May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Lucinda, great news! My 'RE did everything with me from start to made me feel important...even if I am just his 3:30 appt.... happy for you that things are moving in the right direction now. :)

Babs, you and I are almost exactly on the same schedule..I'm 5 weeks and 3 days. According to some online ivf calculator, my due date is March 2nd. I guess they'll tell us at our first sono. Mines scheduled for July 15. How about you?
My scan this morning showed 3 follies that are "measurable" (above 10mm) and quite a few smaller follicles as well. Is that good? I'm on day 6 of stims, right now they're thinking I'll trigger this weekend or Monday.
Lucinda-I'm soo happy youre so positive and feeling good! This new re seems great!!! You're making me teary eyed! lol must be all these hormones!!! But I do want to see you get your BFP!! So many ladies deserve it and you're one of them!! Keep us posted!! I'll be waiting for updates!! Also I understand how you feel, my RE didn't do my retrieval or transfer, luckily the docs on call that day were great though! The doc who did my transfer hugged me after! Lol but I'm so glad this REhas promised to do yours herself!!

Babs-yay for vacation! And super yay for ultrasound on Monday! So exciting! I hope there are two little ones!! :)

My hcg was great. When I went in this morning, my Lab girl and nurse gave me hugs! Made me feel so good!! My ultrasound will be July 19. Can't wait!!!
Thanks for the support....I really like this RE and am so happy that I won't get passed on. I decided to call the lab myself to see when they would be sending the results to the RE and I was told that they are awaiting 3 results but that they should be in by end of this week early next week!
I have my nurse coordinator person call me today and she gave me a tentative calendar and I will be starting BC if BW is good on CD3(which should be in about 2 weeks)....I would be taking BC for 2 wks which will have lupron shadow it, once I get AF again I will go for baseline and then start protocol was never this long before but I'm willing to try different.
Hi stayhopeful. At my first ultrasound they only told me about one follicle but I ended up having 6 at retrieval. So the other ones will catch up. You want as many around 18mm as you can for retrieval. You also want at least 4 good follicles at retrieval. Are you going In for another scan Friday? I would think they'll trigger you later than this weekend though to see if you can get the others to catch up. What's your E2 like? Is it doubling? Fx for you!
Thanks, stacer! I do have another scan Fri. My e2 was 200 on Mon and 820 today. The nurse who did my ultrasound this morning said the little follies looked good, but then the one who called me this afternoon was talking about only the 3 so I got confused. She didn't seem condensed about only 3 though and they actually decreased my gonal f dose.
Stayhipeful i was the same...about 7 measurable ones then 5days later loads more appeared!

Hey gorgeous ladies,
So glad I read this thread this morning. Am half way through stimming and have a low amh. Only 3 follicles visible and said the lining looked a little bit thinner than they would like.
Original scan had normal no of follicles but 'odd' low amh, so was hoping for more follicles. Everytime I get hopeful I get so disappointed its hard to stay positive. But reading ur stories are definitely helping!!!
A big thank u to all of u xxx
Hey silver...

We've all had our ups an downs an ivf is one hell of a ride! As you can see it does work so it's worth all the blood sweat & tears! X
Hi Stayhopeful, I'm sure the RE was just referring to the 3 largest when she said 3. You must have more than that, so that is definitely good. Especially since they decreased your meds, they must feel you are responding well. Your E2 seems to be increasing well which is great too. You're so close to retrieval. Keep in mind, they only need 1 good egg!! It so true! Did you take some time off work to take it easy the day of retrieval and after? Luckily mine was on a Friday so I had the weekend to recooperate, but after the first day I felt completely fine. Even took my dogs to the park. Keep us posted!

Hi Silver and welcome. I too have low AMH so I can relate. But the good news is that there is still hope!!! I only had 6 follicles total at retrieval but each one of them had an egg an 3 of those fertilized. Unfortunately we didn't have any to freeze though. My lining was a little thin as well so they had me stim for another day just in that might be the case with you. You'll be on progresterone after retrieval, right? That will help too. Best advice is to Try to take one day at a time, each day Is a check point, especially as you get closer and closer to retrieval. I assume this is your first IVF? Its definitely hard, but can be so worth it in the end. Keep us posted on your progress. This thread has been very lucky so we hope to add more BPFs. :)
Yep it's my first cycle of ivf. Just worried cos they said prob not worth doing more cycles if I get a poor response. But trying to take one day at a time...just today has been challenging. Think I have progesterone to use after egg transfer.
Thank you for the support :thumbup:
Hi Stayhopeful, I'm sure the RE was just referring to the 3 largest when she said 3. You must have more than that, so that is definitely good. Especially since they decreased your meds, they must feel you are responding well. Your E2 seems to be increasing well which is great too. You're so close to retrieval. Keep in mind, they only need 1 good egg!! It so true! Did you take some time off work to take it easy the day of retrieval and after? Luckily mine was on a Friday so I had the weekend to recooperate, but after the first day I felt completely fine. Even took my dogs to the park. Keep us posted!

This morning's scan showed 6 follies over 10mm and 20+ smaller ones, so things seem to be progressing well. My biggest follie is only 12.5mm so I probably won't trigger until early next week. The nurse will call me later this afternoon with my E2 number and tell me if I need to modify my Gonal F dose.

I'm a teacher, so I'm off for the summer. That's why we decided to do IVF now, there's no way I'd be able to do all of these scans during the school year. So after ER and ET I'll be able to take it easy.
Looking good stay hopeful! I did. Few more stims than I thought I'd need to...not long till you're pupo! X
Stay hopeful-That's great!! Stimming longer is no problem, better than going to retrieval too early! Keep us posted!!!

Silver-how you doing? Hope you're staying positive! Keep us posted on your progress! I was concerned I wouldn't respond to the meds but hopefully you will just like me!
Morning stacer,
They rang the day of the scan and said to go in for another scan on tues. had a wobbly couple of days but up and down but feeling better today. Didn't help that I got a vomiting bug this week and my blood pressure was low.
Just crossing my fingers the three follicles I have will grow enough by tues ( and toes!!!)
Hi Silver, I can totally understand why you have a few wobbly days, it is so emotionally draining. I'll keep everything crossed for you as well that those follicles will continue to grow. Sorry about the bug, sounds like you've had a rough week. Hope you're feeling better! Did they give you an anticipated ER date, or do you think you'll get that at your next scan?

Stay hopeful! hope you're doing good!!
Hopefully thurs if the three follicles are big enough... Fingers crossed x hope ur having a gd weekend
I have been reading your posts and felt very positive.

Staceyhopel we started stimming same day, i went for my1st scan yesterday and they found 11 follicles 5 above 11 and 6 below 10 i was a bit upset, i got to keep stimming till Mon for another scan to see if they've grown, i am keeping my fingers crossed.

This morning i woke up discharging white wetery fluid and has been like that most of the day don know weather that's a good sign or don have severe pain tho just feeling heavy and bloated in my abdomen.

Hope you all doing well
Welcome, funfair! I don't know about the discharge but I'm definitely feeling heavy and bloated too.
Hi everyone

I had my embryo transfer yesterday morning and by the evening I had lower back pain. Also woke up this morning to lower back pain.
Im really worried as im feeling as this is a sign that my period is coming:cry:

This is my first ivf so not sure what to expect after transfer. How did you feel? Is it normal to to have lower back pain after transfer.

So stressed.. Any advice welcome x

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