glad to find the parenting thread. My princess is officially one day old
no more babies for us! I love babies and toddlers but I'm over being pregnant and sanity and financially idk if we can take anymore
I don't really feel sad about it atm.
Soooo sleepy! She was up every hour last night nursing, crying or puking
been asleep the last 3.5 hours though
napping as soon as OH gets back from getting car fixed.
Anyone having bad after pains? I know they say it's increasingly worse with each kid but sheesh this is worse than most labor contractions! When did it pass for you?
Scarlett has also been throwing up. Midwife said it's just swallowed amniotic fluid and will pass but she seems so upset when she pukes
anyone else's baby do this? My first did too but his never stopped and he was diagnosed with GERD