No checks for us uk ladies!
No checks for us uk ladies!
I dont know why but i prefer to be checked lets me know whats going on
KRobbo, why would they be inducing you so early? (sorry if you've already said)
I have GD and antibodies in my blood, the doppler readings have been off the chart and then ok and now the baby is so low they can't get the readings they need to ensure the baby is not at risk. It's all confusing and I've been at a few appointments alone so will have DH there tomorrow to ask questions.
They haven't really said that anything is wrong with the baby but it's getting to the stage where they feel it would be safest out as 'when things go wrong with GD they go wrong quickly.' Which is off course alarming.
Here is what i dont underatand my outside measurements are fine but when they do my scans he is two weeks behind how can that be
Just ate a whole pineapple... Feel sick now!
Then read that for it to have any effect, you'd need to eat about 15! Lol!
Oh girls we all sound so miserable lol!
I had my 36 week check up today, on weekly appts now. Had the step b swab done so hopefully that comes back clear. They don't check for dialation here either. MW said though that I will be checked on 40 week appt if I haven't had bub by then just to see if anything is going on. BP is high 140/80 hoping its nothing and goes back down. Fundemental height measuring right on 36 weeks ( was measuring 2 weeks a head at this point with last bub and he was 9lb lol )
I've been feeling nauseous in the mornings for the last couple of weeks kind of like mild MS again without the vomiting. Can't wait to have my body back! Lol
Well I dtd through what I think were bh last night gaves...although they might have been mild im now sat timing them and looks like I'll be going in!!!! Nearly been an hour...shortest time between is 3mins...longest is 6mins... duration ranging between 30-60seconds... xxxx
Well I dtd through what I think were bh last night gaves...although they might have been mild im now sat timing them and looks like I'll be going in!!!! Nearly been an hour...shortest time between is 3mins...longest is 6mins... duration ranging between 30-60seconds... xxxx