May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Good luck to everyone with betas coming up!

Today is day 3 of stimming and so far so good. I go in tomorrow morning for bloodwork, then they'll decide whether they need to change my Gonal F dose and when to bring me in for a follicle scan. My dose right now is pretty high I think, 300 units. But when I did an IUI with Menopur I didn't have a great response and I really didn't respond that well to Letrozole either, so I think that's why they're starting me off pretty high. I'm really nervous to see how many follies I have at my first scan!

It just feels so weird to actually be doing something again. We haven't done a treatment cycle since last November and since then it's just been so much waiting. We were going to try naturally while we were waiting, but I never o'd on my own. So much waiting and all of a sudden, it's here! I'm trying to walk that thin line between thinking positively and getting my hopes up too much... Any advice on that?
All of this waiting is the pits! Especially because then we have another 8-9 months before we can hold our baby! Lol but it's worth it! I know I'll be dying for my scan too!!

Stay hopeful-glad things are going well! I was on 300iu of two meds each day for 12 days. So they may up your dose or just keep you at the same dose for longer. Either way, best of luck!! And yay for being knee deep in the process. It feels so good just to get started! In regards to being positive but not get your hopes up, the only thing I can say is think of each day as a check point. Focus on each day giving good results (I.e. good follicle growth and good estrogen levels), that's what I did and focusing on that kept me busy and didn't get me too involved with I'm going to be pregnant thoughts. Now the tww was the hardest though. I guess try to stay busy as much as possible so you don't think about it. That's honestly the best advice I got, as it's really hard to not think its going to work. I would recommend meditation or relaxation and on the days for implantation envision your embryo implanting. I'm generally not into stuff like that but it made me feel a little bit like I was doing something. But remember we're here for ya!!!! It's tough but we made it and so can you!
Stayhopeful its so true....were always waiting for somethin lol!! I would try and plan some nice things for your tww so you have those to concentrate on...if i did it again & had the annual leave off work id g away for the whole thing!

I've been having super busy weekends to occupy my 3ww for the scan an although two weeks ago it felt a lifetime knowing its only 7days away gives me a lot of peice x
Stacer- congrats on the BFP!

Stayhopeful- great news that you are now on your way! I just used every little step as a thing to check off. It made time pass quickly for me.

Hmommy- I saw your post on the first trimester board. I am too nervous to post on that one bc I don't want to jinx anything. Silly superstitions! Anyhow, don't worry about your beta at all. Yours sound perfect! Mine were 103, 160, and 316. They were a little concerned Between the 1st and 2nd and then were happy. They don't even need to double in 48 hours. They want at least a 70% increase which you have. I had an unexpected u/s last week at 5 wks and 5 days and there was a heartbeat! As for the sex, it was advised not to because of the enlarged ovaries. That is probably why it was painful. I don't think it's harmful to the baby bc normal couples have no restrictions. Hope this helps!

Afm- I go in for my scheduled u/s today. Hopefully things are still looking great! A little nervous as I still don't have many symptoms. A couple waves of nausea but those could be in my head. So we will see!
Thank you so much KpKj, I am a mess!! lol... I know what you mean about not posting on the first trimester board.. it crosses my mind too. I called my Dr.'s office and left a message a few minutes ago that must have made me sound so neurotic. I would love to have an early ultrasound.. just to put my mind at ease. Why did they do one for you?
Kpkj good luck today at your sono. Hope you see your lil one growing. I go tomorrow for my scan. So nervous. Just want to see that heartbeat
Hmommy- i had shoulder pain and they wanted to rule out an ectopic. I have sounded pretty neurotic here and there too. I think it is in the fine print of the ivf paperwork!

Bbblues- good luck tomorrow! It's pretty great to see that little heart beating
Second beta is tonight, I'm biting my nails! I won't even get a call until tomorrow with the results!
hmommy-what was your second number? I know your first was in the 90s, right? I think HCGs level vary so much person to person. Try to stay positive, don't want to get your blood pressure up! I think everything will work out great!! Thinking of you!

August-good luck! so annoying having to wait and wait and Hope you can actually get some rest tonight, but that's probably unlikely knowing you'll get the call in the morning!

KPKJ-good luck with your sono! I think I"ll cry when I actually get to see the heartbeat! Its got to be the most amazing thing! Well 2nd to actually giving birth!

Aimze-only 7 days away! YAY!! I know it still feels like a long time, but hopefully goes by fast!

Bblues! Yay for sono tomorrow! I'm excited for you! Let us know how it goes!

Well I went in today for my Beta. The nurse was extremely happy with my numbers so I'm officially pregnant, confirmed by the nurses! LOL! I go in on Wednesday for another beta. Then ultrasound is at 7 weeks. This is so real!! YAY!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
So I gave my blood for my second beta. I was told that until I have a count of 2000 or higher they will continue to test me every other day!!!! LOL According to the nurse, I should be at 2000 by Friday morning's test and then my ultrasound would be next week.
Lucinda ~ I'm sorry to hear about what you went through, but happy that you have found an RE that you feel good with. Thats makes a big difference :hugs:

Nanina ~ I pray that you are well and that your ultrasound shows a healthy growing bean :hugs:

Stacergirl ~ Good luck tomorrow morning! I'll be praying for you!

As for me... everyone that knew about the IVF (almost everyone I know) is now aware that I had a positive beta. I'm nervous for my second beta on Monday but I'm trusting and believing that everything is ok and will continue to be great! It just has to be!
Thanks for the well wishes and congrats on the awesome beta!!!!!
Stacer, stay positive!
Lucinda, I am so sorry.
Third beta was just 357. My doctor says possible ectopic or vanishing twin. He'll do an ultrasound on the 8th. I'm to keep up with my injections until then.

Goodluck on your upcoming sono...hope all turns out well!
Hi ladies! Just wanted to let you know that I tested and it's a BFP!!!! I cried! I've bener seen a positive pregnancy test before! My husband is thrilled but trying to contain himself until the ultrasound. My beta is Monday, and the they will do another wed. I'd be 5 weeks then so I think the US is at 7 weeks then I get transferred to me OB. Gosh ladies, I can't believe this!!!! Ahhhhh! So excited!! Another milestone to check off!! My lower back is killing me still, guess that's a good sign! And super sore boobs too!

August- ill be getting beta on Monday so I'll esp be thinking of you.

Lucinda and nanina-still thinking of you!

I hope everyone is doing well, And I thank you all for the support! Hugs!

I'm still hanging in there;) congrats on the BFP!!!
Hi ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Stay hopeful how is Stimming??

Nanina- hope you're doing good with the staying busy. I'm sure this wait is the worst. But yeah I think you're right, heart beat starts around week 5, so they probably want to make sure they're waiting long enough to have an accurate reading. Thinking of you!

Lucinda-definitely thinking of you. I think you said you're taking this month off. So next month you'll start your testing? Wishing you the very best. The good news is you can get pregnant! We just got to get that little bean to stick!

Aimze-you doing ok? Desperately waiting for your US?

Pscoph-you hanging out in first trimester land?! Hope yours doing good!

Babs-how you been?

Bblues-how are you?

August-yay for 2nd beta timorrow. Good luck! I'm excited to see how much it's grown!

Hmommy-did you get us date yet? You on vacation? Have fun!

Thanks soooo much for the congrats!! Means a lot! Can't believe it still! Did another hpt and it came up right away! I couldn't be happier right now! Beta tomorrow! Then going to tell my mom, I'm dying to tell her already!

I had all the blood tests done on Sat and RE thinks they will be in this week. I have some ultrasound with fluid and mock transfer on Wed. Old RE wants to do a post op from the hysteroscopy n D&C on Fri. The stressful part is that I could have a single frozen transfer next week but I don't think I'm ready. I think I want to see what the new RE thinks is wrong and go with her course of action. I have to wait until August with her because this practice cycles everyone at the same time. So I have to do bc, lupron and whatever else is suggested based on bw results.
lucinda sounds like you have a lot goin on! im sure the wait will be worth it!

Lucinda-sounds like tough decisions! I understand why you would want to wait, but in sure waiting doesn't sound all that appealing either. I think the hysteroscopy is a good idea though. Probably isn't a bad idea to give your body a test too. You've been through so much! Let us know what you decide!
Stacergirl ill have a better idea tom after speaking to new RE and having test results....will keep you ladies posted!
Lucinda, will this be your first hysteroscopy? Sounds like you have lots of options and its great that you had embryos to freeze. Tough decisions ahead! I'm keeping my fx for you and you're in my prayers.

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