May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Hmommy congrats on the great news. !!!
Afm it's one lil bean with a heartbeat !
Yey on the heart beat Lucinda! Welcome to the first trimester... Get ready to be nauseous!! Lol... :hugs:
Lucinda-that's great news!! I know you were probably hoping for more than one, esp since your numbers were so high, buttttt with such high numbers, that is great news that this little one will continue to grow and grow!! Congrats! So excited for you!

Hmommy-that's great news!! I'm hoping it's gone but either way it looks like things are going well! And those babes are getting big! Ok sure you're getting excited!!

Stay-glad you're doing well. Totally understand about wanting to keep the baby in as long as possible, I would've preferred that too! My official due date is Monday and Cobin is a month old Tuesday! Yay for being so close!!
Thanks ladies I'm thankful for a baby it was great to have seen baby with heartbeat twice this week and see how much it's grown in one week! Can't wait to see the progress at Wed's ultrasound!
So exciting, Lucinda! And the fact that your little bean is growing and his/her heartbeat continues to be strong is such a good sign. Just a fair warning about beta numbers, mine were high with one and my morning sickness was AWFUL...

Well we had an ultrasound on Thursday and baby looks great, it's definitely still a boy (the first thing I asked them to check) and he's measuring about 5 1/2 lbs. So our plan is still to induce at 39 weeks, which will be the end of March. In the meantime my blood sugar and my blood pressure look pretty good so the doctor relaxed my bed rest a little. I still have to stay off work and take it easy, but I don't have to stay in bed all the time and she's fine with me leaving the house occasionally to meet a friend for lunch and stuff like that. We have our last baby shower this afternoon and I'm so glad that I'm able to make it to that! We also finished setting up the nursery yesterday. Today's goal is to pack our hospital bags.
Oh Stayhopeful, so good to hear! How exciting to pack that hospital bag and know that it's really just around the corner now!!!

I finally allowed myself to browse online at nursery stuff for twins. I don't want to jinx things, but I'm starting to feel really happy and hopeful.

Lucinda, are you discharged now from your RE? Have you told anyone yet?? :)
Stayhopeful thanks bout the warning...thankfully no ms yet ;)
Hmommy no I haven't been discharged ....RE said I will be discharged at 10 weeks. I have also been seeing Obgyn.
Hmommy-glad you're starting to feel hopeful! You deserve to! And you've almost reached the halfway mark! How exciting!!! Did you get any good nursery ideas?

Lucinda-I never had any MS, so maybe you will get lucky too?!

Stay-that's too funny you asked if it was still a boy!! My husband would do the exact same! Just a little over 2 weeks until you met this little guy!? Yay! Now that your bags are packed, is there anything else you still need to do?
Hey ladies!

Lucinda great you saw a HB :) woop!

Stay hopeful hope the packing goes well!!

Hmommy, the nursery is the best, an for twins! Arrrrr amazing!

We're very close now, 7 weeks till I,leave work...hope it flys by!

Stacer don't know bout being lucky anymore as I Had my first food aversion today...a parent who always tries to feed me tried sharing her cheese and mayo sandwich..,well the lil bit of mayo(which the parent couldn't even see but I could distinctively smell)was making me want to hurl,.....she kept insisting and I wanted to slap the sandwich out of her hand lol....ever since then I've been feeling queasy !
Aimze-7 weeks?! That's awesome! I bet you're so ecstatic! Yay for you guys! You're making an awesome decision!

Lucinda-that's hilarious! Not that you're queasy but that you could see it and it was the tiniest little bit! Sorry you're feeling nauseous! Although they always say that's a good sign! I hope it's not too bad for you!!

Hmommy-hope you're doing good!

Silver-thinking of you and hoping you're well!
Wow lots of exciting stuff happening for everyone. So excited for u all x Paris was lovely except for a stinky cold as soon as I stopped work. But we had gd weather and walked loads. The scenery, creeps, pan au chocolat were awesome xxx
Unfortunately this mom will be back tom to offer me more inviting smells:/ hopefully I don't have an embarrassing moment as the bathroom is far :(
Well ladies, my little guy is here! He decided to surprise us a few weeks early! Sunday night we were actually talking about packing the hospital bag and decided that we were both tired, we'd just do it Monday instead. So we went to go watch TV and while I was laying on the couch, my water broke. So we quickly packed our bags and went to the hospital and DS was born on Monday morning. We got home from the hospital on Wednesday and we're all still adjusting, but it's amazing to have him here!
Stay-congratulations!!!! You had your boy on my original due date! And that's funny about packing the bags, we did a similar thing! I hope the delivery went well and you're recovering well!! Enjoy your little guy to the fullest.

Hmommy-how are you?

Lucinda-how are you?

Silver-glad you enjoyed Paris! I'm kinda jealous!!

Ladies-we had a huge scare with Cobin. I'm sitting in pediatric icu as I write this but luckily he is doing 100x better today! Thursday at 3am he ran a fever of 101.8, so we took him to the ER bc everything i read online says a fever in a newborn is not good. Well it's a good thing we did, the doctors said I saved his life!!! He ended up having an infection in his leg that was putting him into septic shock. He was rushed into surgery after 2 ultrasounds and an MRI as well as a spinal tap, numerous tests and an aspiration to remove fluid from his leg which was unsuccessful. The surgery went well but shan't give us any answers as to what the bacteria was, and no cultures even grew at 72 hours later. So they're treating him for all popular bacteria to cover their bases. He was just taken off sedation meds, a breathing tube, blood pressure meds, his arterial line was removed and he's on a feeding tube with my breast milk and has oxygen to support his breathing. They had to give him a blood transfusion too. He has made a ton of progress since Friday morning, but late Thursday night his vitals were not good and it was unclear if he would make if. Thankfully things are looking up. We're beyond greatful that he's doing better. We will probably be in the hospital through next week.
So moral of story (besides how greatful I am that he's doing so well!!) -make sure you have a thermometer, If your baby is 2 months or less and has a fever don't delay but take them to ER right away, and boy am I thankful for whomever donated their blood that helped save my sweet boys life-I definitely need to donate to return the favor!!!!
First off, Silver congrats!!! Hope you're enjoying every precious moment! It's been a long journey and now you can enjoy the hard earned rewards! Well done!! :hugs:

Stacer, holy crap!!!!!!! Thank God you caught the fever in time! I was stunned reading your post. :nope: are you at Winnie? When do you think you'll be able to come home? You must have been terrified. Please keep us posted on Cobin's progress.

I can feel the babies moving around every day now and even ventured outside into the garden today to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine (hope I didn't over do it). Just counting down the days now until viability..that's my big goal right now. :coffee:
Oh my goodness stacer! What an awful scars!!! I really hope your little one recovers quickly poor little thing!!

Stay congratulations on your lovely little bundle :)

Hmommy so glad you can feel babies...5/6 weeks till viability? I'm hoping you make it way past there and full term :)


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