May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Thanks Stayhopeful!! :hugs:

I have my final baby shower tomorrow and I know someone has bought my diaper bag so I'm going to try to get everything in that. My hubby won't be able to carry tons of my bags out for me after my c section since he'll have two babies in car seats! :wacko: so I figured if I can travel light, it'll make things easier :thumbup:

Did they already schedule the c-section?? When is it? And typically they wheel you out in a wheel chair while carrying both babies and a patient transporter will have a cart to wheel out the 2 car seats and all of your belongings! So your hubby will definitely have help!! You will probably have to stay 3 days since you're having a c-section. So if you wanted to bring a second gown you could. And I would bring yoga pants and top or something comfy like that to go home in! Enjoy your baby shower!!

Stay hopeful how is your LO??
Sorry that I've been Mia everyone but we are moving out of state the first week of August...I'm going ahead of dh n he's meeting me at the end of that month.
Hey gorgeous ladies, some good news waiting for period to start but they can fit me in as I checked the dates this morning for the short cycle. Was surprised but happy to actually feel excited about it!!! Work still rubbish but away at a conference next week so everything is looking up. Need everyone to cross their fingers and toes for this time xxx
Thanks Stacer for the info!! :hugs: we haven't been given our date yet but my doc wants to do it at 38 weeks. I on the other hand want 36 weeks which will put me at around July 7. We shall see [-o<

Silver!! :happydance: this is it girlie!! This is your time!! Start loading up on protein and water and keep us posted every step of the way!! Are you changing protocols at all? I am praying for you and just cannot wait to see how things go!! :hugs:
Silver, I am keeping everything crossed for you! Keep us posted!

Hmommy, hang in there. You're so close to meeting your little ones! It seems like time has flown by.

My LO is doing well, starting to get a little personality :) I love watching him smile and coo. I've been back at work for three weeks, but tomorrow is the last day of school and then I'll be home for the summer. It's been hard leaving him, but he's been in great hands with his grandparents. He did catch a cold that DH and I had over the weekend, so he was feeling pretty lousy but it wasn't anything serious. I can't wait until I'm back home with him!
Hmommy-you are soooo close! I bet you're so excited! How was your last shower? Do you have anything else left to buy? Are you still on bedrest? I bet you've watched every movie by now!!

Silver-that is great news! Best of luck to you!! Keep is posted!!

Stay-couldn't you just stare at him all day? I know I could! The smiles are adorable!! And I love when my guy put his head of my shoulder, such a good feeling bc he could be holding it up but doesn't! :) I'm jealous you're off for the summer! M

Lucinda- sorry you're having to move! Hope your LO is growing big and strong!! Did you confirm she's a girl? Any names? I bet you'll be happy to have this move over so you can start on the nursery!!

Things are good with me. My mil is back from her trip so I'll be working from home only 2 days a week...which I'm fortunate for that but miss him when I'm away, and I can't lie but I'm jealous that she gets to spend days with him while I'm at work bc I don't want to miss out. But I know I need to work bc I would drive myself craxy at home, plus we will have money for vacations which will be great! One of the docs wrote this blog about his story when he was in icu and it's posted on the hospitals website. feel free to read if you would like:
Stacer, that blog was about Cobin? Septic shock? Near death? Holy cow! I knew it was a tough situation but didn't realize how bad and dangerous :nope: He really is a little warrior!!

My sister had her baby yesterday at 26 weeks. She is a little fighter and so far responding well to all the intrusive medical interventions and supports. My sister has named her after me...which of course has had me in tears all day! :cry: it's rotten being in a different country from her now in her time of need.

I'm having Braxton hicks all day now..ugh... thinking these kids might want to make their appearance soon...
Hmommy-yes that blog is about my little guy!! He definitely went through a very tough time, And hearing it from the doctors perspective really makes us realize how bad off he really was! we're beyong thankful for those doctors and nurses. We actually sent thank you gifts to them bc they mean so much to us! We're so thankful he's doing well!!!

Wow-what's with everyone having babies early? I hope your niece does well, but it sounds like she is! It's amazing what medicine and treatment can do!! I can't believe she Named her after you, that's awesome!! Congrats auntie!! I bet you're anxious for your babies!! Are you as prepared as you're going to be?! Bc I know you can never really prepare for babies, especially twins! You guys are going to have so much fun!! Just make sure your dh supports you and is there for you, bc for some reason it see like no matter how great the dad is, the parenting still falls back on the mom a lot more in the first few weeks/months. I guess it's mainly instinct, but also a lot to do with nursing!
Second the parenting always bein down t the mum! Men lol
Lol Aimze!! It's so true, isn't it!! You have your LO right? How is it going???
Stacer so so true! Honesty sometimes I can't decide whether I feel more like Cinderella or a mother of my husband and baby!

Little ones been home for 5weeks tomorrow! Can't believe it! He's so amazing :)

Lol I know! Awe that is great Aimze!!! So glad it's working out and you're loving it! Isn't it awesome to see these little babies grow!!! I'm addicted!!
Oh it is! Everyday he does new things and just amazes me!

Did I tell you we might have anew arrival soon? We're looking at adopting his younger unborn brother too!! Find out in next few weeks what the situation is!

It's so good it's been over a year since we started an were all still talking on the same thread! X
Aimze! That's amazing that you might be getting another too! Those kids are so blessed! On a side note that girl has no business getting pregnant, and how annoying that she can so easily as we're all undergoing fertility treatment, BUT In this situation I think it was meant to be so that you can have your family! I'm happy for you!! :)

We gave our little guy some avocado on Sunday and yesterday as my doc recommended we start solids bc we need to chunk him up! I think he liked it!! It was cute!
Hey ladies, collected my meds today so start in a few weeks. Actually excited and thinking if trying to take some time of work when stimulation starts to minimise stress of work rubbish... Feeling excited. Hoping it's our time. Glad ur little bundles of joy are all good xxx
Aimze, that's so great! Keep us posted, I'm glad things are going well.

Silver, keeping everything crossed for you!
Yay silver fingers crossed for you :)

Stacer the women whose birth children are in care are all Seriously fertile!! Their bodies need a break, it's all just so crazy the things you hear! X
Hi girls!

Silver, keeping fingers, toes, eyes and everything crossed for you!!! :thumbup:

Aimze, so great to hear from you and your family may be growing??!! Amazing!! :happydance:

Stayhopeful & Stacer, I love reading your updates...just knowing how much you're enjoying your babies makes me so excited for the arrival of mine :cloud9:

Lucinda, how are you feeling? :hugs:

I'm feeling pretty heavy and achy now. I'm my doc s office they call me Kelly the Belly! Lol.... it's unseemly. :dohh::wacko:

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