May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Hi hmommy,
Normal blood sugar are anywhere between 4.5 - 7 (hope it's same measurement as in the uk), often they will start u on some insulin with food after checking your normal pattern Hun. And will teach you how much to take with the foods you usually eat. Children are more likely to have problems if the blood sugars remain out of control...and your getting it sorted!!! Your dr will advise you Hun.
Hope the baby shower was good.
I'm playing the waiting game but trying to lose some of the weight I have gained over the last two years of trying. Miserable Sarah = eat nice food... Being good is so boring though.
Let me know how you get on
Sarah x
Aimze, so excited for you :)

Lucinda, that's so awful that they can get away with it. I'm glad you're starting to come to terms with it though. And how exciting to find out it's a girl! I know what you mean though, I kept wanting to hear just one more time that we were having a boy. I had all the clothes bought but I didn't wash any of them until after my 36 week ultrasound, just in case.

Hmommy, I wouldn't worry too much about the registry. A lot of people buy things last-minute (like on the way to the shower) and a lot of people also go the gift card route, so you can go back to the store and use those to get the things you still need.

As far as gestational diabetes, don't worry too much. I've heard too that it puts our kids at an increased risk, as well as ourselves, but the most important thing to counteract that for both us and our kids is to be active and eat healthily. And that's something we have control over. My doctor had me check my blood sugar 4x a day. I did it first thing in the morning, before I ate, and she wanted it to be below 90. Then I would check it 2 hours after breakfast, lunch, and dinner and it was supposed to be below 120. I had to avoid or eat sweets in moderation, but I also had to be careful of carbs and fruits. I didn't have to take any medicine, mine was entirely diet controlled. And every once in a while I did just say oh well and have a day that I went over on. But overall things looked fine and my doctor was happy with it. It does increase your chances for big babies and delivering early, not really sure how that would impact a twin pregnancy, but I know for me I delivered 3+ weeks early and my DS was fairly big for that gestational age. But my GD resolved itself as soon as I delivered and now I'm back to normal. Hopefully that info helps, just let me know if you have any other questions!
Hi hmommy,
Normal blood sugar are anywhere between 4.5 - 7 (hope it's same measurement as in the uk), often they will start u on some insulin with food after checking your normal pattern Hun. And will teach you how much to take with the foods you usually eat. Children are more likely to have problems if the blood sugars remain out of control...and your getting it sorted!!! Your dr will advise you Hun.
Hope the baby shower was good.
I'm playing the waiting game but trying to lose some of the weight I have gained over the last two years of trying. Miserable Sarah = eat nice food... Being good is so boring though.
Let me know how you get on
Sarah x

Thank you!! So happy to hear from you. I always include you in my prayers :hugs: Thanks for the info on GD!! I know how easy it was for me to gain weight when I was TTC because my doc had told me to ease up on the working out so I put on some unwanted weight. Isnt it frustrating how easy it is to gain and how bloody hard it is to loose?!
Aimze, so excited for you :)

Lucinda, that's so awful that they can get away with it. I'm glad you're starting to come to terms with it though. And how exciting to find out it's a girl! I know what you mean though, I kept wanting to hear just one more time that we were having a boy. I had all the clothes bought but I didn't wash any of them until after my 36 week ultrasound, just in case.

Hmommy, I wouldn't worry too much about the registry. A lot of people buy things last-minute (like on the way to the shower) and a lot of people also go the gift card route, so you can go back to the store and use those to get the things you still need.

As far as gestational diabetes, don't worry too much. I've heard too that it puts our kids at an increased risk, as well as ourselves, but the most important thing to counteract that for both us and our kids is to be active and eat healthily. And that's something we have control over. My doctor had me check my blood sugar 4x a day. I did it first thing in the morning, before I ate, and she wanted it to be below 90. Then I would check it 2 hours after breakfast, lunch, and dinner and it was supposed to be below 120. I had to avoid or eat sweets in moderation, but I also had to be careful of carbs and fruits. I didn't have to take any medicine, mine was entirely diet controlled. And every once in a while I did just say oh well and have a day that I went over on. But overall things looked fine and my doctor was happy with it. It does increase your chances for big babies and delivering early, not really sure how that would impact a twin pregnancy, but I know for me I delivered 3+ weeks early and my DS was fairly big for that gestational age. But my GD resolved itself as soon as I delivered and now I'm back to normal. Hopefully that info helps, just let me know if you have any other questions!

Thank you Stay! Thanks for sharing the numbers. This gives me a better idea of how things are looking. So far i've been really low.. In the 80s and 70s. ??? :wacko:

Ok I spoke too soon! My level 2 hours after dinner tonight was 154 ugh!! :(
It takes some trial and error to find out what works for you. I learned which foods I could eat, which ones I had to avoid, and which ones I could only eat in moderation. Don't beat yourself up if you accidentally go over a few times, it's a learning process. The important thing is that for the most part, your levels stay low, especially your fasting number. If that gets high you may have to go on meds. If it's only higher after eating, it just means you need to adjust your diet.
Hmommy-sorry to hear about GD but try not to stress. Seriously-I think stress puts you into early labor, my sister is 34 weeks and I'm labor as I write , she's been severely stressed, as was I before I delivered. Ok but back to your question! :) stay us definitely right! It is completely trial and error. I couldn't eat many carbs or fruit for breakfast, and I never did figure out my evening snack to get my morning bouncer low. But do the best you can! And your babies will be fine. Keep them active and eating healthy and they will do well! My baby was bigger too 4 weeks early, so that's possible, but I hear a lot of the effects occur when the blood sugar isn't well controlled. So once you figure out what you can and can't eat then just stick to that plan. Keep a food diary of what you're eating so that you know! Hope you get the hang of it soon! It's very confusing, trust me I know. Bit try not to stress, those babies need a stress free home!! ;) how was your shower?

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Just saying a quick hello to everyone....I have a Obgyn apt next thurs which ill b 16.5 weeks so don't know if they will do an ultrasound ....kind of want to confirm that it's a girl since I started thinking of names.
Thanks Hmommy! It feels great to be a mom on Mother's Day! You and Lucinda will sure enjoy the holiday next year!! And hopefully silver will too! :)

My sister had her baby early, 34 weeks. Baby is in nicu and she's already been released from the hospital. He's doing well, but his lungs were just under developed since he was early. It's just so crazy how both of our babies were early and both of our babies were in icu.

Lucinda-hope you find out for sure!!! So exciting to already think of names! I'm sure you're so thrilled to be this far! Yay!
Thanks, hmommy, it was a really amazing feeling to be able to celebrate this year! DH and I ended the day with awful food poisoning, though, I was in the ER yesterday morning because I couldn't keep anything down and was dehydrated. Starting to feel a little better today though.

I know that next year all of you will be celebrating Mother's Day with your little ones! It really does make all the years and BFNs worth it.
Hello ladies may I join? I have been on prescribed birth control/ prenatal vit/ baby asprin for 15 days and tomm I start 5 ml of Lupron daily. This is my third IVF. I had a successful pregnancy from an FET two years ago which resulted in my son but both of my last two fresh IVF's did not work out. I am worried but I am hopeful and I thought joining a forum might help. :hi:

Just realized that the ladies on this thread are probably way ahead of me in the process. Sorry to waste your time. Sorry, New to this.
Hello and welcome,
How exciting....I can remember like yesterday starting and being excited and nervous to start. You will find that the ladies here are super supportive! These ladies despite getting their BFP stuck around and cheered me on throughout my 3 fresh...1 frozen and 3 moths of Lupron depot(I had to sit out during these 3 moths and wait for my frozen which got me my bfp). Im currently 16 wks pregnant. Im also from NY...what clinic are you using if you don't mind me asking?

Hello ladies may I join? I have been on prescribed birth control/ prenatal vit/ baby asprin for 15 days and tomm I start 5 ml of Lupron daily. This is my third IVF. I had a successful pregnancy from an FET two years ago which resulted in my son but both of my last two fresh IVF's did not work out. I am worried but I am hopeful and I thought joining a forum might help. :hi:

Just realized that the ladies on this thread are probably way ahead of me in the process. Sorry to waste your time. Sorry, New to this.
Lucinda7981 With my son I was using CWRC (Center for Women's reproductive Care) in Columbus Circle. But now I have relocated to the Tampa Bay area so I am going to the Florida Fertility Institute. Congrats on your pregnancy, so happy for you. My son was also the result of a FET.
Welcome, island! Some of us may be further than others in the process, but that doesn't mean that we don't remember every step of the way and we're happy to do whatever we can to support other ladies who are in the same boat. FX for you this cycle!
Welcome Island! :hugs: Which protocol will you be cycling with? I hope this is your lucky cycle!! Yes, we are a little ahead but feel welcome to post with your progress and any questions. Fingers crossed!!! :happydance:

Stacer, wow... your sister delivered at 34 weeks! Hopefully baby won't be in the nicu long :hugs:

Lucinda, can't wait to hear about your ultrasound! :happydance:

I had my first shower (friends) last week and got emotional opening presents because I just couldn't believe I'd made it to that point. It was so wonderful. :cloud9: My family shower (which is really just my in laws because my fam are all in England) is in June 1st so really excited for that day to come! :happydance: At my last scan, both babies were weighing 2lbs 10 ounces so we're plugging along. :happydance:
Welcome islandnyc! I'm in Florida too! I have heard good things about your center! Hoping it works out for you! Like the others said, we are further along but don't mind you joining!! We just want everyone to get their miracle baby!! Keep us posted on your progress and we will be here to cheer you on!!

Hmomny-they're saying 4 more days to monitor feeding but he's doing well!! So exciting about your shower!!! I can totally understand why you would be emotionL, but you better believe it!! You're getting a boy Abd a girl!! Yay! Are you set on any names?

Lucinda-can't believe you are 16 weeks! Wow! Times flying!
Islandnyc, I'm waiting to go into my third cycle. The ladies on this thread are genuinely awesome and a though a bit ahead of us really supportive. Good luck Hun x
Stacer- how is ur sister getting on Hun?
Am having a bit if a stressy meltdown at work. It is so stressful and starting to think not good for me but no alternatives at mo. Love my clinical job but manage a sl crazy person that is driving me insane and the dept is being restructured. All other seniors are off on maternity so I end up doing their jobs n mine... Whilst trying to be super chilled. It just isn't happening boo x wish life came with a crystal ball at moment x
Hmommy that's awesome that babies are already 2 lbs ;)
Nothing exciting to report about my apt this am as baby didn't feel like doing much. I have scheduled the anatomy scan for 6/10.
Island I def know that clinic as I considered it at kind point but ended up going with SIRM.

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