May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Aimze-so exciting! Couldn't be more happy for you! And the nursery sounds adorable!

Hmommy-glad you're not bleeding and you're getting visitors to make the time fly by!! You're getting closer to 24 weeks!!

Lucinda-amazing beta!! How did your ultrasound go?!?!
Aimze, your nursery sounds adorable! So happy for you!

Well hmommy, I'm joining you on bed rest. My BP started going up on Wednesday and I ended up laying down in the nurse's office all afternoon at work. I would have gone ahead and gone home, but my shower was that afternoon and I was determined to make it! I called the doctor again yesterday morning and I'm off work until delivery. I'm on pretty strict bed rest through the weekend, then if my BP stays down they may let me get up and move around the house a little more. Yesterday and today have actually been pretty busy just making phone calls and plans for work since I was planning on at least working through next week, but I'm going to run out of stuff to do pretty soon...
Oh Stayhopeful I feel your pain but at least you know it's almost time to meet your little boy!!!! Has your doc told you to lay on your side or are you ok to lay propped up? There's a great website: that has tons of good movies for free... Pretty current ones too! I watch on my lap top in between reading/napping :).
So at ultrasound they saw a gestational sac and yolk sack I guess I just produce a really high beta. I have ultrasound with RE on Wed and another at Obgyn next Fri. I measured 5wks 3days even though today I'm 5wks 1day.
Lucinda-well thAts still promising!! And it's okay to measure ahead, it's much more preferred actually. And who knows, they could've missed one? I've seen it happen before! I'll definitely keep you and your little embryo in my prayers!!
:happydance: Great news Lucinda! And a high beta is wonderful!!! Can't wait to hear heart rate next time!
So the tech was just looking for a sack and not 2 or anything like that as this was my Obgyn my scan on wed my RE will be doing the ultrasound herself and will be looking for multiples as she is quite sure there are 2 in there. So I'll know more next week but for now I know there is something in there. I will let you guys know my RE's interpretation of the ultrasound!
Lucinda-thanks for clarifying. That's great to hear! And sac/yolk is great news!! Only A few more days of anticipation!!
This question is for Stacer, Stayhopeful and the other third tri and beyond mommies (if they're still hanging around)...

When I first had my twins measured (like 7 weeks I think) they were a week ahead (which was awesome). Then as time has gone on and a million ultrasounds later, they're only measuring a day or two ahead now. When I asked my Dr if this altered growth rate should be something to red flag, he told me to stop looking for problems and being negative .... yep, he's a real sensitive guy. :wacko:

What do you think? Was your growth pretty much always dead on the same rate every time, or were there periods of faster then slower growth? I'd be grateful for your thoughts/comparisons. :hugs:

And Lucinda, if your RE thinks it's twins, then that's a pretty solid statement to make.... she/he may see a little more than they're letting on at the ultrasound! :thumbup:
Hmommy-when you're early on, the measurements aren't always exact. Well, actually measurements aren't always exact period. But I would definitely say that measuring ahead is good, it's when they're measuring behind that it could be a concern (but not always). I definitely noticed periods of variations. At my 27 week ultrasounds he was measuring 3 weeks ahead, and they said that was fine as long as he was measuring ahead. However, that he could even out. Meaning that he might have had a growth spurt but wouldn't end up being a big baby. I know you're not concerned with them being big babies, however, just know babies grow at different rates, so they could be ahead at one point more than they are at another and still be perfectly fine. Now if they were a week or more behind id be a little concerned. But, the measurements are +/- 3 days. So your babies seem to be growing just fine! I totally understand your concern after all you've been through, but don't give yourself unnecessary stuff to worry about! :)
Ok thanks much Stacer :). I am such a worrier but my ongyn never answers questions like that so I just wanted to check in with you all :).

So how is it being a new mommy? What have you learned so far? Any surprises? How is breast feeding and all that good stuff? :happydance:
Hmommy, thanks for the website! Right now I'm watching marathon sessions of the TV show "24." It gives me something to do... I'm also still working on getting everything together for my substitute at work, finishing up shower thank-yous, and a million other little things. So I'm staying busy for now. We'll see how I feel in a week though!

As far as the babies measurements, I don't think I'd be too worried. Those measurements are definitely not an exact science and even the prescribed measurements are just averages for each gestational age. My little one was always measuring ahead, but after about 12 weeks they stopped even telling me what he was measuring at ultrasounds so I don't know if he was still measuring big. I figure if they didn't mention it, it's because it wasn't concerning. I haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks either.

Lucinda, let us know what your RE finds! My betas weren't as high as yours but they were pretty high and I only had one in there (which is what I was expecting since we only put one back in), but I've definitely heard several people who had similar betas and had two or more. So glad things are going well, sending you lots of positive thoughts!
Stayhopeful I'm not curious about the high betas but more because they kept just curious if there really is just one in there....even my RE was surprised by my tripling the sono with RE shall tell!
Hmommy thanks for the movie site....haven't checked it out but will make sure to check it out soon!
Hmommy-mommy life is good. I love this little guy so much, it's unreal! I feel like I'm living in 3 hour increments though because that's how often he eats. So basically I feed him which can take up to an hour then I have 2-2.5 hours to sleep, eat, shower, or do whatever I want until it's time for feeding agsin. I'm a person who needs sleep so not getting more than 3 hours at a time is catching up to me so I just nap more. It's hard though because there's so much I want to do, and I don't want to miss out on him being so small! The BFing is going well though thankfully. Otherwise that would be a huge stress. I pump 2times daily and freeze which is good because there's been a few times Cobin couldn't get any milk from me so I was able to bottle feed with that. I think everything I've learned this far has been new, you never really can be prepared for whats in store on your first in my opinion. But I spend a lot of time reading up on newborns while feeding him. Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Stacer sounds amazing!!!! And I understand about needing your rest so I'm happy to hear that ur getting some napping in!
Stacer, loved reading your post!! It's great that you're able to feed as well as pump for back up... Best case scenario! I can imagine the 3 hour life increments! Lol... They say the first couple of months are the hardest but I think for us IVF moms or other moms who struggled to get there, the overwhelming gratitude and love makes it so much more wonderful and meaningful. So happy for you!!! Xo
Lucinda the tripling betas are definitely a good sign! I can't wait to hear what the RE says!
Lucinda-your ultrasound is tomorrow right? Can't wait to hear your results!

Hmommy-if you're plannibg on BFing, you'll be getting much less than 3 hours of sleep with twins! But you're right, it won't be something you or anyone in our shoes takes for granted! The babies will be so worth it!! But as long as you've prepared your self to not get any sleep for at least the first month or two then you'll be fine! :) how are you feeling? Are you and dh a allowing yourselves to prepare and get excited for these babies?!

Stay-how are you doing? Keeping your bp down?
So far so good, stacer. As long as I stay home and pretty much stay on the couch, my BP is staying within the ok range. I have a doctor's appt tomorrow and they'll do an ultrasound to see how big our little guy is, then decide when to induce me. I know bed rest isn't a whole lot of fun, but I want him to stay in there as long as he needs to so hopefully they won't induce me until the end of March.

Good news Stayhopeful! :). You'll be holding your little man soon enough now!!

Above is today's ultrasound! Both babies are measuring a couple of days ahead and were kicking each other! Lol.. She couldn't see the hematoma and said it could mean one of two things: either it's resolved (hallelujah) or because of baby boys position she just couldn't see it. Either way I figured a passed another ultrasound and so for tonight I'm feeling very happy :)

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