May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Lucinda, are you staying on bed rest until the spotting stops? Are you cramping at all? Hope you're feeling good!! :)
Thanks ladies-it's been a disaster, but as long as Cobin is alive and well I'm ok. I pumped all last night and dh took the night duty so I finally got some sleep! I needed it.

Hmommy- I don't think I've had Braxton hicks so I'm not sure. But didn't you say you were petite anyway? That's prob why you think you look huge. Trust me I always thought I looked huge too, but at least you have an excuse!!

Lucinda-glad to hear your appointment went well! Try to enjoy the bedrest most you can! It will be well worth it?!

Stay-hope yours doing well!
I return to work on Tuesday but have to follow up with ob this week.ob is to keep monitoring sch. I've had slight cramping here and there but mostly just spotting.
Lucinda, glad things seem to be improving. Hang in there!

Hmommy, I didn't have Braxton Hicks either that I know of so I'm really not sure. But I do know that sometimes when DS would move, my stomach would get really tight and he always seemed to like to hang out on the right side.

Stacer, glad you got some sleep! I'm jealous. I don't think I've slept more than 3 hours at a time since he was born. Right now he's eating every 2 hours, which means I'm getting an hour of sleep every time. I'm so exhausted. We did go in to the pediatrician again today and he gained 3 oz over the weekend, so she said he's doing great and we don't have to worry about his weight gain any more! Now we're just working on getting him to stop spitting up as much. And hopefully he'll start sleeping a little longer stretches, especially at night, as his stomach grows. I've had some rough days, but it was so great to hear the pediatrician say today that he's doing well. And my mom was here this weekend, which really helped. She was a big help as far as getting things done, but it was also really a big help emotionally to see her.
Stayhopeful glad to hear you don't have to worry bout weight gain anymore....hope he is able to let you sleep a little longer ;)
Ok thanks Stay and Stacer! I think I must just be feeling little bubs rolling around. :) Stacer, hope things are settling down for you and Cobin :)

Stay, I loved reading your post because it reminded me of a time when we were all complaining about the shots and I think I remember writing that I can't wait for the day when we're all venting about sleepless nights instead!:wacko:

Wishing you both some good naps :hugs:
Hmommy, I remember that! And when I'm feeling frustrated with being sleepless, I try to remind myself of how I was feeling last summer and how amazing it is that he's here. He's sleeping 2 hours at a time at night, I only got up twice last night to feed him so I'm actually feeling semi-rested today! I think he might be having some trouble with dairy though, he seems like he might have a stomachache during the day so I may need to cut dairy out of my diet.
Stay-they say dairy is the first thing to try and cut out! The cheese part is hard for me though!! Glad you got some sleep last night! It is definitely worth the sleepless nights but hard when it's been months of no consecutive sleep. You could try pumping Nd having dh take over one night with bottle feeding your milk? You'd probably still need to get up once to pump but would help you out a little!

Hmommy-hope you're well! Things got worse, I went to the ER last Saturday hoping to get admitted yor IV meds bc the outpatient therapy wasn't working but they only drained my site and sent me home with more meds. Well it was getting worse so I go to my doc on Monday who admits me moday night but the hospital was full so spent 4 hours in ER waiting to be seen then 12 hours in the ER bed, but at least I was getting care. I was discharged Wednesday. Couldn't see Cobin for 2 days so that was hard. And the antibiotics im on are found in my milk so tegu want me dumping the course of treatment which is 10 days!! It's so hard spending 15 min 6-8 times a day pumping to only throw it out plus bottle feeding! Luckily I have frozen milk that should last us. I want to get one more month of Brest feeding in bc they say after all he's been through he needs the antibodies. We also got my dog on the meds as well In case. So it's been one heck of a maternity leave. Thankfully I have 6 weeks left. How are those babies??

Lucinda-how are you?

Silver-when are you trying again?
Got next appt mid April... And then hopefully try a short protocol if they still agree as it's not they're normal approach x
Stacer I've been feeling so out of it but baby is doing well...went to new ob thurs and saw baby who looked so cute. I love love love my new ob!!!!
Silver yey for trying again!!!!!
Silver, sending you lots of positive thoughts!

Stacer, it's just been one thing after another for you! I hope that things resolve for you soon so you can enjoy the rest of your maternity leave with your LO.

I haven't started pumping and bottle feeding yet, the pedi said we'd start that at one month. He'll be 3 weeks on Monday, so we're almost there! In the meantime, I'm just sleeping when I can. DH has been great too, he gets up as soon as I'm done feeding him and rocks him back to sleep so I can go ahead and climb back in bed.

We're still dealing with the reflux issue, we actually went in to the pedi this morning because he threw up twice last night. But he gained 9oz since Monday, so he's clearly getting enough!
Silver amazing news :) good luck!

How's everyone else?

Happy first Mother's Day to those with babies an happy Mother's Day too for the ladies in waiting!!

I'm just date watching for baby's home date!!! 5 weeks Wednesday :) x
Hi ladies, just checking in :thumbup:

Aimze, not too long now before baby comes right?? :happydance:
Stay and Stacer, hope the sleep deprivation is alleviating and your little men are settling into a routine. Stacer, I hope the infection has cleared up :flower:

Lucinda, how's it going? How are your symptoms? When's next ultrasound?

AFM, I can now see kicks on the outside (so cool!! :happydance:) but of course every time I try to film it, the little buggers stop moving! :wacko:

I'm really huge now and starting to get uncomfortable. Even though I'm only 23 weeks (tomorrow) at my last appointment last Wednesday, I was measuring 30 weeks for a singleton. I'm waiting until I reach viability then biting the bullet and ordering all the nursery furniture. I'm still very cautious and don't think I'll relax until these guys are in my arms.

Hope you're all doing well :hugs:
Hmommy-how exciting that you can see the kicks! I did get a little bit if them on video, it was pretty cool!! You're moving along nicely! Can't wait til you start getting nursery stuff! Fun times ahead! Cobin has been sleeping great lately but I have to pump and dump right now since I'm on antibiotics so he's getting frozen milk that's supplemented with formula. I did have a lot of frozen but not enough for 10 complete days. So not sure if it's bc he's being bottle fed that he's sleeping so well or not. I guess we will find out next week. But last night he only woke up once and the night before twice! It's great!! The infection seems to be gone! I pray we never see it again but me snd dh are so paranoid with Cobin that it's ridiculous!! I guess that's parenthood!

Hope everyone else is well! Love to hear mods updates!
Wow! Just one wake up in the night?? You've got a dream child there Stacer! Lol.., glad to hear things are settling. Which formula are you using? Must be good stuff!! :)

I was a tad hormonal today. Got irritated with my SIL for something that perhaps looking back isn't such a big deal. Just wondering how long I get to blame the hormones ;). Lol .,,,
Hmommy thanks for asking....I wake up great but by the end of the day I can barely get my dinner down :/ I have my nuchal scan on the 17 as my ob is away :(
Stacer Sounds like Cobin sleeps like a champ!
Hmommy-you get to blame it on hormones til at least 6 weeks after delivery! So you got some time!
I'm getting really sad knowing I'm down to only 4 weeks of maternity leave left! :( we're working on getting a child care plan in place. I don't want to leave him with anyone, even if it is my mil, I just don't want to miss out!
Lucinda, good luck with your scan in the 17th!!

Stacer, I can only imagine how it's going to feel to head back to work..... My friends in Canada and England get to take a year off (and in Canada it's with 60% pay!! So unfair how young moms are treated here... Ok I'll jump off my soap box now ;). At least Cobin will be with his grandma and not strangers at a day care. ((Hugs)) :)
Wow ladies you have to go back to work so quick!! I'm so sorry you can't spend longer :-(

I'm off work from the end of this month an not back till April work such long hours were you are too :-( sending my hugs xx
Stacer sorry your time is coming to and end but at least he won't be going to a day care.

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