May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Silver-sorry you're so stressed! Hopefully it eases up on you in time for your cycle! My sister and baby are good. Baby failed the car seat test (they put baby in car seat for 90 min to see if baby can handle it breathing wise and mentally-not sure if they only do it with pre terms or all babies) but maybe tomorrow they can take him home?

Hmommy-I just thought of something, when you go in to deliver at Winnie, they give you free meals, one item from each category. Usually your DH can pay $5 and get one item from each category too, But if you call and order for the both of you, they usually don't charge!! So saves you a little bit! Also the pediatric hospitalist on staff there are awesome (esp dr pinellas and dr siebel), but their while group is great. They see all babies and do circumcisions, but if baby is in nicu they don't see them. I used to credential physicians at Winnie Palmer!! Let me know if you have questions. You said you took a tour right? Did you pre register too? If so keep that green card handy in case you go early!!
Fab to hear from everyone :)

As everyone else has said this thread has been going a long time but there's been so much support over exactly a year!!!

Well ladies our gorgeous 11month son is officially home, he's a gem and so hard to believe after everything I'm a mummy!! :)

Anyone got any good plans for the weekend? We have lots of visitors for the first time so hoping little man copes ok an sticks to his mummy an daddy :)

Sending lots of love x
Congratulations, Aimze! That's so awesome!!!

I go back to work on Monday, having a really hard time with it today.
Aimze, yey!!! :happydance: baby boy is home!! How is he doing? How are you guys doing? So thrilled for you!!!

Stay, so sorry you're having to head back to stinks for you emotionally but you're being a good mama by providing for your baby. :hugs:

Stacer, thanks for the tip!! :) we did pre-register and I'm convinced these babies will come early so I've got that little ticket in my purse and after my family shower next week I'll be packing my hospital bag and keeping it by the door!! :dohh: :happydance:

So how many weeks is your sisters baby now? That's great that Winnie does the car seat test! Wow!! Hey, did you have to get the tdap vaccine? My Dr is asking that my whole family get it??!!
Aimze-that is such wonderful news! Congrats!! Hope you enjoy every minute with him!

Hmommy-I don't think we got that vaccine. Do you know why they recommended it? My sisters baby is 1 week 3 days new, she would be been 36 weeks this Wednesday I believe. Baby got to go home on Friday so she's adjusting, she's having a hard time with BFing. It's definitely a challenge, so I get it! I pump and bottle feed as actually bfing was too stressful bc I didn't know how much he was eating. Glad you got your bag packed and are ready!!
Stay-so sorry you're going back to work!! It's very hard, I'm not going to lie! I pretty much looked at pics of my little guy all day!! The only good thing is how excited you'll be to get home every day. And you do appreciate the time you have with them more bc you know you won't be there all day every day. But it's hard!! Hope you get through it!! Who will be with the baby while yore at work?
My MIL is watching him this week while I'm at work, then my mom next week and my dad the week after that. Then I'll have the summer with him before we put him in daycare. Driving away the first day was sooo hard, but it's been a little easier yesterday and this morning. I've been so busy at work that once I get there, I don't even have a second to miss him. I've been adjusting to pumping at work, which is definitely different. So far it's going okay though.

Aimze, how is everything going having your little one at home?
Stayhopeful glad to hear that it's getting easier to leave him and that you get to spend the summer with him.
Hi Stacer! :hugs:

I'm doing well. Hanging in there. The gestational diabetes and 4 times a day blood monitoring stinks though. :nope: I can keep my numbers below the requirements about 90% of the time but whenever I get a high reading I get so down on myself just knowing that my babies are getting too much sugar and its my fault. :(

My doc also said the babies continue to measure a week ahead but their femurs have started to slow in their growth..which kind if freaks me out?? Their legs currently measure 29 weeks while everything else measures almost 32 weeks. :shrug: Neither my hubby or myself are particularly tall so it could just be genetics but it of course bothers me.

Anyway, last shower this Sunday then its just the wait and watch game I guess. :). Oh, and we settled on Liam and Paige as our names. :happydance:

How are you and little Cobin doing? Do you feel comfortable posting a pic?
Love the names Paige and Liam! So cute!! Don't stress about the sugar! I did but it's not worth it! Your sugar has to be high all the time for it to affect the babies. Just do the best you can do!! You're getting close! That's interesting about the femur. Is the doctor concerned? I wouldn't be concerned if I were you. Babies grow at different rates, so it could have to do with your and your dh heights, or could just be that they are the length they need to be. Either way, Try to stay stress free-thats important for you!! Everything that will be, will be, so as long as those babies are healthy, that's all that matters! Do you and your dh think you'll be done after these 2 babies?! :)

My Little boy is doing great! He is already 3 and a half months! He smiles, which is adorable, he likes standing and is putting things in mouth now! He is the best!! Working from home is mentally draining but worth it to be with him!!
Love the names Paige and Liam! So cute!! Don't stress about the sugar! I did but it's not worth it! Your sugar has to be high all the time for it to affect the babies. Just do the best you can do!! You're getting close! That's interesting about the femur. Is the doctor concerned? I wouldn't be concerned if I were you. Babies grow at different rates, so it could have to do with your and your dh heights, or could just be that they are the length they need to be. Either way, Try to stay stress free-thats important for you!! Everything that will be, will be, so as long as those babies are healthy, that's all that matters! Do you and your dh think you'll be done after these 2 babies?! :)

My Little boy is doing great! He is already 3 and a half months! He smiles, which is adorable, he likes standing and is putting things in mouth now! He is the best!! Working from home is mentally draining but worth it to be with him!!

3 1/2 months already?! Wow!! It's amazing how quickly the time passes! :happydance: Even though it's tough working from home, it's great that you have the option. I think seeing your baby smile must be the greatest feeling in the world :cloud9:

Well, my doc is sending me off to a dietician and putting me on bloody insulin now.:wacko: I am also having to get B12 injections every day. I thought after IVF I'd be done with shots but I guess not! Grrrrrrrrr!!

Well, if I get lucky, only 5-6 weeks to go and it can't come soon enough!

Oh, and to post a pic, you go to advanced post then cluck on the paperclip symbol and upload a photo. Sometimes I have issues with that too's temperamental! Lol!
Stacer, whenever you get the chance, can you let me know what freebies they give you for both yourself and baby at Winnie? Lol.. I m only asking because I wanted to work on my hospital bag next week and just want to keep it light..I tend to be a major over packer! :wacko: Right now I'm just thinking 1 nightgown and robe, bfeeding bras, pump, onesies and hats, and toiletries. People have also said it's helpful to bring the boppy for support when feeding.

What do you think so far? Will they supply pads, diapers, etc,.. ?

They give you diapers, formula if needed, wipes, pacis and blankets for babies, as well as nasal aspirator and diaper rash cream if needed. Take all that's left with you!! Those pacis are the best!
Don't worry about bringing your pump, they will let you use theirs and you can keep the supplies which is great to have extras if you have the medela pump. Ask for and tKe as much as they give you. They will give you nipple guard if needed too. They will give you bottles and nipples to feed baby if needed. They don't give nipple pads so bring a pair just in case but you prob won't need them, takes a while for milk to come in. Plus I never leak. Boppy is great idea! Trying to use those pillows is ridiculous! Also nursing bras or nursing sleep bras are good. They'll want you to do a lot of skin to skim so keep that in mind.

For you, a gown was a necessity for me for the 2nd night, it was so nice to clean up and get in my own clothes. They check your nana often so don't bring pants They give you pads and mesh panties. Take these home with you!

They will give you socks, or you can bring your own. I brought flip flops for trips to and from bathroom. Bring all your bathroom necessities bc theirs is only body/hand wash.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know. For babies just bring going home outfit hat mittens socks. They scratch their face a lot with their nails. You will prob need preemies unless they weigh more than 6 lbs each.
Awesome, Stacer, thank you!! :hugs: that makes it pretty easy!! I don't know why, but packing my bag is really getting me excited! LOL :happydance:
Hmommy, sorry to hear about insulin but glad things are going well! I wouldn't worry too much about the femurs, those ultrasound measurements aren't always accurate. When I went in 3 days before I went into labor they said my LO weighed 5 1/2 lb and then he came out at 6lb 12 oz! And I agree with what Stacer said about the hospital bag. You don't need much, but take everything they'll give you! I wore the hospital gown the entire time, but I wore a nursing tank or nursing bra underneath it. And depending on if you're cold natured, you may want socks.

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