OMG OMG am pregnant!!!:cloud9::happydance::dance::yipee::headspin::shock:
I got my :bfp: on a digital test this am :cloud9::cloud9:

Congratulations Mrs T :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Another My Be Baby :bfp: :hug::hugs:
Cant wait to see if this group has any more :bfp:

Hope i get my :bfp: in a few weeks

Good luck Roobie and Wrighywales, following your progress avidly.

Mrs T - FANTASTIC NEWS! I am so happy for you :cry::happydance::cry:
welcome to rollorcoaster!

Pixie - could well be twins as its quite early to be changing shape, might just be bloating though. Good luck with early scan.

I am doing well, no morning sickness to speak of, just extreme tiredness and emotions. Yesterday my DH called me a nag and i saw red and I came very close to hitting him. That is not like me AT ALL and it really worried me. Saw midwife yesterday and it was ok but when i told her have put on a kilogram she said 'oh really, most women loose weight, don't you have morning sickness?' it kind of worried me that she seemed surprised. Not everyone has it and it is completely normal. And actually my friend had severe morning sickness and put on loads oif weight as she was constantly eating stodgy food to combat it. She just wasn't one of those women who puts you at ease with worries. She was nice though. Next stress now is the nuchal scan as if we come out high risk for downs, have to do cvs testing as my DH is refusing to go ahead with a downs pregnancy. So anyway, the stress DOES not end with the BFP girls!

Love to you all.
Mrs T - I forgot to is your Mum? xx

Thanks for asking Robbie. My mums still in Hospital, bit worrying really. The Dr's have not got a diagnosis yet. Am going to Aberdeen next week to visit and spend some time with her before I fly back to Doha.
Congratulations Mrs T your pregnant!! - that's great news. Am really pleased for you!! Also, I hope your Mum get her diagnosis soon and starts to get better.

Well I had my EC and am dissapointed that I only got 3 eggs. I'm 34 and knew I wouldn't have loads but I was hoping for at least 5 :shrug:
Anyway the hospital are phoning us tomorrow to let us know how many have fertilized. So hopefully all three???

I'm on a bit of a downer at the moment and don't hold out any hope, maybe I will feel better once we have the fertility report.

Roobie xx
Hello Everyone!

Mrs T - Congratulations again! Has it sunk in yet. I still don't quite believe that I'm pregnant either. Woo Hoo!!!!

Dilek - How are things going hun? When do you test, I'm thinking it must be soon?

Brambletess - when is your Nuchal scan scheduled for. I'm sure everything is fine - but I understand the anxiety. I haven't stopped worrying since I got that BFP. Its nuts.

Roobie - Congratulations on 3 eggs! Praying they grow big and strong for you. When is transfer?

Wrightywales - Good luck with the scan on Friday. I hope Ronnie and Lola are working hard for you!

Pixie - I'm also really bloated. I don't think its baby yet for me. When is your first scan?

I'm doing well. I have my scan tomorrow afternoon, so I'm feeling pretty nervous. I get to find out how many I've got going, and hopefully that everyone is doing fine. I so badly want that to be over. I'm stressing out about it quite a bit, and trying hard not to. Yikes.
Hello Ladies

Hope your all feeling ok

Latestarter - Good luck wth your scan tomorrow:hug::hugs:
Roobie - That is great news 3 little eggs cant wait to hear fertility report tomorrow:hug::hugs:
Mrs T - Hope your getting lots of rest and hope your mother gets better soon :hug::hugs:
Dilek - Hope everthing is ok with you :hug::hugs:

Well ive got another baseline scan tomorrow. Hope they are going to tell me that i finish my injections on saturday. The menopur makes my belly really sore and i cant sleep at night. i always sleep on my belly and wake up everytime i lay on it ouch!!!!
Robbie- you 3 eggs will do just fine.... keep positive.......I know its hard. Looking forward to hearing the fertility report tomorrow xx

Am still in shock with todays result, but am just sad my dh his back in Doha.... we should be together sharing this exciting day. Once I did the test this morning I sent him a text saying ''Good morning Daddy!'' he then call me back, he was so happy. He's been tingling all day and has not been able to concentrate on his work. We're keeping the news to ourselves untill be get the beta result, then we'll tell the family.
I just want to tell the world am bursting with this news inside me!!!
All 3 eggs have fertilised :yipee::yipee::yipee:

I am so delighted and relieved!!

I am going in tomorrow at 1.15pm to have 2 embies put back in!!

Thanks for all your support girls :hug:

Wrightywales - how did your scan go??

Roobie xxxx
FANTASTIC NEWS Roobie :happydance: Its quality not quantity that counts!! wishing you all the best for tomorrow!!!

Wrightwales - Hope it is all going well.

Mrs T - Hope your mother gets better. Will be thinking of you both.
no date yet for Nuchal scan, will put ticker on as soon as i get a date. Got a holiday booked the week i should be having it so thinking it will be either the 6th or 9th July. So glad I have a holiday coming up as pregnancy is quite tiring when you work full time and commute. I AM NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!!! I have it easy compared to some and also extreemly glad to be pregnant!

Hello Ladies

Roobie - that is great news. Good luck with ET tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Well my scan made me really sore today. Been walking like a crab :lol: Have to stay on menopur for a few more days follies still not big enough. The biggest was 12.5. What size are they surpose to be? Never thought to ask :dohh: Got another scan on monday. Hope she doesnt make me this sore on monday. I was a little sad when she said your gonna have to come back for a scan on monday and to carry on with my injections. Injections are really hurting in my belly now just wanna stop them. The nurse told me not to worry to much cos theres more of a chance for me to get more eggs in them follies.

Hope everyone is ok :hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Roobie that is fantastic news. Good luck on transfer day.

Wrightywales - sorry your still sticking yourself, but good to get mature eggs. And slowly growing ones are usually mature ones so that is a good thing. My clinic triggers when they are about 18 - 20 mm.

My scan is this afternoon. I'm soooooooooo nervous. I just want to see a sticky bean with a heartbeat, and so worried that I won't. I have no reason to be worried - but of course am. I think its hard when you go through this route to get PG to believe that its actually happened after so much heartache to get there. But I'm sure all is well and I'll be posting later this afternoon with good news.
Roobie that is fantastic news. Good luck on transfer day.

Wrightywales - sorry your still sticking yourself, but good to get mature eggs. And slowly growing ones are usually mature ones so that is a good thing. My clinic triggers when they are about 18 - 20 mm.

My scan is this afternoon. I'm soooooooooo nervous. I just want to see a sticky bean with a heartbeat, and so worried that I won't. I have no reason to be worried - but of course am. I think its hard when you go through this route to get PG to believe that its actually happened after so much heartache to get there. But I'm sure all is well and I'll be posting later this afternoon with good news.

Good Luck with your scan hope everything is fine. cant wait to hear how many youve got :hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxx
Hello Ladies

Roobie - that is great news. Good luck with ET tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Well my scan made me really sore today. Been walking like a crab :lol: Have to stay on menopur for a few more days follies still not big enough. The biggest was 12.5. What size are they surpose to be? Never thought to ask :dohh: Got another scan on monday. Hope she doesnt make me this sore on monday. I was a little sad when she said your gonna have to come back for a scan on monday and to carry on with my injections. Injections are really hurting in my belly now just wanna stop them. The nurse told me not to worry to much cos theres more of a chance for me to get more eggs in them follies.

Hope everyone is ok :hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks - will keep you posted on how ET goes.
I know it's a pain (literally!) to keep stimming, how many menopur injections have you had? I had 11 and although I only got three eggs they all seem to be good eggs. Hopefully by Monday you will be ready to take your HCG shot and then it' all systems go! :hugs: Roobie xxx
Thanks Latetstarter - good luck with your scan, let us know how you get on xxx
Hello Ladies

Roobie - that is great news. Good luck with ET tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Well my scan made me really sore today. Been walking like a crab :lol: Have to stay on menopur for a few more days follies still not big enough. The biggest was 12.5. What size are they surpose to be? Never thought to ask :dohh: Got another scan on monday. Hope she doesnt make me this sore on monday. I was a little sad when she said your gonna have to come back for a scan on monday and to carry on with my injections. Injections are really hurting in my belly now just wanna stop them. The nurse told me not to worry to much cos theres more of a chance for me to get more eggs in them follies.

Hope everyone is ok :hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks - will keep you posted on how ET goes.
I know it's a pain (literally!) to keep stimming, how many menopur injections have you had? I had 11 and although I only got three eggs they all seem to be good eggs. Hopefully by Monday you will be ready to take your HCG shot and then it' all systems go! :hugs: Roobie xxx

They have given me enough til sunday which will be my 11th day. I hope they will be ready monday. feeling very full down there :rofl:
Hello Ladies

Roobie - that is great news. Good luck with ET tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Well my scan made me really sore today. Been walking like a crab :lol: Have to stay on menopur for a few more days follies still not big enough. The biggest was 12.5. What size are they surpose to be? Never thought to ask :dohh: Got another scan on monday. Hope she doesnt make me this sore on monday. I was a little sad when she said your gonna have to come back for a scan on monday and to carry on with my injections. Injections are really hurting in my belly now just wanna stop them. The nurse told me not to worry to much cos theres more of a chance for me to get more eggs in them follies.

Hope everyone is ok :hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks - will keep you posted on how ET goes.
I know it's a pain (literally!) to keep stimming, how many menopur injections have you had? I had 11 and although I only got three eggs they all seem to be good eggs. Hopefully by Monday you will be ready to take your HCG shot and then it' all systems go! :hugs: Roobie xxx

They have given me enough til sunday which will be my 11th day. I hope they will be ready monday. feeling very full down there :rofl:

Ha ha - know what you mean. I looked as if i had swallowed a beach ball :rofl:
Hello Ladies

Roobie - that is great news. Good luck with ET tomorrow :hug::hugs:

Well my scan made me really sore today. Been walking like a crab :lol: Have to stay on menopur for a few more days follies still not big enough. The biggest was 12.5. What size are they surpose to be? Never thought to ask :dohh: Got another scan on monday. Hope she doesnt make me this sore on monday. I was a little sad when she said your gonna have to come back for a scan on monday and to carry on with my injections. Injections are really hurting in my belly now just wanna stop them. The nurse told me not to worry to much cos theres more of a chance for me to get more eggs in them follies.

Hope everyone is ok :hug::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks - will keep you posted on how ET goes.
I know it's a pain (literally!) to keep stimming, how many menopur injections have you had? I had 11 and although I only got three eggs they all seem to be good eggs. Hopefully by Monday you will be ready to take your HCG shot and then it' all systems go! :hugs: Roobie xxx

They have given me enough til sunday which will be my 11th day. I hope they will be ready monday. feeling very full down there :rofl:

Ha ha - know what you mean. I looked as if i had swallowed a beach ball :rofl:

haha init :rofl::rofl::rofl: really does feel like im going to pop like a balloon :rofl::rofl:
:hi: My May be Baby Buddies

I couldnt last anymore and I had to do a HPT. I am 14 days post EC and 16 days post trigger shot. Our little survivor has made it.... We got a :bfp::bfp::bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am on :cloud9: and in complete shock, all my eggs were really bad and this one was perfect. I am glad to announce I am cautiously pregnant. OMG thats a scary thought.


Thank you for all your support.

All 3 eggs have fertilised :yipee::yipee::yipee:

I am so delighted and relieved!!

I am going in tomorrow at 1.15pm to have 2 embies put back in!!

Thanks for all your support girls :hug:

Wrightywales - how did your scan go??

Roobie xxxx

Roobie that is great news wohoooooooooooo
:hi: My May be Baby Buddies

I couldnt last anymore and I had to do a HPT. I am 14 days post EC and 16 days post trigger shot. Our little survivor has made it.... We got a :bfp::bfp::bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am on :cloud9: and in complete shock, all my eggs were really bad and this one was perfect. I am glad to announce I am cautiously pregnant. OMG thats a scary thought.


Thank you for all your support.


Congratulations Dilek that is great news take it nice and easy now :hug::hugs:

this seems to be the group to be in lots of :bfp:. hope we have lots more

good luck ladies xxxxxx

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