May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Stay congratulations Hun x enjoy every moment.
Stacer- omg so glad u got hum to hospital in time. My thoughts are with u x hugs x
Silver, I'm soooo jealous!! Paris is beautiful. :thumbup:
Stacer, any news? How's your little man doing? :hugs:
Stay, how's motherhood? I bet you're on cloud 9!!

Ok girls, I bit the bullet yesterday and made my first purchase:


LOL... :wacko:

I'm going to wait until I reach 24 weeks to buy anything else, but these, I just couldn't resist. Now I need to go and say a few Hail Mary's to fend off a jinx! :dohh:
Hi ladies!
Hmommy-those are super adorable!! Love them! I think it's ok to buy but I understand your hesitation!

Things are getting so much better with Cobin. He's alert, I am able to hold him. He's off the oxygen, and pretty much not on anything anymore. He's still swollen but they say he will urinate the excess fluid. They're leaving the drain in his leg a little while longer because pus keeps coming out which is good. They're going to release us from icu tomorrow hopefully but will still be at the hospital for about a week more. We're at Arnold Palmer. So we're looking good, but of course I'm still cautious!
Stacer glad to hear things are going much better with your little man and hope that he's out before you know it!
Hmommy those are super cute!!!!!
Stacer, so glad Corbin is doing better! And hmommy, I love the onesies :)

Baby and I are doing well so far. It's been a huge adjustment, especially BFing. It's exhausting having to do it every few hours and it's kind of overwhelming never being able to take a break. I did take him to a BFing support group today and when they weighed him, he'd lost 3oz since last Friday. They suggested longer feedings and supplementing with pumped milk, which I started trying this afternoon. The whole process of feeding him, supplementing him, and pumping him took an hour and a half. Which means I have an hour before I have to do the whole thing again. So just feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything... I'm recovering well from labor and delivery, still a little sore but I'm moving around almost like normal. I still have a lot of swelling in my feet and ankles, they said that can last up to three weeks so hopefully it will go down soon.
I woke up this morning to red blood; luckily I had a scheduled ultrasound apt with RE at 8 am. She found a sch and ordered bedrest for a week. I'm to see her again on Fri. I'm a bit upset because I had ultrasound on fri and ob said nothing. When I called ob office this am they had no idea n requested that I have RE fax report. Ob office then called n said that they saw it fri but didn't say anything cause its! I'm thinking of finding new ob office!!!
Stay, the feeding schedule must be crazy!! After reading your post, I'm a little more scared now about how it's going to go down for me with twins!! Omg...

Stacer, any news? Is Cobin home yet?

Lucinda, you have what I have and if I can give you any advice it would be to get your butt in bed and stay there!! Also drink ridiculous amounts of water to prevent your uterus from contracting because the blood will cause it to contract. Your doc us right, it's fairly common. ((Hugs))
Stay-honestly the BFing is so hard!! I didn't want to scare anyone but it's so demanding. Especially becUse no one can really help. U cAn have N amazing partner that does so much but it still feels like you do everything bc you're the only one who cAn feed, and that happens about every 2-3 hours. Of course you can bottle feed expressed milk but then you have to pump again to keep up supply. Just since midnight I feed Cobin At 1225a, 150am, 310a, 610a, 835a, and it's 920a right now. Sessions are at leSt 30 min and then changing diapers/putting baby back to sleep, it's hard. I hardly slept last night, he's been fuSsy but who can blame him after all he's been through!!

Hmommy-it will be hard, but it's do able to bf twins. I have a friend who does it. She had to eat lactation cookies to get her supply up, but you might not have an issue with thAt. The first month will be the hardest but once they gain the weight back that they lost, they can potentially feed less. My dr said not to go longer than 4 hours without feeding him but I've heard of other doctors saying 6 hours. So who knows. Just prepare yourself that you don't be sleeping at night and you should be fine!! You can do it, and worst case you give formula.

Lucinda-can't believe your ob didn't tell you, that's ridiculous!! Hope you're doing ok!!
Homomy I'm staying my butt home but as common as it might be I still think ob should have said something! If they would have warned me I wouldn't have gone about my business and been running around from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm and then waking up the next day to bleeding.
Yes I agree Lucinda, if your ob noticed she should have forewarned you to expect a little bleeding so that you weren't as panicked. That wS a little negligent for sure. Did they give you any details about your sch? I hope you're staying away from Google! Lol... I also think sch is much more common with ivf :(
Lucinda my first pregnancy had a SCH too, was there at one scan then gone the next week!!

Lucinda, your OB definitely should have told you! I'm sorry you're having to go through all of this, hang in there!

Hmommy, it will definitely be demanding but you'll figure it out. I second everything Stacer said. And I'm sure that your pediatrician will have tips for you. Hopefully the hospital you deliver at will have lactation consultants too, I had some come into my room while I was there and work with me to get started. It's not easy, but you can do it!

Stacer, I'm so relieved to hear you say what you did. I've been feeling so overwhelmed with feeling like I have to be needed every few hours and I feel bad about feeling frustrated about it. DH is great, but he can't actually feed the baby. And right now he's eating about every 2-3 hours for at least 30 minutes. He's harder to get back to sleep at night, too, which is frustrating. I just keep telling myself that this will pass and that even though I'm exhausted, I won't get this time back and I should enjoy it while I can. That works sometimes... Other times I just get through it and fall back to sleep for an hour.
Thanks ladies....all I know is that RE explained that there was a seperation of the placenta and that it was on top of baby which is better than under. I will see RE tom in the am to see if its better.
Lucinda-how'd your appt go?

Stay-hope you're doing better with the breast feeding! It's definitely overwhelming. I often want to quit but feel like it would be selfish of me! Everyone says it gets easier!!!

Aimze-you're getting so close! I bet you're fresking out with excitement!

HMommy-how are you? Hanging in there?

Well Cobin is doing well so far but turns out Me and dh have MRSA! Seriously? I cried all the way home from the doctors office. Dh just had 2 spots on his leg that look like spider bites but I have one spot on my leg and a big bump under my armpit that looks like an in grown hair! I had to get it drained, that hurt so bad! But at least we're all on antibiotics now, which is probably a good thing!
How was it Lucinda?

Stacer were super excited now! I leave work in under 25 working days! Yahoo!

MRSA!!! No way! God that's so bad that all you're trying to do is see your little one and you get a bug which is no fault of your own!!!! Take care of yourselves Hun, lots of fluids!!

Hi girls,

Aimze, 25 days!!!!!!! So exciting! :happydance:

Stacer, what the heck?! I'm so sorry you're going through all this! Hopefully things will calm down now and you and hubby can get back to just enjoying being new parents. :hugs:

Lucinda, keep us posted....

I'm hanging in there. :coffee: just wishing time would speed up. I'm enormous now (not complaining) but it cracks me up when I google 20 weeks pregnant and see women with little bumps..I look ready to pop! :dohh: God only knows how enormous I'll be at the end :wacko: Lol....
Stacer, you just can't catch a break! I hope the MRSA clears up soon for you and DH.

Hmommy, enormous is a good thing with your little ones! It means that they are healthy and growing!
Stayhopeful, how's it going with your little one?? :)

Girls, sometimes (about 5 times a day) the right side of my uterus seems to protrude and feel really tight like one or both babies are bunching up together. Could this be Braxton hicks or is it just the babies? :shrug:
Aimze that's awesome just 25 days!!!stacee hoping it clears up soon...geez!
Hmommy yey for 20 weeks!!!!!
AFM apt went well bedrest has helped in that I'm not bleeding red and just spotting; my RE said that ob needs to continue to monitor it as its still the same size; not worse and not better. Since I fired the ob....they recommended and called one for me from their office as I was discharged today and RE wants me to see OB next week for follow up.

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