Hi Girls
I would like to join up! I just waititng for my period to start. Should be in a week as am feeling the sore boobs already! After that i will be down regging on day 19. so am guessing it will be around the 23rd May. I really appreciate reading how everyone else is doing in the run up to starting. I too think I am feeling more stressed than I thought i was. I feel snappy and critical of DH, I feel unmotivated at work, and teary at the slightest thing. I don't feel like i can really talk about it either as most people think i should be really happy and positive. Plus i don't want people to know about treatment as dreading it if i fail. I am trying to be but its hard. I don't even know why I am like this. I feel negative like its not going to work and i don't deserve it to work because I brought this on myself. I also feel like I am constantly having to remind DH about not drinking and being healthy. It feels too much. I don't want to nag but i am. Sorry I am ranting now
Ever since treatment planning session have felt negative but maybe its just a phase and i will get back to my psotive self again. I have been having acupuncture for months and it really helps my stress but even last weeks session didn't help. I will continue acupuncture all through IVF just in case it improves my chances and it will help with any stress i feel.

to all you lovely ladies.