May/June IVF Buddies Please!!

Just wanted to say hello to everyone; nothing much going on here but the fact that I'm on bc until my next monitoring apt on Mon 9/23. I have my MRI this week and was also sent out for additional bloodowork which I'm suppose to fast for.
Oh and i would like to add that i was out at Dh's fathers black tie affair and took shots, had a couple of drinks, danced the night away and had such a good time that it made me want to cancel the fresh cycle. Im just thinking that i really don't want to go through retrieval again as we don't even know when well be transferring again. Also when we transfer...there still won't be a remedy to fix whats wrong. I just feel like we are trying different things but we don't know the cause of the failures so i feel my chances are slim to none :(
Hmommy-yes, my doc recommended dhea and co q 10. I was on 600iu of one and I think 200iu of the other but can't recall which ones which right now. Oh ok so you were on 600 ius of gonal. Is he going to keep you on the same meds? I feel like generally they switch meds if you don't respond well, which is what my doc said when there was a possibility that I didn't respond well. I was on 300 in of follistim and 300iu on menopur a day, Amd I slimmed for longer. I know my circumstance is different just giving you something to compare too bc I too had 6 eggs, but my doc had anticipated that from the start with my low amh.

Lucinda-bcp again, huh?! I bet this feels like a never ending cycle for you? So sorry!! Hang in there! Hope your MRI and bloodwork goes well!

Afm-my mom thought my gender appt was tomorrow instead of the following week and had told me aunt, lol! Dh swears its a boy, the Chinese calendar says it's a boy, I guess we will see in about 9 days!
Lucinda, sounds like you're making the most of this time without baby on board. :)

Stacer, I bought the DHEA today! Lol... It says on the bottle "Do not take if you are a woman of child-bearing age" ???!! Did you take it up until stims? I think I'd better email my IVF nurse just to get the official 'OK' from my RE, but I'm planning on taking it starting tonight! I'm so determined to give this my all this time around.

So exciting to know you'll officially be able to pick out that baby name next week once you know the sex!! :) What is your gut feeling?
Hmommy-that's weird that it says that, but yeah I took it for 3 months up until the day I did ER...I didn't stop for any reason other than I ran out and I asked if I should buy more and they said no simply bc they were collecting the eggs so wouldn't do any good to take it anymore. CVS oftentimes has them for buy one get one free which saves a lot bc they're pricey. But email your doc just to be sure bc every doc is different. I guess its supposed to work on your neuro system to produce better quality eggs or something. My doc told me his partner had done lots of research on it and it showed to have helped. I really hope this cycle is for you! So glad you've picked yourself back up though! I guess us ivf women truly are strong!

Lucinda-totally understand why you would want to hold off...definitely go with your gut and what you feel is best. Sometimes it might be best to take a break before continuing on, but only you know what's best for you! Glad you're enjoying yourself though!

So my doc told me while working out to keep my headrate under 150 but that I could run now that im in 2nd tri. So I went for a run today and couldn't go more than 30 secs at a very slow pace before my heart rate was 150! Lol! But it did feel good to get out there and exercise! I was able to do pushups and arm weights using 5 lbs without getting my heart rate to 150 though. So that was good! At this point, doing anything at all makes me feel better though! :)
Stacergirl how exciting about u finding out the gender soon!!!!
AFM I'm sitting at the MRI office and waiting to go in...haven't had time to do the bloodwork as I've been running around like a chicken without a head. Also RE office called n said I have to submit new consents that have to be notarized...I know DH is going to be annoyed by this n give me a hard time.
I would like to add that if I go through this cycle it will definately be my last and I will do it so I have some embryos to play with for transfer. I am really hoping the figure out something to do different for my next transfer cause I feel like I'm wasting my time :/
Lucinda-gl on your MRI! So annoying about those new consents! If we were closer I'd notarize them for you! Lol hopefully you can get them done!

I'm excited to find out the gender, 1 week and a few hours! Eek! We're guessing boy do far! I want a girl though of course and dh wants a boy, like bad!! The Chinese calendar says not though! Lol
Lucinda-having embryos to freeze would definitely be ideal, I don't blame you on not wanting to go through another cycle, it's a lot emotionally and physically-I can't even imagine! I too hope they find something else to try that works!
Lucinda, I hope that they are able to find something that works for you! GL!

Stacer, so exciting to find out the gender! Our gender scan is scheduled for Halloween.
Well MRI was awesome as the tech played music of my choice through headphones ;) so I have a cd but of course I can't read MRI's so I won't know if it shows something wrong:/ so it will have to wait until Mon when RE is back....
Stacer of u do get a boy...lil boys are close to their mommies ;)
Update...RE emailed me to say they the MRI showed adenomyosis...we will speak further on Mon but she is recommending Lupron Depot for 3 months.
I'm sorry luci, but at least now you know and they can come up with a plan for it
Hi Lucinda-so very sorry to hear that you have adenomyosis. :( I guess it's good that there's a reason behind the failed cycles, but at the same time, I just hope there's promise for a successful cycle!! Did your doctor se confident that the Lipton would help? I sure hope so! How are you handling al of this?
so ladies...i've been feeling a little uneasy about cyling again and doing this lupron 3 months thing. I decided to ask the head of all SIRM clinics...Dr Sher about my scenario and the doesnt think that the adenomyosis is attributing to the failed cycles and or that might help. So he asked me for some test results that im trying to obtain from the RE office and based on his reccomendation i might hold off doing anything with RE. This is all so frustrating...i feel like a lab rat!
Lucinda-I can only imagine why you would feel like a lab rat. You're being so smart about this whole thing though. There's got to be someone that can help, so maybe this new doc is just want you need, or at least his opinions. Hang in there!
Thanks ladies I woke up feeling defeated like I don't want to move forward. This was after I asked RE office for immunologic test results only to find out they were never done:/ RE said that they don't routinely test for it but hello this clinic is SIRM and that's what they were big on....I went there because they are known for doing thorough evaluations. So what I'm getting at is that RE agreed to test for it but after I brought it up? So there is controversy on wether adenomyosis will cause the failure so i feel hesitant to waste 3 months being on Lupron if it won't make a difference. I'm supposed to get consents notarized and I just don't know. Also just quit my job...I might just give up :/
Lucinda, don't give up. Every day is a day closer to being a mommy. It might mean tests, probing, prodding, phone calls, and aggregation but it's all about getting there.

I told my husband that if this coming cycle doesn't work I want to sell our house and look for our dream home...just to create a new direction and some other goal to look forward to. Perhaps you could have a project or something to distract you while you're waiting for baby to happen. :hugs:

Lots of love to you Lucinda, I know it's hard. Keeping you in my prayers. :flower:
Lucinda-I agree with Hmommy. Don't give up, especially if this is what you really want!! Let us know what you decide. We will support you either way!

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