recognize that I've been through a lot- I told him too- whose been the girl in the hospital bed? That would be me! and WHO went through all of the physical effects from the mc- that would be ME. Yes- he lost a child too- and I know he lost IMMENSELY as well- I am not undermining that at all- but quite frankly- if he thinks it was bad for him- it was 10 times worse for me to be bleeding every time I went to the bathroom and to have to undergo the D&C.. all of it.

Anyway, PLEASE PRAY for me that he feels @ peace about doing the IUI. I really couldn't imagine delaying this any longer- I've been waiting for this since February 7th- the day I knew I was miscarrying.
Hi everyone.

So I am on CD 3 and so impatient already.

I was really praying for my Xmas baby, but looks like someone had other plans for me, so looking to perhaps getting my BFP in May.

I am not going to be using OPK's or EPT's this month and am leaving it down to Mother Nature, as last month I really did go crazy with symptom spotting and testing and tbh, enough is enough, I don't think it was particularly helpful to my physical or mental health!!!

It will be so hard trying to resist, but I'm going cold turkey.

Hanskiz, sounds like you are taking a good approach and healthy attitude toward ttc, I am signing up for this too.

Good luck to all xxx
Hello ladies...

CD9 for me and time to :sex: like crazy over the next 2 weeks!!! Ha!! Glad im a teacher and have had the Easter holidays to regain my strength!!! :winkwink: OH away Fri and Sat night so will have to make sure lots of :spermy: are up there waiting incase i OV whilst he's away!! Need to get busy tonight and tomorrow!!!

Hanskiz - I totally get how youre feelin!! Its been exactly 3 months today since i miscarried and i feel so much better. I dont feel as crazy about DTD and TTC anymore and my thoughts are on planning our holidays, enjoying a glass of wine and generally enjoying life again!! Obviously id love a BFP as soon as possible BUT i think im in a good place now that i can relax and enjoy just being with my OH again rather than always having my thoughts on whether or not ill get pregnant this time!!! Hopefully this positive thinking will help us get our BFPs!!! :happydance:

Holly - Wow, i understand how hard that must be! If my OH suddenly decided we shouldnt try for a while id be gutted. Even though ive relaxed my attitude towards TTC, not having a chance this month would put me right back!!
Id maybe try and talk him round and explain that you are ready and nothing would make you feel better than having another go this month! He's just concerned about you and being lovely so if you explain that its what you want im positive he wants it too!! :hugs:

I think most of us ladies are reaching our fertile times so good luck to everyone and sticky :dust::dust::dust: to everyone!!!

x x x :hugs:
Holly - I don't know what to suggest honey. It sounds like that is a proper conversation you and DH need to have.

I can see why he is worried but his timing in bringing it up could have been better!

Whatever you decide to do, just make sure it's what you BOTH want and that you are totally agreed on it. I know that sounds obvious but sometimes it's easier said than done.

Remember, although it seems like an eternity now - one more month won't make much difference in the long run, it's easy to get bogged down in the moment when TTC and every month that goes by seems like precious time lost, but when you have your baby (as you undoubtedly will) it will all seem so inconsequential. It doesn't matter WHEN you conceive - what matters is that you are healthy and happy and that you carry to term and have a healthy and happy baby. If TTC this month is the right thing to do, then that is what you'll do, if waiting a cycle is a better idea then that is what you'll do. Have faith in yourself - and listen to your body. If you feel ok, then go for it!!!

Big :hugs: I'm sure you'll make the right decision between the two of you... All will be well. :flower:
:hugs: thanks rachelbubble and Hanskiz :)

I went and had lunch with DH and we talked about it some more. I actually researched the medicine I am on and SURPRISINGLY some FS actually PRESCRIBE it to help with fertility!!! What I am taking is an immune suppressor - so the thought behind it for fertility purposes is that it helps the woman's body from attacking the sperm and then the embryo aiding in conception and long term as well. Now, with that being said- I AM on a higher dose right now but it's being tapered off- I HIGHLY doubt this is going to be in my system 8 days from now when I have the IUI and then 7 days approximately for implantation anyway- BUT .. if there IS anything lingering- it actually might be a good thing- although 15 days.. I doubt it.

I know my DH is just concerned about me... and NO, for sure- I won't die @ the loss of one month - it's just I feel like I've lost this WHOLE year already as a result of the miscarriage...

So.. with that being said.. after our talk at lunch- we are just going to wing it and have faith that whatever is meant to happen- will happen- either way. I know he knows how badly disappointed I'd be and I am SURE that is a large part in his agreeing to go along with it.. but I seriously would never do ANYTHING that would jeopardize a pregnancy- I mean- I went through a miscarriage- I KNOW how bad it is and I will do ANYTHING to avoid it- so if I thought there was any potential risk- I would be the one backing out.

:thumbup: So- we're still on for the IUI! (And plenty of Bding :winkwink: )
Holly - I'm glad you guys are going to go ahead. I'm sure you're right that everything will be fine. You know your body and if the FS thinks its ok then I'm sure it is.

I'm really excited for you this cycle as you have such a good chance!!!

Hanskiz~ that's a great way to look @ it with the BD'ing starting in like a week! :) I agree- it's a good idea to OPK a couple of days early- honestly it can change ANY month for ANY woman so it's better to be on top of it! :thumbup: I LOVE the Royal Jelly btw! Good stuff!

CRC- you can O in as little as 6 or all the way up to 48 hours later.. if you continue to OPK you can get a rough idea of how long your surge might be. I would BD for the next 2-3 days to make sure you have it entirely covered!

Cornish~ FX'd that you get the all clear! I was the same way last month- still bleeding for awhile - close to the fertile window- but seemed to ovulate fine.

mercedes- will be here before you know it! It's about a week or so for me too! :dust:

So I tested this morning at 9 am and it was super postive. lol and I tested today again at 3:30 pm and its back to negative. so do you still bd tonight since the test is back to negative??? guess will have to wait and see if my temps go up in the am to confirm ovulation. love learning all this stuff about myself.... Glad to hear your af is gone!! keep us informed ..Im excited to hear how the fer. meds do! :)
Looks like AF has finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnally left the building!!! A full 6 days- not the norm for me. I plan to start OPK'ng in about 3 days on cd9.. especially since I am taking fertility meds- I don't know if it is going to affect my O date or not at all. Looks like there are quite a few of us around the same cycle time!! :)
CRC- YES YES YES! DEFINITELY Bd tonight girlie! 2,000% for sure!!! AND tomorrow if you can!!! The egg can live up to 24 hours.. and now that it's negative- you have about 24 hours after that.. so for sure keep busy!!! :winkwink:

:dust: up the wazoo for you!!!!! :dust:
:hugs: thanks rachelbubble and Hanskiz :)

I went and had lunch with DH and we talked about it some more. I actually researched the medicine I am on and SURPRISINGLY some FS actually PRESCRIBE it to help with fertility!!! What I am taking is an immune suppressor - so the thought behind it for fertility purposes is that it helps the woman's body from attacking the sperm and then the embryo aiding in conception and long term as well. Now, with that being said- I AM on a higher dose right now but it's being tapered off- I HIGHLY doubt this is going to be in my system 8 days from now when I have the IUI and then 7 days approximately for implantation anyway- BUT .. if there IS anything lingering- it actually might be a good thing- although 15 days.. I doubt it.

I know my DH is just concerned about me... and NO, for sure- I won't die @ the loss of one month - it's just I feel like I've lost this WHOLE year already as a result of the miscarriage...

So.. with that being said.. after our talk at lunch- we are just going to wing it and have faith that whatever is meant to happen- will happen- either way. I know he knows how badly disappointed I'd be and I am SURE that is a large part in his agreeing to go along with it.. but I seriously would never do ANYTHING that would jeopardize a pregnancy- I mean- I went through a miscarriage- I KNOW how bad it is and I will do ANYTHING to avoid it- so if I thought there was any potential risk- I would be the one backing out.

:thumbup: So- we're still on for the IUI! (And plenty of Bding :winkwink: )

I am so glad that you and your dh agreed to continue w/ the IUI! thats great news!! Im so excited for you!! hope that you are feeling better! :)
CRC- YES YES YES! DEFINITELY Bd tonight girlie! 2,000% for sure!!! AND tomorrow if you can!!! The egg can live up to 24 hours.. and now that it's negative- you have about 24 hours after that.. so for sure keep busy!!! :winkwink:

:dust: up the wazoo for you!!!!! :dust:

Oh gosh I didnt know that!!! guess I gotta get busy! bet my dh will be happy! haha. so got a positive at 9 am and a negative at 3 pm so you have around 24 hrs! thats crazy you just made my night w/ your educational information! :dohh: lol.
Morning ladies! I'm on cd6 and af seems to have finished, 5 heavy days and today nothing. Took 120 of soy today along with the pre natals, folic, and aspirin. Going to have bloods again today and hoping for my first zero, me and oh are excited about the possibility of ntnp!
How is everyone feeling? Holly, I'm so glad you made up and sorted things at lunch, it's great to know you both want the same thing and so sweet of your man to be so worried about you.
Has the last few hrs gone well crc25?!!
Hope the spotting has stopped Hanskiz, fertile window is approaching for us both!!
Morning ladies
Hope you are all well

Cd5 for me and AF seems to be slowing, actually stopped overnight but back a little today

DH is getting happy to start the bd marathon!
I'm feeling so blah today, booked an appt for my thyroid check but I just know it's gonna be out of whack again

I hate this stupid disease
I have an identical twin sister and she doesn't have it, my dad does, I can't help thinking why me :(

I was a happy size 10-12 when I met my hubby n since I've gained weight n no matter how much excercise I do or good diet it just won't shift, my dr says it will once my thyroid is under control again
My finger nails have become so brittle and my hair is coming out

Today I looked at myself in the mirror and just cried! I'm so worried about loosing all my hair! Hubby keeps calling me baldy (trying to lighten the mood but it so doesn't help!)

Then all this mc stuff on top!!! Grrrr!
I'm feeling so blah today, booked an appt for my thyroid check but I just know it's gonna be out of whack again

I hate this stupid disease
I have an identical twin sister and she doesn't have it, my dad does, I can't help thinking why me :(

I was a happy size 10-12 when I met my hubby n since I've gained weight n no matter how much excercise I do or good diet it just won't shift, my dr says it will once my thyroid is under control again
My finger nails have become so brittle and my hair is coming out

Today I looked at myself in the mirror and just cried! I'm so worried about loosing all my hair! Hubby keeps calling me baldy (trying to lighten the mood but it so doesn't help!)

Then all this mc stuff on top!!! Grrrr!

Life is so unfair! You poor thing. At least it is a controlable disease and you can get back to feeling normal again soon. Sorry you're feeling rubbish now though - really not what you need.

Big :hugs:
Hello everyone :flower:

Cd 7 today and back to spotting again. Quite a lot more than yesterday. I'm hoping I don't spot all the way through to ovulation again - that sucked! I know it's my body trying to expel this last bit of stuff, but actually that's not terribly reassuring as it indicates it's still there. Ho hum.

Apart from that, all is well, not crampy (a tiny bit but not enough to need relief) and still feeling positive about this cycle.

I'm aiming to start opk's on Saturday - I know that's early (I'm expecting to ovulate next Wednesday or Thursday) but you never know!!! Better to be waste a few than to miss it!!! I'll be tracking my cm again too as that is a really good indicator for me.

I'm feeling really tired at the moment and I've been craving (and eating) a lot of sugar. I'm trying to get back on track with being healthy the next few days so I need to curb that pretty sharpish! I'm still taking my vitamins but that's it really. I didn't get any Royal Jelly, I'll get some for next cycle I think.

Wishing you all loads and loads of luck and sending you massive lorry loads of baby :dust:

Morning ladies! I'm on cd6 and af seems to have finished, 5 heavy days and today nothing. Took 120 of soy today along with the pre natals, folic, and aspirin. Going to have bloods again today and hoping for my first zero, me and oh are excited about the possibility of ntnp!
How is everyone feeling? Holly, I'm so glad you made up and sorted things at lunch, it's great to know you both want the same thing and so sweet of your man to be so worried about you.
Has the last few hrs gone well crc25?!!
Hope the spotting has stopped Hanskiz, fertile window is approaching for us both!!

Thank you!! I think I covered my fertile window! lol. Good luck today! keep us posted w/ your numbers. praying that your back at zero! :)
CRC25- soooo glad you got it covered! :thumbup: The window isn't really THAT long and I wanted to make sure you had it ENTIRELY covered!!! Now we need a BFP!! :winkwink:

Cornish~ I *really* hope everything is back at 0 and that you can officially be done with all of that. It definitely sounds like you've done all of the right things and hopefully you can get the go ahead to NTNP! Sooo excited to have you here with us!! :hugs:

Woody~ I'm sorry my dear- I know having thyroid problems can wreak havoc on so many things. Definitely don't blame yourself if you're having a rough time losing weight too- I just had my thyroid checked and it's fine- and it's hard as HECK for me to lose even 5 lbs.. so even under normal circumstances it is incredibly difficult. That is cool that you have a twin sister! I didn't know that!! So how do you feel about having twins yourself??? Do you like being a twin??

Hanskiz- cd8 and I'm getting random spotting again myself. I have no clue whether it's from the hormonal messup from the mc- from the Femara that I am - from the rash medication I am on- NO CLUE! Or maybe it's just a fluke thing! I hope it eases up for both of us!!

As for me- I AM so thankful that my DH is agreeing to go along with the IUI- it instantly put me in a MUCH better mood, lol. I am thankful to have a husband that DOES care more about my health :) Also, getting the random spotting on cd8 still and it's frustrating- it's SO light - and comes for one little minute- gone all day- and then there is a smidgen before bed and when I wake up. This happened last month too so I am chalking it up to just being "one of those things"

We started BDing last night :thumbup: We're going to try and DTD every other day until I get a positive OPK- the night of the positive OPK I have to abstain for the IUI the next morning.. and then we will DTD the night after the IUI and probably the night after that just to make sure it is ENTIRELY covered!!!

Lots and lots of dust for everyone! I can't wait to start hearing about a few BFP's!!!

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