Hello girls
am at my inlaws now so I've not had much time to post


I hope you've found your PMA and your feeling good? Are you off work whilst your famility is visiting? Am I remembering right, that your mum knows nothing of the IVF?
Any temptation to poas?????
Pixi- I do hope my symptons are the same as your and we get a good result too! hope your keeping well.
Brambletess- I cant believe you 8 weeks already, how is pregnant life?
Latestarter- How's you? not long untill your scan bet your excited, I cant wait to here how many!!!

Wrightywales- How are Lola and Ronnie doing? Looking forward to an update.....I hope they are doing exactly as they are told!
Robbie-yippee for your final injection...... and even more eggcitement for your egg collection on thursday. You will be fine, dont be nervous.
Gosh its a busy week for at lots of us...egg collections, ist scans and beta blood tests. Have I missed anything??
Well am 7dp3dt and am trying to not sympton spot.... but am failing!! still getting twingy cramps (but calmer today) cant decide if it feels like the

or not. My (.Y.) are bigger my bras struggling to contain them (I hope I can get maternity bras big enough

) and they are so tender and sore. Yesterday evening I was shattered,

coudnt stop yanning and I went to bed with a headache and woke up with it too

. Am excited

about my temp chart, its getting higher and higher

..... so what do you think girls.... good signs????
last but least I was very naughty this morning

I POAS...... and there was one very bright line but a faint one too!!!!!
was I wrong to do it this early???? I'd think that my trigger shot is out of my system it was 12/13days ago.
I did it because my dh is returning

to Doha today so he wont be with me

when I get my blood results, I wanted share something with him.
I'm not jumping about with excitement yet as I dont know weather to believe it!
feel free to slap me!!!
Wow sorry for the long post!!!